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Travelling Journal


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I think five is enough for us to start, and we can always pick up a name or two down the line. I've PMed everyone asking for snail addresses.


Here are my thoughts. Wise ones who have traveled this journey before me, feel free to chime in.


- Include the snail addresses in the notebook itself so they are easy to find. Agree?

- Arrange the sequence of participants to minimize time in the mail, trying not to send the notebook across the U.S. multiple times, for example. We do have that great jump over the pond, to add a little zest to these things.

- It would be a nice gesture for each US participant to throw an extra couple of stamps in the envelope, allowing said stamps to collect so that the person who sends it overseas can get some assistance. (Does that make sense?) 2 oz. from the U.S. to Ireland is, I think, 1.70, and 3 oz. if 2.55.

- My postal scale is regrettably optimistic--can someone tell me what a Moleskine cahier weighs, in a manila envelope?


What am I forgetting?

Isn't sanity really a one-trick pony, anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy . . . ooh hoo hoo hoo! . . . the sky's the limit!

--The Tick

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BTW....does anyone know what happened to the website with the scans of Jose's journals. I can not seem to access it anymore.

Edited by EdelmaK
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OK, the first spin-off traveling journal is on its way to southpaw!

Isn't sanity really a one-trick pony, anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy . . . ooh hoo hoo hoo! . . . the sky's the limit!

--The Tick

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Journal Scans Page should be working with the usual username and password.


Let me know if you have issues.


Furthermore, Journals:

ANES001 -- Went towards Brazil last week. Arrived Brazil this week.

ANES014 -- Went towards California today.

ANES008 -- Leaves tomorrow morning (August 30th, 2006)

ANES011 -- Have it


And I welcome very much people starting other journals. The more the merrier.

Edited by joseanes
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The large traveling journal that Sonia started arrived yesterday. :D

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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woo hoo southpaw, thanks!

Isn't sanity really a one-trick pony, anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy . . . ooh hoo hoo hoo! . . . the sky's the limit!

--The Tick

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Some of the latest journal sightings....


ANES002 - Filled Up, Scanned and Posted.

ANES004 - Filled Up, Scanned and Posted.

ANES008 - Marina sent it on Jul 11

ANES009 - Trena sent it to James on Jun 16

ANES010 - Received today.

ANES011 - Sent today

ANES013 - Betty had it on July 4th

ANES014 - Started (Sent) last week.


Circulating Journal Page (ask for username / password if you do not have it)

can you pm me the username & password i would love to read these & be aded to the list.





The Pen Den

c/o Dennis Lively

2219 Hillsdale Dr.

Jefferson City, MO


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Has ANES010 surfaced yet since I misdirected it ?


I'm still feeling a bit stupid about it :blush:

Administrator and Proprietor of Murphy Towers

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ANES008 was found in my pile of mail on Friday, Sept 8, 2006 just as I was leaving work.






"Your library is your paradise."

--Desiderius Erasmus c.1466-1536

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The large traveling "Sonia" journal is leaving New York City and heading to Dublin. I hope it gets to Ruaidhrí in good shape!!



Edited by EdelmaK
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ANES 013 is heading west today to Matt!



Any word on 013? After Matt it should have headed my way...

Kendall Justiniano
Who is John Galt?

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Kirk, thanks for the update! I am all aflutter.


So are the rest of you using smaller moleskines? I imagined the Joseanes ones were the larger Cahiers, but I gather not. Well anyway, I like to do things BIG. ;)

Isn't sanity really a one-trick pony, anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy . . . ooh hoo hoo hoo! . . . the sky's the limit!

--The Tick

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Chris, your timing is very good--the journal is on its way to Ireland.


Ruaidhri, can you kindly detour it to Chris before it comes back to the States?

Isn't sanity really a one-trick pony, anyway? I mean, all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy . . . ooh hoo hoo hoo! . . . the sky's the limit!

--The Tick

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