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MB Pen Questions


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The History:


I have just been given this MB, which belonged to my late grandfather, for my 18th birthday. I don't know how well it was cared for, and I do know there was a period of 2 years where it would have received no care at all.


When I received it, it till had a cartridge of MB Black ink in it.


As you can see from the picture, the bottom (what I assume was a star) is also damaged.


The Pen:




My Questions:


-Can anyone identify the model/make?

-What quality writing instrument is this? (I know the Mont Blanc name; I am, however, unsure about this particular pen)

-What course of action needs to be taken as far as cleaning/restoring? (I have so far only flushed it out with water to the best of my ability, but every time I leave it to dry more ink comes from somewhere)

-Will Mont Blanc's piston converter be compatible? (If not, are there any alternatives?)


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Churchill
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It is difficult to tell from these pics but it appears to be a MB VIP pen. My opinion is that all MBs are of good quality, that being said this is a low end MB. Let the pen soak in some warm (NOT HOT, just above room temp) and continue flushing. Ink that has been in there for years might take some time to break loose. You could even try a VERY mild ammonia solution. If you have a ultrasonic cleaner, that would work great. As for a converter, I have never tried one in a VIP and currently do not own this model so I cant tell you, but I would try if I were you.



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This pen is from the second-from-lowest tier of MB pens in the 1970s, what I'd call "office grade" (above student-grade, and below the Meisterstucks). Your pen has a black plastic "dot" with an MB star on it on the clip, which means it was probably called either Slimline or SL. It should be able to interchange parts with Noblesse or VIP models (which had different trim, clips and some had gold nibs instead of steel, but all of which seem to be the same basic pen).


For soaking to remove old ink, unscrew the grip and nib part of the pen and run water through and/or soak that; you don't need to soak the cap or the barrel.


Unfortunately, I don't believe there are any stars available to replace the damaged star in the end of the barrel. It's just a white plastic star that's glued into the end.


If you look on ebay, there are a number of pens very much like this for sale: SL, Slimline, VIP and Noblesse (first series of Noblesse). Probably the easiest way to fix the star is to get a whole pen off of ebay or from a vintage MB website and replace the whole barrel.


This pen will take "standard international" cartridges, including MB, Pelikan, and Waterman. The best fit converter I've found for this type of MB is the Pelikan one; the current MB converter has threads that will prevent it from fitting into the pen. Pelikan converters cost around $7.

Edited by Kalessin

-- Joel -- "I collect expensive and time-consuming hobbies."


INK (noun): A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic and water,

chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote intellectual crime.

(from The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce)

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I had the same SL pen.It was a very nice writer and pretty nice quality.

It looks like all you have to do is keep flushing it.If a lot of ink has dried in the pen it might take few days until the pen is completly clean,just keep flushing it.

I hope you plan to keep the pen.Even though this is a MB this model isnt a very expensive model so its poinless to sell it for big buck,simply enjoy it both as a good writer and a memory from a grandfather.

Respect to all

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I agree with Kalessin on this:

This pen is from the second-from-lowest tier of MB pens in the 1970s, what I'd call "office grade" (above student-grade, and below the Meisterstucks). Your pen has a black plastic "dot" with an MB star on it on the clip, which means it was probably called either Slimline or SL.
It's a SlimLine pen.


But I have to regret I don't agree with this:

It should be able to interchange parts with Noblesse or VIP models (which had different trim, clips and some had gold nibs instead of steel, but all of which seem to be the same basic pen).
Because the SlimLine, Noblesse and VIP pens are similar but completely different pens. The parts are not interchangeable.


And yes, Pelikan converters will fit into the 70' Montblancs.




Montblanc collector since 1968. Former owner of the Montblanc Boutique Bremen, retired 2007 and sold it.
Collecting Montblanc safeties, eyedroppers, lever fillers, button fillers, compressors - all from 1908 - 1929,
Montblanc ephemera and paraphernalia from 1908 to 1929,
Montblanc Meisterstück from 1924 up to the 50s,
Montblanc special and limited editions from 1991 to 2006
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This pen is from the second-from-lowest tier of MB pens in the 1970s, what I'd call "office grade" (above student-grade, and below the Meisterstucks). Your pen has a black plastic "dot" with an MB star on it on the clip, which means it was probably called either Slimline or SL. It should be able to interchange parts with Noblesse or VIP models (which had different trim, clips and some had gold nibs instead of steel, but all of which seem to be the same basic pen).


For soaking to remove old ink, unscrew the grip and nib part of the pen and run water through and/or soak that; you don't need to soak the cap or the barrel.


Unfortunately, I don't believe there are any stars available to replace the damaged star in the end of the barrel. It's just a white plastic star that's glued into the end.


If you look on ebay, there are a number of pens very much like this for sale: SL, Slimline, VIP and Noblesse (first series of Noblesse). Probably the easiest way to fix the star is to get a whole pen off of ebay or from a vintage MB website and replace the whole barrel.


This pen will take "standard international" cartridges, including MB, Pelikan, and Waterman. The best fit converter I've found for this type of MB is the Pelikan one; the current MB converter has threads that will prevent it from fitting into the pen. Pelikan converters cost around $7.


Thanks for the info. I have a MB Conv. on the way that I ordered anyhow, but if I can't fit it in I will look into the Pelikan. All I want is to fill it will well-drawn ink and not have any leaks


I had the same SL pen.It was a very nice writer and pretty nice quality.

It looks like all you have to do is keep flushing it.If a lot of ink has dried in the pen it might take few days until the pen is completly clean,just keep flushing it.

I hope you plan to keep the pen.Even though this is a MB this model isnt a very expensive model so its poinless to sell it for big buck,simply enjoy it both as a good writer and a memory from a grandfather.


The ink seems to have mostly come out now, but when I get a converter I will continue flushing. I'm glad that it's a sturdy pen, I've noticed its good writing quality and consistency despite my few problems with ink (it tended to dry up very fast at the nib).


The fact that it's not necessarily worth a lot to someone else is a great advantage to me: maintenance will be easier that way. I in no way intend to sell it, as I cherish the memory of my grandfather very much.


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It's good to hear that you intend to use your grandfather's pen. My grandfather passed away in 1969, but his English Parker Duofold gets used at least once a week. Every time I pick it up it conjures up memories.

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They were made as modestly priced utilitarian models and have steel nibs, rather than the gold nibs on the luxury model MBs that are widely promoted. Ones in mint condition seem to sell in the $100 range, but that doesn't mean much in this case because yours was your grandfather's and so it is priceless. I think you should spare no expense to fix it up and use it on a regular basis.

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It's good to hear that you intend to use your grandfather's pen. My grandfather passed away in 1969, but his English Parker Duofold gets used at least once a week. Every time I pick it up it conjures up memories.


I'm beginning university and I'm thinking that I won't use it too regularly, I'm considering some of the more rugged-workhorses, a Waterman Hemisphere perhaps? But, I am moving away from the topic.


They were made as modestly priced utilitarian models and have steel nibs, rather than the gold nibs on the luxury model MBs that are widely promoted. Ones in mint condition seem to sell in the $100 range, but that doesn't mean much in this case because yours was your grandfather's and so it is priceless. I think you should spare no expense to fix it up and use it on a regular basis.


Of course. The pen very much epitomizes my grandfather's character, not flashy, but trustworthy and durable, not to mention it produces a good quality of writing. I'm eagerly awaiting my ink (which should be here tomorrow) so I can finally use this thing in a more pristine state.



Looking on ebay for possible replacements, I've thought that I might actually want to buy a roller-ball to complement it. The SL match it perfectly (perhaps too well), and there are some form the Noblesse range that have the same body, but lack the star on the clip (which would be good to distinguish them).



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The MB converter doesn't work (I'm not surprised), the orifice cannot nest with the lip on the feed. Still, I've been able to fill an international cartridge with my MB ink for now.


I've got the 'Love You' ink for some letters to a special someone.




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I in no way intend to sell it, as I cherish the memory of my grandfather very much.

Wonderful to hear that.Use the pen in good health.I am sure it will work great but in any case you might have issues with it there are lots of pen techs that will work on your pen fast and good so you get the full potential of it.

Respect to all

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I in no way intend to sell it, as I cherish the memory of my grandfather very much.

Wonderful to hear that.Use the pen in good health.I am sure it will work great but in any case you might have issues with it there are lots of pen techs that will work on your pen fast and good so you get the full potential of it.


I've got some MB B-B ink in it now after cleaning it and it works very well. I think I'm going to hawk ebay until I find a star to fit the bottom and then I'll get that looked at. I'm very pleased with the quality of writing now.

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