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Sailor black ink review


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This is the gentle black, sorry for the crummy cursive... workin' on it:




Closeup ink and pen compare, fairly wet ink (note the shading) but wet in a thin ink doesn't pass muster:




Never been a fan of this ink, just not what I think of when I want to write in black. YMMV of course.

Edited by Chupacabras
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Thanks. Nice review.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right

to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers,

and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:14-15

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Thanks. Nice review.
Thanks, I'm not a big fan of the ink (obviously) so the review was a little half-assy. The ink speaks for itself though so doesn't need me to sell it.


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Thanks for this review. I use and love Sailor's Blue, Blue-Black, and Red-Brown inks. Great colors, well-behaved inks.


Too bad they haven't got it together with their black ink. Well, maybe not. My ink cabinet's groaning under the strain as it is.

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I think my problems with black inks like the Sailor, Waterman or Quink is that I'd been using them for years and thought they were just fine... until I saw boutique blacks like HoD. Some of the problems could be due to the way I write, considering how much shading I get compared to other people (you should see my writing with Apache Sunrise, overwhelming!).


If you like Quink, you'll love Jentle black... trying not to be all negative. The only reason I loaded this color was because it was one of the requested reviews; as it is, I'll probably never use it again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You should try Sailor Ultra Black (Kiwaguro) if you are looking for the blackest-of-black inks. It's a carbon ink, true black, waterproof, and amazing. There are a couple reviews posted, one of them by me.



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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the review, Chupacabras.


What's odd is that I have a bottle of Sailor Jentle black, and it comes out nearly as black as Old Manhattan Blackety-Black Black which is about equivalent to Heart of (feathery) Darkness. Someone who doesn't use fountain pens probably wouldn't be able to discern a difference between the Sailor and the OMB, and yet the ink looks kindv weak in your scan.


I was using the ink in a Conklin Mark Twain, steel F nib (now filled with Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo). I guess I'll try the Sailor Jentle in my Aurora Optima once I've used up all the OMB in it and see if the Sailor is weak or strong in that. Maybe the pen accounts for the difference. Veeeeeddy interesting.





etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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