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I use my Filofax daily...it's so much more satisfying than a PDA!

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.


Don Marquis

US humorist (1878 - 1937)

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I still have 3 of them laying around. I recently bought an A4, but never really got into it.


Don't fill it with Filofax branded stuff though. Go here and download whatever templates you need and print it out to some quality paper.

Skype: andyhayes

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They are still around, but I went electronic some years back using initially various Psions (still have them the 5MX was great for typing on), then used a Palm Tungsten E and progressed to a Dell Axim 51v which I still use, although the Blackberry I got from work is my main scheduler as it syncs with work diary/email.


I never really got into paper diaries, mainly because they don't bleep for appointments etc.


I have tried to get into journaling since I joined this site, but it is a bit sporadic.


Personally I find electronic organizers do so much more than paper ones ever could, play music/movies, Sat Nav work most office products after a fashion, so unlikely I will ever go back to the filofax, I think the last version I have is at least 10 years old and wasn't used much then.



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I associate Filofaxes strongly with 1980s yuppie culture and conspicuous consumption. Didn't Patrick Bateman have one?


Unfortunately the negative association means I have trouble viewing them objectively. I'm not claiming this is at all logical, obviously it isn't, but it might be part of the reason they went out of fashion. I agree with the OP about this: even if they are still being sold at reasonable rates in some places, they are definitely not as prominent as they were in the past.


They do look pretty handy though.





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I bought one of the first Filofaxes on sale in London (in that shop in Kingsway) and I've never stopped using them. I have a large one for my work records (I'm a freelance translator) and six or seven smaller ones devoted to different things (accounts, diaries, etc.). I bought another couple of mini Filofaxes in TK Maxx last year, when they suddenly had a whole lot for sale at a very reduced price - they're beautiful and very 'satisfying' to handle.


I never got on with electronic organizers: they lack 'charm'.

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I have been going through all my "stuff" which is both a pleasure and a chore, and came across a 1994 Filofax with lots of paper--and several different weights.


All of the paper responded well to two fountain pens on my work space--a Lamy CP1 and a Pelikan Jr. (with cartridges in the Lamy) and Diamine ink in the Jr.


Anyone using these?


I am certainly going to consider re-claiming this one. :D




I am living down the streets from the Daytimer factory and after being in thrall for 8 years ago I might have to go down and look agian. I use a red Moleskin calalnder for this year but next year is wide open. If they have pleasant prices I may have to purchase and try again. Although addresses and repetitive meetings are a treat to deal electronically!




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Paradise Pens in the Galleria in north Dallas stocks Filofax, but the expense has always been offputting to me.



All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

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I think filofaxes went out of fashion because of their popularity, it happens a lot. Something becomes so popular that it is then seen as common, and nobody wants to be seen dead with them.


Which recalls the famous Yogi Berra quote: "Nobody goes there anymore: its too crowded!"



"fortibus es in ero"

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I've been using my black leather Filofax diary/wallet thingy since 2004 and it still looks brand new; I just keep buying filler sheets for it every year for $4 and that is all the upkeep. The filler paper takes all of my fountain pens wonderfully. I alternate between cream and white fillers, and also buy grid note-paper, which I stick at the end of the diary sheets. But seriously, this thing is my life: Wallet, appointment-diary, note paper, ruler, pen-loop, business-card holder, and more -- impossibly condensed into a neat, tasteful, tiny leather object that fits anywhere a wallet will. Bliss!

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Filofax in the USA handles Lamy USA as well as affiliations with Yard O'Lead. Most stores that handle personal non-digital assistants seem to carry some Filofax products. If I carry a loose-leaf organizer, it's usually a Filofax. Great brand, definitely fountain-pen-friendly.


From a person's actions, we may infer attitudes, beliefs, --- and values. We do not know these characteristics outright. The human dichotomies of trust and distrust, honor and duplicity, love and hate --- all depend on internal states we cannot directly experience. Isn't this what adds zest to our life?

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  • 3 months later...

I use my Filofax Pocket Organiser everyday, it fits perfectly into my pocket, holds my daily workhorse (a waterman) and it is and it is less attractive to any potential thieves who only have eyes for that which is most modern.

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Filofax disappeared? Last time I was lurking in brick and mortar stores, I saw tons of Filofax stuff. To be honest, I ended up quite fed up of it :P


There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves or lose our ventures.

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I use a Filofax Deskfax (no longer made) and I get some very envious looks when I port it to meetings. A local printing company cuts 32lb paper to size, which I then print with whatever basic layout I want and then 9-hole punch to fit. I'm also quite a fan of the Filofax Slimline series.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of nothing at all...

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I was very happy to have an effective electronic alternative, so I no longer use paper ones. Hey, I'm all for paper, it just never worked terribly well for me for schedules.


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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If I was allowed to use an electronic organiser to sync my work schedule I would, but as we work on a restricted-level network our computers are not allowed to play with other devices. One of my friends just bought an i-phone (which he waxes lyrical about) but he isn't allowed to use a lot of its functions at work which gets him very annoyed.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of nothing at all...

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I used a leather Personal Filofax for perhaps 15 - 20 years or more and it is still like new. The plastic cover on the pop close snap thing wore off a few years ago so I wandered into the Filifax shop in London (Conduit Street?) where they replaced the popper there and then for free.


Decided to move to a pocket-size for next year and the Personal is a bit of a lump to carry in a pocket.


For the past years I've also used an A5 Filofax as my office/meeting book. Very nice Italian tan soft leather jobbie that knocks the spots of any electronic gizmo (IMHO)


Can't do without them...





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I'm also a fond Filofax user since mid 90's. My first was a pocket size black leather which still - after years of (ab)use - looks mint. My husband took it over a couple of years ago when I bought the A5 size instead. I've just switched to a red leather Finsbury from a black graphic, since I prefere leather. In Europe they seem very easy to find. I prefer my Filofax because I find it easier to scribble down notes, stuffing all sorts of things into its pocket, and I also store my essay notes and work notes here. Unbeatable.

*****the dandelion blog is right here*****

*****the dandelion flickr is right here*****

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If I was allowed to use an electronic organiser to sync my work schedule I would, but as we work on a restricted-level network our computers are not allowed to play with other devices. One of my friends just bought an i-phone (which he waxes lyrical about) but he isn't allowed to use a lot of its functions at work which gets him very annoyed.

Yes, well, given my workplace, were I not allowed to use an iPhone, it'd be the height of irony.


I still use a Rhodia tablet and fountain pens for meeting notes, though.


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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