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Mumbai Pen Shops


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As a hobbyist photographer and a fountain pen enthusiast this tour combines best of both worlds. Just amazing documentary. In pune currently, next trip to Mumbai I am visiting at least couple of these shops. now if you some one knowledgeable can give us list of shops in Pune as well would be great.



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  • 2 months later...

An immaculate tour Sir with nice photos as usual ..


Are pens like Stipula passporto Or Stipula Bon voyage and TWSBI mini available there (Flora fountain & Abdul Rehman street) ??


Please guide me .


Regards ,



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Not off the shelf..... I checked up at Flora fountain (Ajanta and Mitha) and they seem to have a wide collection of Cross, Sheaffer, and MB. Chinese pens include Crocodile, Baoer, and Jin Hao. However, they will try to procure what you need if possible.




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  • 2 months later...

Hi fpn17 ,


List of Pune fountainpen shops :


1) Venus traders : Ferguson road and Appa Balwant chowk , : Parker , Sheaffer , Watermans , Cross & regular Indian brands like Airmail.


2) Netco agencies, Raviwar peth Pune : Wholesaler for Airmail pens : Fresh stock & good service.


3) Sudarshan Traders : Appa Balwant chowk : Some rare pens like Lincoln.


4) William Penn store : Inorbit mall , Nagar road. : Imported pens only , almost all famous brands.


People residing in Mumbai are much more lucky than us in Pune for fountain pens ..


Regards ,



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  • 4 weeks later...

Excellent and beautiful photos, yes India is one place I'd like to visit for sure. Mind you I was born in Malaysia, another interesting country and also live in Brunei as well, another tax free rich oil country.


I recall those days back in school in my early years we were forced to write and use a fountain pen, non of these ball point stuff.

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Marvellous Job! It is more of a guide to find fountain pens in Mumbai..........

I live in Delhi and I developed a recent obsession with fountain pens.

I went to Mumbai from the 16th to 25th of August and because of this guide, I was able to acquire:

In Flora Fountain:

1. A black Sheaffer No-Nonsense@Rs.150/- from Apsara Pen Mart including 2 cartridges.(Not the corner shop but the one inside the street).

In Abdul Rehman street:

2. Hero 330@Rs.30/-from the Bombay Fontain Pen Depot.( I was looking for a Hero 100, so i have to make do with this....)

3. Lamy Safari Vista@Rs.800 from a shop, cant recall the name, but it is not along the street but inside. It had only LAMYs and PELIKANs to offer.(Its MRP is Rs.1,890, incuding the convertor and a cartridge. Apsara Pen Mart was offering at Rs. 1000/-,. whereas one can get it @Rs850 in this area)

4.Pelikan Grand Prix@Rs.150/-. Dont go by its cheerful(or cheap looks), it is really smooth.

5. From the Bombay Fountain Pen Depot I acquired Chelprak inks of colour: Sapphire blue, Turqoise blue and Crimson Violet.


Some of my friends bought Parker Vectors as it is costs only Rs.125/- here(less than the MRP of a Parker Beta). But a few also bought Pierre Cardin Identity@Rs.100..... It is a pretty good pen but please buy packaged ones as they include 6 cartridges and a pump too.


My only Regret: P.Vrajlal was closed at the time.....Went to Crawford Market 3 times and each time I found it closed....so I could not acquire any Airmarks.


Suggestion: Please Highlght the areas where the shops are mentioned. I started looking for Vrajlal in Flora Fountain the first time I went. Had to read your article thoroughly to locate it in Crawford Market.

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Nice work, Hari. Well done.


there's nothing like a good bit of photo-journalism to give the flavour of a place.


Be interesting to know how many of these shops are still going, five years (or so) after your original post?


Good health. Thanks.

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Hair, great post. Thank you for sharing this. Any place in Bandra to look for fountain pens? My Mumbai hosts are meeting me in Bandra to help with some chappal shopping for my wife. I would rather go to the Fort neighborhood to look at some of the great shops in your excellent post, but I am trying to be a good guest...

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  On 9/8/2013 at 12:37 AM, CS388 said:
Be interesting to know how many of these shops are still going, five years (or so) after your original post?




Thanks! nearly all of them still exist and seem to be doing well. However the front facades of some shops have undergone a facelift. :)

  On 9/8/2013 at 3:09 AM, ashokdad said:

Hair, great post. Thank you for sharing this. Any place in Bandra to look for fountain pens? My Mumbai hosts are meeting me in Bandra to help with some chappal shopping for my wife. I would rather go to the Fort neighborhood to look at some of the great shops in your excellent post, but I am trying to be a good guest...

FPs in Bandra? I have no idea Ashok, atleast none on Linking road or Pali hill which is where you will most likely head to for chappals, haha. While on Linking road do check out the Royal Enfield Showroom if you are interested...

In case you wish to write to me, pls use ONLY email by clicking here. I do not check PMs. Thank you.

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  On 9/8/2013 at 7:45 AM, hari317 said:


Thanks! nearly all of them still exist and seem to be doing well. However the front facades of some shops have undergone a facelift. :)

FPs in Bandra? I have no idea Ashok, atleast none on Linking road or Pali hill which is where you will most likely head to for chappals, haha. While on Linking road do check out the Royal Enfield Showroom if you are interested...



Hi Hari and Ashokdad.


You could find a few Parkers at Navjivan Book Stores or Bandra Book Stores as some people call it. They also hold an assortment of chinese pens from Hero, Baoer, etc.


If you ask the owner of the shop, he will give you the address of another store at Khar where they have a wider variety of fountain pens. I didn't quite catch the name of that store when I had been there last, I just decided it was better to proceed to Town :P


Happy Hunting :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

A wonderful and utterly useful resource, as my severely depleted wallet will testify. Be especially careful of Apsara Pens - they sell not only pens but all sorts of high end watches at unbelievable prices.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Hari. My name is Sanay, and i Am a 17 year old student in Mumbai. Would you mind coming with me to these shops one day and help me buy some pens? Please contact me on sanayshah1996@gmail.com or leave in a text on 9930517778

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  On 12/10/2013 at 3:29 PM, YShah said:

Hi Hari. My name is Sanay, and i Am a 17 year old student in Mumbai. Would you mind coming with me to these shops one day and help me buy some pens? Please contact me on sanayshah1996@gmail.com or leave in a text on 9930517778

Hi Sanay, unfortunately that is impossible in near future, I am away from India.


The shops are safe, you can explore them on your own also.

In case you wish to write to me, pls use ONLY email by clicking here. I do not check PMs. Thank you.

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Are you serious? That's so sad! I wanted some pens from you too :( Please leave in a text once you're back. Are you going to be away for long? Mail me please? I want to ask you some things anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

hi hari i am a medical student in mumbai. I wanted to know where i can get these lamy and pelikans at low price and whether we require to bargain for that.

other thing is where can i get chinese fountain pens particularly baor or jinhao in AR STREET

please tell me name of the shops.

Edited by bahekarvishal
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