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The never-ending story in three word segments...


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the trials of

Have Camera....Will Travel....Wire SigSauerFan AT Hotmail DOT com

Inveterate trader. Send me a note for my list of pens, watches, knives and other fun things for sale or trade....

The Danitrio Fellowship

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installing laminate flooring.



(Sorry.... but it's been my life this week :) )

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

- Douglas Adams


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created a Rorschach

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

- Mark Twain in a Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

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Once there was a fountain pen with magical properties. One of those was to never run out of the best quality glossy black ink. Ink made of liquidized camel droppings and prepared by Toasterpastry's midget sidekick also known as the ink man. Then one day, the unthinkable happened. The pen's master, evil apprentice Nibnomore played lacrosse with Toasterpastry's midget sidekick, who broke his camel dropping liquidizer which resulted in the beginning of an ink shortage of epic proportions throughout the land, people had to shamefully beg for ink gravied potatoes to squeeze the said potatoes in a wet sack.


Then someone realized the magical properties of the ink had worn off. Suddenly, foul-smelling cheese from Nibnomore's lunch melted to form Noodler's Cheez Whiz, odd yellow ink that clogged pens. But magical drops of Pinot Noir almost instantly formed a bubbly concoction tickling and inebriating all the senses including the sixth..., the Written One; grasping dagger, rose. A young inkmaker, who was colorblind, unknowingly discovered that imbibing the ink caused one's head to severely implode! Emitting a greenish little Martian, who despite the fact of his small and odd shaped eyeglasses, could see red ripple watermans! Confused, he asked "how to sleep??!?!"


Strange dreams morphed Fort Madison mourners into fountainpen armed visored scriveners writing a devilish plan one which would alleviate the lack Of Love's dance a distant threnody played on kazoo "STOP IT NOW!" sang the chrous as rain fell Slowly the rain upon the moor. Legend has it that one can kiss me tomorrow. he sky is... a purple haze as we wait for the inevitable delivery of pizza. Square, cold pizza and, naturally, beer like Mamma made from organic barley and Chinook hops from the western-most regions of the Snowdonia mountains except, Mamma's beer had the effect of numbing your writing hand and left leg entirely but not unenjoyably as it always caused uncontrollable hallucinations when staring into deep pools of marinara sauce with meatballs on top due to allergies and sauce stains.


When the delivery was opened by... Mr. Potato Head he promptly fainted. Mrs. Potatohead screamed! "Too many carbs!!!!" pass the sauce yelled three delinquents, covered in ink and smelling of ...gangrenous abdominal evisceration Which wasn't peculiar. in this setting The Potatoheads ate three square meals, not circular ones, primarily sliced velveeta, with marinara sauce, with side salad. Insolent endive choked pleas emanated from ToasterPastry's midget sidekick.


"I gotta go!"


"Where?" you ask.


Tell you what, information forthcoming will give you all advance information re: the sauce's ingredients. Just remember that this information is strictly confidential and will self destruct utilizing nuclear powered, ultra high efficiency, habanero hot sauce found only in deep steamy caverns of northern Saskatchewan.


Next, we need a needle-nose pliers and facial scrub, carefully collected in a small Ziploc bag so it will not spontaneously devolve into a morass of electrically charge guacamole dip.


Having survived that thy decided to write about it.

“Dearest Father Toasterpastry,” please, forgive me for I have sinned against Pendom, Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, destroyed by Vogons, reassemble, incompletely, by the Doctors sonic screwdriver, which couldn’t resist over-tightening the restraining bolt that the chastity belt required to prevent unauthorized premature inking.


Cellos softly sang my whole life, heartrendingly extolling upon the trials of installing laminate flooring. After spilt ink created a Rorshach on the ceiling in blood red and saw Daddy.


Toasterpastry screamed maniacally

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams


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with spaghetti and

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

- Mark Twain in a Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

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aged Romano cheese?

Have Camera....Will Travel....Wire SigSauerFan AT Hotmail DOT com

Inveterate trader. Send me a note for my list of pens, watches, knives and other fun things for sale or trade....

The Danitrio Fellowship

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other culinary options?

So here's what happened
While you were nappin'
I just went out for a snack
I was feelin' famished
And then I vanished...
But now I'm back

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