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Pilot Ecrino


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I saw this pen advertised by a fellow FPNer as a NOS. I have been quite happy with Pilot pens and have only one other Japanese fine, a Platinum Preppy 1970's vintage. While it is very fine, it is a bit scratchy. I recalled seeing a number of ink reviews done with this pen so it seemed like a good time to try it out. The pen came in Pilot's usual cheap hard plastic case with a converter and a cartridge (black).


The pen itself is nothing special to look at. It is a very dark royal blue made from plastic. It is slightly longer than a Van Gogh mini or a Sapporo. The nib is steel plated with a gold color. It is very stiff. The pen looks like an inexpensive pen and is not nearly as well done as a Pilot Knight which to my eye looks more expensive.


The fine nib is marked Pilot E. I have not heard of Pilot E nibs but it is very smooth (much more so than my 70's Preppy) and it lays down a consistent and wet line. It starts easily, every time. The feed appears to be plastic but I am uncertain. I was not able to screw out the nib so i assume it is a friction fit.


The ink supply is contained in a converter such as the Pilot Knight has, a squeeze converter with a metal bar. This holds a rather small amount of ink compared to the larger converters in the Custom 843 but being a fine nib, the ink lasts a long time. To me that means two days of writing.


I have no western ef nibs to compare to this Japanese fine but I am hard pressed to imagine that they could be any smoother. I like this pen and it may displace my Platinum 3776, PLT 5000 as a daily writer, if not it will at least go into the rotation.


Over all I am very satisfied. The pen writes well and as long as you are not looking for bling, it is pleasant enough to look at.


My screen says that 4.88MB of 4.8MB has been used. I do not understand how when I have no attachments with this review yet but I do seem to be unable to attach pictures. Below are phtobucket links:











The latter image is likely closest to the true color




Edited by acolythe
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Seems to me that generally Pilot couldn't be more boring with their barrels. They're usually great writers, indeed. And also, often boring barrels. I have three Pilots and a fourth one coming in :-)

m( _ _ )m (– , –) \ (^_^) /

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Seems to me that generally Pilot couldn't be more boring with their barrels. They're usually great writers, indeed. And also, often boring barrels. I have three Pilots and a fourth one coming in :-)


I agree with you. They are not emphasis on their pens design. But the writing quality always top-notch. Most of their design is almost same except vanishing point. I also wish to get some high-end Pilot...

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It is a work horse pen. I would compare it to the Lucina but you can have it for less, almost identical except that the Ecrino has a US 3 year warranty and the Lucina does not.

A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.



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