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What Pens Are You Using Today?


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Sheaffer Sentinel De Luxe with brown body and two-tone stainless steel cap. Very nice fine Triumph nib.

Black Carbonesque Vanishing Point with fine nib.

Blue marbled vintage No Nonsense with italic fine nib.

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Viscontis all the way - Romanica [vermeil], Mudejar, and Renaiscimento in the Deco pattern


Edited for spelling!

Edited by Ghost Plane
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Hi Noble, but not Savage


I rotate 2 pens simultaneously everyday. One with Blue and the other with black ink. Today I used MB 149 and Conway Stewart Nelson II Stardust Red. Tomorrow, i do not know yet. It depends on the clothes I will wear.


Vieira Coelho

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My m600, and Lamy Vista

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter--it's the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

- Mark Twain in a Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

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Last week and this week has been my Parker 100 Cobalt/Black that I rediscovered after adjusting and smoothing the nib. Now I can't unink it :) Filled with PR Midnight Blue.



"I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” - Robert McClosky
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Pilot Sesenta inked with Caran d'Ache Grand Canyon (photo over exposed to show barrel pattern better)

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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Lamy Vista, broad nib, filled with Parker Quink washable blue.


My fountain pens:

Parker Duofold, Sonnet,Premier

Pelikan Souverän M1000, M800, M805, M600, M400 White tortoise

Sheaffer Legacy Heritage, Valor,

Lamy 2000, Vista, Safari, Joy ,Studio

Montblanc Meisterstück 149, Pilot 78G

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in the piquadro:

Namiki Bamboo <F> Noodler's Black

Platinum screened maki-e (cranes & Mt Fuji) <M> Noodler's Legal Lapis


In the organizer

Platinum Bel Age <F> 50:50 mix Waterman's Violet and Noodler's Luxury Blue




close up on the maki-e pen



pardon the lack of photography skills

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In my pocket currently:


Namiki VP Raden, M nib, with a Pilot blue cartridge (planning on switching it to PR Ebony Purple or PR American Blue when the cart runs out)

Esterbrook J, 2442 Falcon stub nib, Quink blue-black


I've got a few others inked, but I'm not using them regularly at the moment.


Vancouver Pen Club


Currently inked:


Montegrappa NeroUno Linea - J. Herbin Poussière de Lune //. Aurora Optima Demonstrator - Aurora Black // Varuna Rajan - Kaweco Green // TWSBI Vac 700R - Visconti Purple

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Let's see, in my pocket right now I have:

- a Reform 1745 with Levenger's "Blue Bahama's",

- an Esterbrook Transition (black) with Private Reserve "Plum", 1551 nib,

- an Esterbrook "J" (black) with Noodler's "Bay State Blue", 1554 nib,

- an Esterbrook "SJ" (black) with Fahrney's "Forest Green", 1555 nib,

- a Levenger "Seas" pen (green) with Levenger "Cobalt Blue",

- an Aurora "Ipsilon Classic" with Levenger "Always Greener",

- a Parker "Jotter", for those times when one must use one of those ballpoint abominations. :(


I usually limit myself to a total of six pens, but I've been on a buying spree lately (the Esties) and as I had to ink them to make sure they worked I'm using them until they run out of ink. My wife tries not to let me out in public when I'm carrying this much hardware around. I don't understand that. :rolleyes:




"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing & as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical." - Thomas Jefferson

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Today in the pouch I have:


MB 149 with fine flexible nib from the 1960s filled with "Cocktail" Dark Night ink from Paris.( Might do a review of that ink soon); and


Waterman's #7 in black with "Yellow" nib and blindingly yellow barrel end disk filled with some sort of blue ink from Levenger, can't remember which.


At home on the desk are my Raw Ebonite Mikado full of Parker Blue Quink and OMAS 360 with "Cocktail" Royal Blue.

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Pilot Sesenta inked with Caran d'Ache Grand Canyon (photo over exposed to show barrel pattern better)



Wow - I love your pen! I've been using my pink/champagne decimo today.

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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It's been a while since I posted, but here goes.


In the two-pen pocket case:

Orange Pilot Vanishing Point LE with Pilot Blue-Black cartridge

Cedar Blue 1946 Parker "51" vacumatic (Toronto assembly) fine nib with Sailor Jentle Blue


In the four-pen case:

Pilot Pocket Pen Isaac Newton fine nib with Waterman Purple

Black Waterman Phileas fine nib with Levenger Pinkly

Green striated Pelikan M600 fine nib with Waterman Black

Venice Blue Omas Paragon fine nib with Noodler's Blue



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In the mail yesterday, I got a converter for my Taccia (great customer service from this company) so I have it inked with Noodler's Ottoman Rose. Since it's Saturday and wedding anniversary, one is enough today :)





I blog... HouseWife with a Day Job

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Bexley Prometheus, blue cracked ice barrel with blue cap and end caps, Visconti Blue Ink.

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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My Parker "51" with some Noodlers Hunter green.......Every time I use it for an extended period, I wonder why I bother with any other pen.




Have Camera....Will Travel....Wire SigSauerFan AT Hotmail DOT com

Inveterate trader. Send me a note for my list of pens, watches, knives and other fun things for sale or trade....

The Danitrio Fellowship

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