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You know, if I'm not mistaken, I'm quite sure that is a Linux desktop that I spy. From the looks of it, running Gnome as a window manager?

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You know, if I'm not mistaken, I'm quite sure that is a Linux desktop that I spy. From the looks of it, running Gnome as a window manager?


That to me looks like a OS X desktop with the OS dock on the bottom. If it is Linux, I applaud the cleanless of the desktop.



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Hmm.. maybe you're right. Either way, it is a very clean set up.


In any case, I suppose I should show my latest achievement, which is reorganizing my desk and cleaning it up.


I'm quite sure I hit a new level of OCD reorganizing this desk just now. No matter, it looks spiffy, even if it won't last.

http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/5200/reorganizeddesk2.th.jpg http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/8951/reorganizeddesk1.th.jpg

(Click for full size)

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  • 2 months later...

Here's where it all happens: AutoCAD, hand drawn plans, photos everything.




Probably should have taken my pants off the chair before taking the photo.



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Thought I'd post an update as a before and after. Still a "floor sitter" after the manner of my ancestors (and hippies). Anyway, was:




Just got a smaller laptop and a separate monitor. Can't see it here but it's running clamshelled to the side of the desk. Anyway, much more space-efficient, which is a much desired characteristic in my quarters.





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Thanks Highbinder. I should mention that the image on the screen is the view from my tiny lanai. On a good day. So on a good day it looks like this:





But yesterday we had vog (volcanic smog) and it looked like this:




Either way, I can see the condo where President Obama grew up. Just sayin'.



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Here's my little corner in the cabin,


now THIS is a desk! And a VIEW!

with very minimal points removed for red plastic milk crate/electrical wires..after all without Some wires we wouldn't be enjoying this too;)

Thank you for the kind words- the desk is old, the view usually much better (pics taken in the middle of a snow storm) and the crate is just there to keep the dogs out of it.

What kind of dogs??? By the way, cool setup

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Thought I'd post an update as a before and after. Still a "floor sitter" after the manner of my ancestors (and hippies). Anyway, was:




Just got a smaller laptop and a separate monitor. Can't see it here but it's running clamshelled to the side of the desk. Anyway, much more space-efficient, which is a much desired characteristic in my quarters.






AWESOME! :notworthy1:


If one wanted to try a floor set-up where would one find a suitable desk?

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Just got the keys to my new office this morning and guess what arrived from Chartpak? The new M805 on the desk. I thought it fitting that it was the first thing moved into my new digs.



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I posted a few pictures of my office a while ago but going through these, I realized that I almost never write at my desk. It's just too full of inks,papers, pens, cartridges, converters, and other odds and ends. I do all my writing at the dining room table...



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I posted a few pictures of my office a while ago but going through these, I realized that I almost never write at my desk. It's just too full of inks,papers, pens, cartridges, converters, and other odds and ends. I do all my writing at the dining room table...






If this was a photo competition, you would've won by now!

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How long have you had your keyboard? My first one is 12 years old now, but I've never seen one without the LEDs and label in the middle.

“As we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind.”Gene Cernan, 14 December 1972

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Ooo, nice! What is that metallic colored pen on the pad, looks somewhat like a Parker Sonnet? Very pretty! :)


yes I agree it looks nice but I don't think there is a sonnet with that finish. could be a Sheaffer prelude rainbow, see ebay item 230412129134

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How long have you had your keyboard? My first one is 12 years old now, but I've never seen one without the LEDs and label in the middle.



Firstly, I'm impressed that someone else recognizes the keyboard. Most people look at it with a very odd look on their face and go "How do I use this?"


Secondly, I have had the keyboard for about 5 years now. It was actually made in 1994. I picked it up at a thrift store for 7 dollars, just days after discovering the existence of the Kinesis keyboard at all :)

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I posted a few pictures of my office a while ago but going through these, I realized that I almost never write at my desk. It's just too full of inks,papers, pens, cartridges, converters, and other odds and ends. I do all my writing at the dining room table...






If this was a photo competition, you would've won by now!


Soooo nice of you to say! It's unbelievable the amount of clutter on

my table. It seems to multiply overnight. This is just a fraction of it...

but a nice fraction nonetheless.

thanks again,


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This is my tiny desk.



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a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals"

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