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I am a sheaffer snorkel collector from Spain. I hope this forum will be a good place for me. Greetings,


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I love Sheaffer Targa. I started buying them about 3 years ago and I am completely smitten by them, despite the adverse comments on some forums about their imbalance and aesthetic dissonance. I simpy love the feel of the Targa in my hand and they write like they were made by angels.


I am glad that so many other people share my enthusiasm and I look forward to hearing from some of you over the coming years.


Just bought a barleycorn on Ebay and so looking forward to handling it. No, I won't be inking it although I really want to.


Nice to meet you guys and a belated hello from Tenerife.

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I love Sheaffer Targa. I started buying them about 3 years ago and I am completely smitten by them, despite the adverse comments on some forums about their imbalance and aesthetic dissonance. I simpy love the feel of the Targa in my hand and they write like they were made by angels.


I am glad that so many other people share my enthusiasm and I look forward to hearing from some of you over the coming years.


Just bought a barleycorn on Ebay and so looking forward to handling it. No, I won't be inking it although I really want to.


Nice to meet you guys and a belated hello from Tenerife.


Welcome home. :W2FPN: How is island life?




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  • 3 weeks later...

I am a vintage and a modern pen collector. I like Sheaffer fountain pens. They are work horses and seem to just go on writing. As collector I also like to know the history behind the pen. The Sheaffer history is very interesting. I use fountains pens every day and keep a rotation of those I use

regularly there is always a Sheaffer in rotation. Hoping to learn more about Sheaffers and the various vintage pens that Sheaffer has produced over the years.

God is my Strength.

Brad http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.pnghttp://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png

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  • 1 month later...

Looking forward to making use of this forum. As a current owner of a free Touchdown with no internal organs, and a recently purchased but not yet shipped Imperial, I am sure there will be a wealth of information to be delved into with studious glee.

At a rough guess, I calculated we had completed half of our galactic revolution: I had only to be patient, the second half always seemed to go by more quickly.

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Sheaffer Fountain Pens are so unique and different that other vintage pens. They are workhorses and just seem to go on with a little TLC. Unique coloring, unique feed systems.

My question is some memebers have Sheaffer logos in thier signature, where I get some for mine?

God is my Strength.

Brad http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.pnghttp://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png

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  • 7 months later...

Hello from Muscatine Iowa. This forum is like a blast from the past for me. I was born and raised in Fort Madison. Both my parents retired from Sheaffer Pen years ago after many years of service. My mom worked in production off and on during her adult life. My dad started work there just after WW2 and retired in the late 70's as the assistant credit manager. When I think back about all the pens, pencils and desk sets I used to have around the house, it makes me wish now I had saved all of them! I remember after I got married, I could always count on a nice pen or desk set from my mom for my birthday or Christmas. My favorite was a desk set that used polished petrified wood for the base.


I saw that one of the topics on this forum was asking what W. A. Sheaffer's middle name was. I wish I knew! Don't remember my dad ever saying. It was always, W. A. this or W. A. that...sadly, both my parents have passed away. I can tell you the Sheaffer family had a huge place located up on the bluff overlooking the Mississippi river. The Sheaffer Pen Company also built a nice club house North of the main plant for it's employees. Had a bowling alley, game room, gymnasium, meeting and banquet room and kitchen. I still remember the great Christmas parties they had in that club house each year for all the employees and families. Some time in the 60's the club house was donated to a group that wanted to start a YMCA in Fort Madison. I am guessing that may have been about the time Textron bought the company from the Sheaffer family. I also remember taking a tour of the plant when I was a kid and being allowed to hold a bar of gold. Wow, that was heavy! Then there was the time they found burnt remnants of one of the block houses of the original Fort Madison in the parking lot that was being dug up for installation of a tank. The digging stopped and a team of archaeologists from the state were brought in to uncover it and take away everything of value. It was a sad day when I read about the plant in Fort Madison closing.


Well, I am glad I ran across this site. Sheaffer Pen has always been a big part of my life, from being a kid whose parents made their livelihood there, to now, as an adult, remembering all those good times.


Have a good day all and thank you for this web site.


Steve, from Muscatine

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Hello from Muscatine Iowa. This forum is like a blast from the past for me. I was born and raised in Fort Madison. Both my parents retired from Sheaffer Pen years ago after many years of service. My mom worked in production off and on during her adult life. My dad started work there just after WW2 and retired in the late 70's as the assistant credit manager. When I think back about all the pens, pencils and desk sets I used to have around the house, it makes me wish now I had saved all of them! I remember after I got married, I could always count on a nice pen or desk set from my mom for my birthday or Christmas. My favorite was a desk set that used polished petrified wood for the base.


I saw that one of the topics on this forum was asking what W. A. Sheaffer's middle name was. I wish I knew! Don't remember my dad ever saying. It was always, W. A. this or W. A. that...sadly, both my parents have passed away. I can tell you the Sheaffer family had a huge place located up on the bluff overlooking the Mississippi river. The Sheaffer Pen Company also built a nice club house North of the main plant for it's employees. Had a bowling alley, game room, gymnasium, meeting and banquet room and kitchen. I still remember the great Christmas parties they had in that club house each year for all the employees and families. Some time in the 60's the club house was donated to a group that wanted to start a YMCA in Fort Madison. I am guessing that may have been about the time Textron bought the company from the Sheaffer family. I also remember taking a tour of the plant when I was a kid and being allowed to hold a bar of gold. Wow, that was heavy! Then there was the time they found burnt remnants of one of the block houses of the original Fort Madison in the parking lot that was being dug up for installation of a tank. The digging stopped and a team of archaeologists from the state were brought in to uncover it and take away everything of value. It was a sad day when I read about the plant in Fort Madison closing.


Well, I am glad I ran across this site. Sheaffer Pen has always been a big part of my life, from being a kid whose parents made their livelihood there, to now, as an adult, remembering all those good times.


Have a good day all and thank you for this web site.


Steve, from Muscatine



Hi Steve, welcome home. :W2FPN:




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  • 2 months later...

Hi Jim,


I was wondering if, as the moderator, you could tell me how to get rid of a topic thread I accidentally started in this forum. Y'see, I'm a long time Sheaffer fan, but my post was about a Parker. I wasn't paying attention, though, and I accidentally posted before checking where I was. You wouldn't know it, but that's quite typical for me... :blush:


Anyway, I renamed the post "Don't read. Wrong forum" since I couldn't find any way to simply delete it. Someone replied suggesting I contact you.


Any info would be appreciated.




A proud member of the

fpn_1302698674__lillogo.gif Steel City Nibs

Pittsburgh Fountain Pen Club!

--Look for us in the Clubs, Meetings and Events forum--

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  • 1 month later...

Hi , thanks for invitation

Even if it is not my first choice ,we all respect for Sheaffer

All the best

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I am a Sheaffer fan. They produce excellent quality pens at sensible prices. Their styling tends to be on the conservative side which suits me but may not suit some! I love the appearance of their inlaid nibs which look superb.


On two occasions, I have had extremely good service from Sheaffer in the UK. They repaired an old 444 model free of charge when the plastic nib section cracked, and recently I dug out a gold fluted slimline Targa (1001 model?) which was originally designed for Tektor refills which are no longer available. They converted it to take their roller ball refills also free of charge, including two refills.



Edited by brownargus

Favourite pens in my collection (in alpha order): Caran d'Ache Ecridor Chevron F and Leman Black/Silver F; Parker 51 Aerometric M and F; Parker 61 Insignia M, Parker Duofold Senior F; Platinum #3776 Century M; Sailor 1911 Black/Gold 21 Kt M; Sheaffer Crest Palladium M/F; Sheaffer Prelude Silver/Palladium Snakeskin Pattern F; Waterman Carene Deluxe Silver F

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HI, guys...I'm not much of a high roller, so I only have a modern pen each from the remaining three of the 'Big Four' US pen manufacturers. I must say that if my Prelude is any indication to the company's quality, then Sheaffer must be the best of the three. It was my first pen (even though the pen that got me into the hobby was my Sonnet) and I have appreciated it every single moment. The rigid but smooth nib, the deep colour of the black lacque, the balanced feel and slight flash of the Palladium cap. It may be what many call 'low end', but it ain't no pushover!

Fingers crossed for Sheaffer’s future

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  • 4 months later...

My MIL used to work at Shaeffer. She gave DH a pen which I have now claimed! I don't know what kind it is. I only know that it was likely a "second" because she could get it inexpensively. I'm completely new to fountain pen use. I do know that they require less pressure and since I've recently acquired arthritis in my first finger, less pressure is good! Ah, growing -up!

She couldn't tell me anything about the pen can you?It doesn't look like the other "balance" kinds that I looked up, so it was probably just put in an available box. I have so many questions about how to use it! It bleeds a lot on the paper (I filled it with fountain pen India ink from a craft store). Do all inks bleed like that or so I have a "fat" nib or am I supposed to use a certain kind of paper? post-73818-0-62775000-1311713827.jpg Thank you in advance!

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My MIL used to work at Shaeffer. She gave DH a pen which I have now claimed! I don't know what kind it is. I only know that it was likely a "second" because she could get it inexpensively. I'm completely new to fountain pen use. I do know that they require less pressure and since I've recently acquired arthritis in my first finger, less pressure is good! Ah, growing -up!

She couldn't tell me anything about the pen can you?It doesn't look like the other "balance" kinds that I looked up, so it was probably just put in an available box. I have so many questions about how to use it! It bleeds a lot on the paper (I filled it with fountain pen India ink from a craft store). Do all inks bleed like that or so I have a "fat" nib or am I supposed to use a certain kind of paper? post-73818-0-62775000-1311713827.jpg Thank you in advance!


First, try to get the India ink out of it as that is likely near sure death for any fountain pen. It generally contains a bit of shellac that once dried does not disolve.


Second, the model looks to be one of the Fashion line.


Finally, Welcome Home. :W2FPN:

Edited by jar




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First, try to get the India ink out of it as that is likely near sure death for any fountain pen. It generally contains a bit of shellac that once dried does not disolve.


Second, the model looks to be one of the Fashion line.


Finally, Welcome Home. :W2FPN:




How do I get it out? It's the kind that you click and it sucks up the ink, If I suck up alcohol i'm guessing it will clean it? What do you use if not fountain pen ink? Is there another kind of more pure ink?

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  • 1 month later...

The first fountain pen of my life "Sheaffer 300 Glossy Black" with a medium nib, it is a great pen and a great writer.

Though it chooses not to write on specific papers, but is wonderful.


Its bold, heavy and solid...

Pilot Vanishing Point Royal Red

Sailor Professional Gear - Sailor Jentle Grenade

Kaweco AC Sport Red Limited Edition - Kaweco Red

Sheaffer Prelude Chrome - Private Reserve Sherwood Green

TWSBI Diamond 540 - Sheaffer Purple

Sheaffer 300 - Private Reserve Orange Crush

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