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Skyline cap and body color combinations?


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Did specific colored caps go with specific colored bodies on Skylines? Thanks!


Not sure exactly what you mean by this. Plastic caps and barrels matched except with the striped caps when the barrel would be a main theme color from the cap.

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Did specific colored caps go with specific colored bodies on Skylines? Thanks!


If you mean were the caps interchangeable,the answer is no. To explain,the basic level Skyline came in a

solid color,such as black,grey or burgundy. The "derby",or captop matched the color of the cap and barrel.

The next level was the junior level,which was a striped or "moire" pattern that was carried on both the cap

and barrel,except for the derby,which could be a solid color or a gold-filled captop. The level after that(where

you might be experiencing confusion)carries the Excutive model,the largest of the Skylines at 5 1/2". The

derbies at this level will be a solid color matching the barrel;the cap will have a "ribbed" look to it,the inside

stripe of the cap matching the color of the barrel. Caps at this level also can be gold-filled with a solid color

derby matching the barrel or a gold-filled derby matching the cap. The top level was the most expensive,

these being all gold-filled or sterling silver(s/s being rarer than the gold versions). There was also a 14K

gold Skyline.




Irony is not lost on INFJ's--in fact,they revel in it.

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I don't really want to get into the variations in Skylines since there are well over 300 of them. For example stainless caps, aluminum caps, caps with plastic grooves, etc. By the way the Exec is 5 3/4 and you will often see pens on ebay called executives that are not. Execs are really pretty rare and almost all being striped caps with solid black being the rarest.


As for parts interchangeability it is not so simple. Certainly it has nothing to do with color. Aside from the exec there are two sizes, demi and standard. The parts are usually not interchangeable between the two sizes but there are exceptions to that too. Derbies within the same size are usually interchageable although that is not true for gold filled derbies. But often derbies shrink and distort so moving them around can be a problem.


Also the post above suggests that the moire pens are a step above the standard pens which is untrue. In fact, the basic moire pens were an econo model and if you "check" you will see they lack the double check warranty logo. I guess the original poster needs to clarify if his question hasn't been answered. But in short, if you want to drown in an ocean of variations and exceptions to rules, Skylines are perfect!

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I don't really want to get into the variations in Skylines since there are well over 300 of them. For example stainless caps, aluminum caps, caps with plastic grooves, etc. By the way the Exec is 5 3/4 and you will often see pens on ebay called executives that are not. Execs are really pretty rare and almost all being striped caps with solid black being the rarest.


As for parts interchangeability it is not so simple. Certainly it has nothing to do with color. Aside from the exec there are two sizes, demi and standard. The parts are usually not interchangeable between the two sizes but there are exceptions to that too. Derbies within the same size are usually interchageable although that is not true for gold filled derbies. But often derbies shrink and distort so moving them around can be a problem.


Also the post above suggests that the moire pens are a step above the standard pens which is untrue. In fact, the basic moire pens were an econo model and if you "check" you will see they lack the double check warranty logo. I guess the original poster needs to clarify if his question hasn't been answered. But in short, if you want to drown in an ocean of variations and exceptions to rules, Skylines are perfect!



Reread my post--I started from the bottom up,which would have put the moire model below the

Executive level.




Irony is not lost on INFJ's--in fact,they revel in it.

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I don't really want to get into the variations in Skylines since there are well over 300 of them. For example stainless caps, aluminum caps, caps with plastic grooves, etc. By the way the Exec is 5 3/4 and you will often see pens on ebay called executives that are not. Execs are really pretty rare and almost all being striped caps with solid black being the rarest.


As for parts interchangeability it is not so simple. Certainly it has nothing to do with color. Aside from the exec there are two sizes, demi and standard. The parts are usually not interchangeable between the two sizes but there are exceptions to that too. Derbies within the same size are usually interchageable although that is not true for gold filled derbies. But often derbies shrink and distort so moving them around can be a problem.


Also the post above suggests that the moire pens are a step above the standard pens which is untrue. In fact, the basic moire pens were an econo model and if you "check" you will see they lack the double check warranty logo. I guess the original poster needs to clarify if his question hasn't been answered. But in short, if you want to drown in an ocean of variations and exceptions to rules, Skylines are perfect!



Reread my post--I started from the bottom up,which would have put the moire model below the

Executive level.




Sorry if I am reading it wrong but it still seems to say the moire is a step "up" from the standard skyline and that is not the case. Now the moire with gold filled derby is, but not by virtue of being moire but because it is in a higher trim level. Not counting the rare metals the pen Eversharp "probably" considered next below the executive was the striped cap with gold filled derby and wide gold bands. It's even questionable whether the exec was "on top" because even though a tad longer, they were pretty plain and even the larger exec nib was soon dropped. They are rare today because they didn't sell well then. The trim levels get crazy when combinations of cap materials (solid, stripe, moire, gf, rare metals) derby type and cap rings get added. But like I said it is futile to try to rank them except by their rarity and value today which is what I do.


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Sorry, I'm referring to specifically, striped Celluloid caps and solid bodies. (Assuming standard size)

For instance, did Eversharp specify that Red/Maroon capped pens were to be sold with Dubonet/Red bodies? Or could you get a black body, red cap, red body, green cap, etc?)

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Sorry, I'm referring to specifically, striped Celluloid caps and solid bodies. (Assuming standard size)

For instance, did Eversharp specify that Red/Maroon capped pens were to be sold with Dubonet/Red bodies? Or could you get a black body, red cap, red body, green cap, etc?)


In the striped cap pens (not moire, striped) there I think four variations which I can't detail offhand but yes, each of those caps had a barrel color that was correct to go with it. But they are interchangeable within sizes and you may fine mismatches out there.

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I don't really want to get into the variations in Skylines since there are well over 300 of them. For example stainless caps, aluminum caps, caps with plastic grooves, etc. By the way the Exec is 5 3/4 and you will often see pens on ebay called executives that are not. Execs are really pretty rare and almost all being striped caps with solid black being the rarest.



Very interesting. I just had a black Executive Skyline up for sale and was quite surprised that it had very little action. Are they that much more uncommon then the striped caps?




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I would say that over the years I've seen maybe 10 striped execs for every black one so yes, they are much harder to find. I would say a black exec in decent shape should not sell for under 300, the last one I sold I got 400.

Edited by LBpens

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I would say that over the years I've seen maybe 10 striped execs for every black one so yes, they are much harder to find. I would say a black exec in decent shape should not sell for under 300, the last one I sold I got 400.


Kinda amazing for a Skyline.


What about the "run of the mill" striped ones?

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In fact, the basic moire pens were an econo model and if you "check" you will see they lack the double check warranty logo.

I've checked my moire Skylines and 3 of the 7 do have the double check logo.

While there is a possibility the clips were switched during service repair, there is also the possibility there are original parts.

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In fact, the basic moire pens were an econo model and if you "check" you will see they lack the double check warranty logo.

I've checked my moire Skylines and 3 of the 7 do have the double check logo.

While there is a possibility the clips were switched during service repair, there is also the possibility there are original parts.


Moires in catalogs and ads do not have the double check except the gold derby models.

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In fact, the basic moire pens were an econo model and if you "check" you will see they lack the double check warranty logo.

I've checked my moire Skylines and 3 of the 7 do have the double check logo.

While there is a possibility the clips were switched during service repair, there is also the possibility there are original parts.


Moires in catalogs and ads do not have the double check except the gold derby models.

My Garnet Demi and my Brown Regular and Demi all have the Double Check marks.


They look as original (i.e. uniform in shape and placement) as any of my other Skyline clips.

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In fact, the basic moire pens were an econo model and if you "check" you will see they lack the double check warranty logo.

I've checked my moire Skylines and 3 of the 7 do have the double check logo.

While there is a possibility the clips were switched during service repair, there is also the possibility there are original parts.


Moires in catalogs and ads do not have the double check except the gold derby models.

My Garnet Demi and my Brown Regular and Demi all have the Double Check marks.


They look as original (i.e. uniform in shape and placement) as any of my other Skyline clips.


Draw your own conclusions. The attempt at a Skyline taxonomy has been going on for decades, I've been at it about 15 years myself and don't claim to know it all.


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I don't really want to get into the variations in Skylines since there are well over 300 of them. For example stainless caps, aluminum caps, caps with plastic grooves, etc. By the way the Exec is 5 3/4 and you will often see pens on ebay called executives that are not. Execs are really pretty rare and almost all being striped caps with solid black being the rarest.


A 5 3/4" Exec, in case anyone wantsta see one.


I've owned just two, not that I really hunt them. Far more uncommon than Vac Maxima or Sheaffer OS Balance.







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Chiming in a little late, but of the 2 most recent threads within this post, I must agree with Lynn on both his points. The black Exec is by far rarer than the Exec striped caps. Finding the exec barrels complete is not as hard as finding the caps and the complete pen therefore is hard to find period. And, I would have to say that if your non-gold derby Skyline is sporting a double check mark clip, the original non-check clip has been replaced with what you now see,


Traditionally, only the "top of the line Wahl-Eversharp pens carried the lifetime guarantee, and the double check marks on the clip is a direct carryover from the double check marks on the gold seal pens, which signified the lifetime guarantee. Now I can not say absolutely at this moment that all double check mark Skylines were lifetime guaranteed, but I am pretty sure about it. I can dig out the facts if necessary, but I think I am right on this point.


There are plenty of non-double check clips floating about, so restoring any pen to the original specs (without the checks) can be done economically.



Syd "the Wahlnut" Saperstein

Pensbury Manor

Vintage Wahl Eversharp Writing Instruments

Pensbury Manor




New WAHL-EVERSHARP fountain and Roller-Ball pens

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Another point on execs and a reason to never be too sure about anything - I once was ready to swear that no black exec pencil had ever been made. The top Skyline collectors all agreed with this. Then a guy I was corresponding with about another pen says he has a set. I of course doubt this but let him send me a pic. Unless he had a phony ruler made up, he has a black exec pen and pencil, the only one I have ever "seen" or heard of.

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And, I would have to say that if your non-gold derby Skyline is sporting a double check mark clip, the original non-check clip has been replaced with what you now see,



Well then I must be the luckiest guy in the world ....

Here I am looking in my Skyline display case.


I have (other then the 7 Morie pens):

- 18 Skylines

- 2 have gold Derbys

- 5 have solid colored caps

- 6 have striped caps

- 5 have gold filled caps




- 18 of them have Double Check Mark Clips!


That means of all the pens I've collected in the wild (actually one of the solid color pens was my Grandfather's) 100% of them have been returned for repair and had a plain clip replaced with a Double Check Mark Clip!


The odds are just incredible!

I should buy lottery tickets.


P.S. My All Gold Filled one has the Double Check Mark too!

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