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List big fountain Pens


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As I'm (only) interested in (buying) Big Fountain Pens, I wondered if there is a list with the sizes of modern fountain pens.

If not, do you know what the 10 - 20 biggest pens are (with 14, 18 or more K gold nibs) made later than 1995? Please include the size (capped) if you know it.

Edited by Wolf
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Damn, I forgot about the Parker Centennial Duofold. Yeah, that is huge! I was surprised at it's size...


Thanks for your reply. I have one and would consider it medium big, 'only' 13,6 cm / 5,4 inch.

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I think this message from sjldaniel here : https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/in...showtopic=59823 could help


I just received my Dani Trio Mikado. It's a great looking pen with a wonderful tamenuri urushi finish. But the Mikado is much, much bigger than I thought. It will not even fit in any of my pen display cases. So I was wondering how other owners keep or store their Mikados. Fortunately, mine came with a nice, single pen leather case that fits the Mikado. But I don't think I have much a choice other than to keep it on a pen rest on top of my desk at home or at the office.




Edited to include picture of Mikado with other large pens (from top - DT Mikado, DT Densho Raw Ebonite, DT Octagon, Delta Dolce Vita OS, MB 149, Pel M1000, and Sailor KOP Marble Ebonite).


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sjldaniel's photo includes some of my picks for oversized pens. I as especially fond of the Dolce Vita O/S, the Pel M-1000 and the Danitrio Densho and Mikkado. The MontyB 149 is a definite member of this group. Dani also made the less expensive Cum Laude. Laban has the Mento.


Bexley made the Giant, and also the Prometheus. Conklin's Durograph is an M-1000 sized pen. In the past Delta made a few LE's that are also M-1000 sized, if not larger. I have a Delta Isreal 50th Anniversary LE and a Nazareth 2000 LE, both of which are slightly larger than the M-1000.


I hope this small list help.

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The MB149 looks like a handbag pen against the Mikado, but if you really want to go for it how about the Danitrio Genkai :o

Skype: andyhayes

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Hey, that's right! Of course there is the Genkai, and do you remember the new prototype that Kevin posted a few weeks ago in the Japanese forum? FPNers have dubbed it the "Gojira" ("Godzilla"), whatever its official name will be. It dwarfs the Mikkado. I can't wait to see more photos of it.

Edited by FrankB
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Hey, that's right! Of course there is the Genkai, and do you remember the new prototype that Kevin posted a few weeks ago in the Japanese forum? FPNers have dubbed it the "Gojira" ("Godzilla"), whatever its official name will be. It dwarfs the Mikkado. I can't wait to see more photos of it.


Thanks for your list. Especially the Mikado and Genkai, I put on my wish list. As I never pay the full (retail) price for a pen, I'm scanning the internet for a decent price. If you happen to know a seller with good deals, I'm very much obliged. Thanks anyway!

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The Oldwin Black Giant is one giant pen over 19mm and fairly long too check Mr Mora's site http://www.morastylos.com and click on Oldwin

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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The Oldwin Black Giant is one giant pen over 19mm and fairly long too check Mr Mora's site http://www.morastylos.com and click on Oldwin

Merci beaucoup, ce stylo est très beau, mais cher! Do you have any writing experiences with these pens?

Yes, I tried two of these. They are hand made of ebonite and made by Mr Mora himself, the nib is a full flexible customized bock medium nib. They can be used as eye droppers. The quality of built of these pens is equal to the sailor king of pen if not superior.

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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