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Federal pen


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i have just got hold of a pen marked on the clip FEDERAL usa. The barrel is a clear amber with a long blind cap and main cap in swirled brown. The filler is a piston fill.


Does any one know anything about these pens?



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This post didn't get any replies, but I shall prod it into life again, as a cousin of mine, knowing that I am interested in fountain pens, has just sent me a picture of one she inherited from an uncle in England. It seems to be exactly the same one as described in the original post here. Any information about this would be greatly appreciated. I may actually see the pen this coming Monday as I am arranging to meet the said cousin then.


The uncle, long deceased, did work in the British armed forces during WW2 so he may have come by it then from a US colleague, but we really don't know any background history to the pen itself.





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