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The Ultimate Guide to the Pelikan M200


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  • 2 weeks later...

I received my bold M200 last Friday and love it! I had a minor panic attack when I dropped it (posted, nib down) on a wooden floor this morning, but it must have not hit the nib, because it still writes good as new! It was a little wonky at first, but after a page or so of writing, it seems to be back to normal.

Edited by mrt77
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  • 2 years later...

I love this forum.


about 20 years ago, my father-in-law gave me 2 FP's from his collection, a MB and Lamy...then one day a brand new Pelikan shows up in the mail because he wanted me to have a new FP of my very own. Lately, I have gotten into researching the pens I have - it was very difficult for me at first to determine what model my Pelikan was (remember, I am new at this) but I finally figured out it is an M200. It has a medium nib. I use it all the time. But I am seriously considering either getting an intalic nib for it from Richard Binder or having Pendleton Brown change it to a cursive italic....so many choices. And of course, now I crave an M600....


This is the best thread on Pelikan's I have ever read. Thank you.


Steward of Henry's Pens

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Nice to see this review popped up again thanks to the former poster. I just received my Citroenpers, a bright yellow LE M200, with a M400 golden nib (added by Fountainbel). It is an absolute joy to write with and it looks like: "Spring is coming soon" when I write with it. Because of its sturdy body I'm not afraid to use it as a daily workhorse instead of a LE(limited edition) lying around.

The founder of Citroenpers (a Dutch bookprinter) was fond of poetry. Words must be used and played with. What better way to scribble words onto paper than by the Citroenpers-fountainpen.

I like mine a lot. :bunny01:

" Go with the inkflow, my friend "

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I don't remember seeing a bad review on the the m200 yet.


Really must get either a 200 or 215...

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I had a 200 Tradition Black with an italic nib—currently lost, strayed or stolen—which I bought to finally replace the 120 that just plain fell apart.


I never loved it, thought it was light and wrote scratchy.


since the 200 went AWOL, I found a pristine 120 on Ebay, and don't think about the 200 any more except to

call myself an idiot for losing it.


I gave up collecting tobacco pipes after losing a Group 6 Dunhill Cumberland and a really fine straightgrain Charatan Executive....

liber librum aperit ~

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  • 1 year later...

Ahhh, yes, the M200--also known as the gateway drug! Dr. Ozzie forgot to mention once you let a 200 in, others are soon to follow. Fair warning!


And if I may be so bold as to add to the above glowing endorsement, don't forget about the M215 if you want to add some heft to the M200 size range. Fabulous pen and wonderful review--he's not making this stuff up. Pels really are that good!



I got my M205 demonstrator blue. I guess I am beyond help already. Can anyone tell about the trustfulness of this deal on the M800 http://www.ecrater.com/p/11566144/pelikan-m800-fountain-pen-green?keywords=pelikan? Is it really possible to be this "cheap"?

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Can anyone comment on the M200 nib vs. the M400 nib? if you were doing it again would you buy the M200 as is, or would you buy it with the M400 nib instead?

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Ahhh, yes, the M200--also known as the gateway drug! Dr. Ozzie forgot to mention once you let a 200 in, others are soon to follow. Fair warning!


And if I may be so bold as to add to the above glowing endorsement, don't forget about the M215 if you want to add some heft to the M200 size range. Fabulous pen and wonderful review--he's not making this stuff up. Pels really are that good!



I got my M205 demonstrator blue. I guess I am beyond help already. Can anyone tell about the trustfulness of this deal on the M800 http://www.ecrater.com/p/11566144/pelikan-m800-fountain-pen-green?keywords=pelikan? Is it really possible to be this "cheap"?


Bump! I've been curious about eCrater too... Does anyone have info/experience of buying off there?

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