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Whats your current most used pen


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My VP with a .7mm cursive italic from Richard Binder

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

- Mark Twain in a Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

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Rapidographs aside,


I would imagine that if its nib were just a liiittle bit slimmer, I'd be using my new silver (Best pen color in the world y/y) Lamy Al-Star, like it's the only thing in the world, I've been meaning to get one for so long. I still use it a bunch already, though I only got it yesterday.


But my first FP is this mysterious and most likely discontinued Itoya (Seriously. Google does nothing.) my mom got for me like six years ago, online for $45-ish. It's the only real FP I've ever received in my life (Anything under $10 doesn't count!), and it's taken all kinds of pen-noob abuses and has peed on me multiple times for not storing it properly. It's got this nostalgic feeling attached to it. But in the beginning, I didn't use it much because I didn't like the ink I had for it at all. That's changed now.


Also, I finally got off my lazy butt and now you can take a look at it. I think once I managed to clean the cap out...Somehow. Man, those stains are really sticking in there now. And god knows that pen needs a run through one of the University's supersonic cleaning things at some point in the near future. But now, it's writing nice and smooth again. I do want to give Mr. Lamy more lovings, but this one just always seems to be just the right size, while the Lamy and the Waterman Phileas just aren't.


What is this good lighting and attractive composition that you speak of??


(PS: The camera added 3 layers of dust and dirt. It's not that filthy. I swear!)


Edited by Agnium
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Pilot Prera fine - and as a daily writer it is very fine in all senses of the word, despite it's modest appearance.



Lawrie in Melbourne, Australia

1. Reform (1745 F soft; Waterman Havana Brown)

2. Pelikan (M200 M Binderized cursive italic; Pelikan Brilliant Black)

3. Pelikan (M805 OM; Pelikan Blue-Black).

4. Jinhao (Mini missile F: Waterman Havana Brown)

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Three pens that are getting a lot of use currently:


MB 144 with custom Blue-black

Sheaffer Statesman TD with PR Chocolat

Reform Demo with Diamine Dark Brown cart



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My wonderful Nakaya with a John Mottishaw adjusted nib, I seem to be filling my journal at an alarming rate with this beauty!

All the best.



Mont Blanc Alfred Hitchcock, Mont Blanc 149, Montegrappa Historia Limited editon 410/1000, Sheaffer imperial 777, Prker 51 special, Parker Duofold senior special, Stipula Tuscany dreams piston with 1.1 italic 036/351, incoming: Stipula Tuscany dreams T-flex. Parker 51 Vac, Pelikan 140. Aurora, Twsbi vac, Omas,dupont Waterman leMan 100 Opera

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I'm finding my Parker Frontier with its fine nib a very reliable work horse, even more so than my Waterman Phileas. It just writes and writes and writes, without fail.



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VP with a a Binder Italifine filled with Legal Lapis :thumbup:

Pelikan M215 with a medium Binder Italifine filled with HOD

Please do not listen to me. My opinions do not count

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MB Solti (B), Private Reserve Fiesta Red


I love the stub effect and save for a bit of baby's bottom, is a great writer. I am contemplating cutting the nib down a little to improve start up.

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It changes from time to time but right now it is my teal blue aerometric Parker 51





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My VP with John Mottishaw 0.4mm left oblique stub and filled with Private Reserve DC Supershow Blue.

The search for the perfect blue ink is a delicious and endless quest...

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MB Starwalker black resin FP i have had it for about 6 months and with encouragement from the group here I have found a new joy. I just cant put it down

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My Sheaffer Connaisseur, black with gold trim and medium nib, that my father gave me. It starts right away, is incredibly smooth, lays down a nice wet line, and is a comfortable weight for long writing sessions.

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I can honestly say that my 1745 is my most used pen at the moment. I generally have the 1745 inked at all times, and also have either the M600 or the VP inked concurrently.

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Today? My Aurora 98 with "Reserva Magica" piston fill.


Tomorrow? Who knows...

The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.


~ Bernard Shaw.

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Today has just begun, so I've written mostly with the Aurora Arcivi Storici 022 that just arrived.


Yesterday, I wrote mostly with the Mb StarWalker and the Aurora Optima.


Sunday... Mb StarWalker.


Saturday, the same as yesterday.


Hmm... not so much with the Edison Pearl. Oh yeah... cos I was "on the road," thus I used the pens I could post.


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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For a long while it's been an Aurora Talentum, a near perfect pen. But lately I've started using my Bexley America the Beautiful (black body, rose gold trim, fine point), and I'm very pleased with its size, simplicity, and nib.


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