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What Pens Are You Using Today?


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Good morning Taki. I hope you enjoy your FPN LE as much as I expect to.

63F and the sun is out. We were supposed to have rain all week but Have not seen any.


M800 and my OldGriz.

Please visit my wife's website.


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Amazingly, I haven't used any fountain pens today.


Today I used my glass-barrelled, steel-nibbed dip-pen. (Yes, I own & use one)...to write down my story-notes. (I write a LOT of these things)...a tad rough, but still a very very nice writer when it's held properly.

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The main pen of the day will be my new FPN LE, filled with Florida Blue (although when I look out the window, the skies are Florida Cloudy). I'll probably use my VP a bit and maybe an Esterbrook J with a 9556 nib.

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FPN LE with Noodler's Ottoman Azure is my main pen today. Also have a couple of Sailors, a Pelikan 215 (lozenge pattern), and my Ban-ei inked up, but the FPN LE has done my writing so far. It seems to write better than my regular Bexley Simplicity, but that may just be an effect of nib size and ink choice.

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Today's is my FPN LE (didn't see that coming did you) filled with Diamine Prussian Blue and my Cordovan "51" with Quink Washable blue


Great day to write!

"The older I get, the more I realize I'm getting older".

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Hello Taki, we finally got some rain. 64F and the radar is covered with rain echos.


Today I am using my Squid Pen, my OldGriz Dragon and of course one of my M800s.

Please visit my wife's website.


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Today it's my FPN filled with La Couleur Royale and my Lamy Safari filled with Caran d'Ache Storm....

First time in a long time I have not carried any vintage pens....

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Good morning, JD, Tom and everyone. Looks like it's rainy here, too.


Oooo, Squid pen :wub:


FPN pen filled with Midnight Blues. My bottle of Tahitian Pearl has turned into an ugly green :sick: Might need to shake it. Also it crept on the nib like crazy and flowed like fire hose :P

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Good morning FPNers. Joyfully today it is my FPN LE with Parker Penman Saphire and my newly binderized crisp italic Grand Place with De Atr.. Vanilla ink. :thumbup:



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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This morning I cycled my Hundred Year Pen out of the Piquadro and replaced it with this Onoto, whose filler I just restored:




Nice smooth wet nib, suitable for doing battle with those doggone thermal credit-card receipts!


(Edited for typo)

Edited by Richard



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Parker Duofold Centennial with customized needlepoint and Waterman Havana; Sailor International with medium nib and Waterman Blue\Purple mixed 50/50; and Waterman Phileas with medium nib and Quink Black.



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Today, I inked my my newly received Parker Duofold Centennial in Black & Pearl with a fine nib! Can you say "Wow!"?


I've never been overly impressed with the modern Duofolds until I saw the photos of this one. I couldn't believe how much better they look in person than they do in the photos. I know everyone says that, but in this case it's true - there's a opalescence in this resin that simply can't be captured in a photograph. It's magnificent!





So here's what happened
While you were nappin'
I just went out for a snack
I was feelin' famished
And then I vanished...
But now I'm back

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Good morning everybody in the whole universe.

Pick up those pens and write someone, make someone feel good.


Today I am using the bigboys and an M800 of course.

Edited by jd50ae

Please visit my wife's website.


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Dallas is cloudy with some light misting. The pool mysteriously has almost no chlorine, but the proper PH. :unsure:


FPN LE with la couleur royale. :bunny01:

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Good evening, JD and everyone! Showers and thunder storms. Weekly trip to Omaha today, have not used a pen today yet. But I will use my FPN pen filled with Midnight Blues :)

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Today is R&K day ;)


Parker Sonnet - filled with Verdigris

Duke Chieftain - with Sepia

and Bexley Continental - also with Sepia :)





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And a cheerful good morning to you Taki. We have 69F and I'll bet it gets to the high 80s today.


Today I am using one of my TAC II pens and the ever present M800.

Please visit my wife's website.


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Chilly 49 degrees in Boston right now, but it will get warmer later in the week, they say. Today's pens are the FPN with Ottoman Azure, Sailor Pro Gear with Sailor Blue, and Dani Ban-ei with Sailor Black as my writing pens. A Parker 51 demi tuned by Ron Z. and filled with Herbin Poussiere de Lune is my editing pen today. Time to attack some long-winded manuscripts and see if I can make them readable.

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Today the FPN LE with Parker Penman Saphire, praticing calligraphy with my Binderized Pel Grand Palace italic with De Atramentis Vanilla and writting a little note to the wife with my Parker Sonnet Ruby red with MontBlanc Love Letter Red. Also, messing with a leaking red Estee with a cracked section.



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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