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Some doubts aboute dates


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I'm trying to put up a Chronology of Pelikan. A short version is in this page (sorry it's in italian) a full chronology about fountain pen (in english) is here. I already posted this full chronology but before reposting an update at least I would like to have some doubts cleared.


Searching around for information I got some discrepancies about the birth of some Pelikan models, so I'm not sure about some dates.


The first discrepancy is on the year of birth of the 100N model. From what found on a Lambrou book (I have an italian version, title is just "Fountain pens") this should be the 1938, and this is also reported in the following articles:


* http://www.penbid.com/Auction/showarticle.asp?art_id=12

* http://www.ruettinger-web.de/e-pelikan-modell-100n.html


but in the following articles I found the date of 1937:


* http://www.thepenguinpen.com/history/history.html

* http://www.penexchange.de/english/klassiker/oma.shtml

* http://www.pentrace.net/penbase/Data_Retur...icle.asp?id=372


The second discrepancy is on the year of birth of the 400 model. On the same book it was stated is 1951, and the same is reported in the following articles:


* http://www.penbid.com/Auction/showarticle.asp?art_id=12

* http://www.ruettinger-web.de/e-pelikan-modell-400.html


but in the following articles I found the date of 1950:


* http://www.thepenguinpen.com/history/history.html

* http://www.penexchange.de/english/klassiker/oma.shtml


The third discrepancy is about the end of 400 and the rise of 400N, Lambrou reports the end of 1955, and this year is reported also by the following articles:


* http://www.thepenguinpen.com/history/history.html

* http://www.ruettinger-web.de/e-pelikan-modell-400.html


but in the following references I found 1956:


* http://www.penexchange.de/english/klassiker/oma.shtml (end of 400)


The fourth discrepancy is about end of 400N and the rise of 400NN, Lambrou reports the 1957, and this is also reported by the following articles:


* http://www.penbid.com/Auction/showarticle.asp?art_id=12

* http://www.ruettinger-web.de/e-pelikan-modell-400.html

* http://www.penexchange.de/english/klassiker/oma.shtml


but in the following references I found 1956:


* http://www.thepenguinpen.com/history/history.html


Hoping someone could give a clear answer...




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here's what Dittmer and Lehman report in Pelikan Schreibgeräte 1929-2004, p. 147:


100N Chronology


03/25/1937 100N fountain pen for export (03/15/1938 - launch in the German market)

05/16/1938 First deliveries of Pd nibs

03/03/1939 Introduction of the desk pens 100Na (with a removable extension) and 100Nf (with a fixed extension)

10/11/1939 Introduction of a fountain pen with a chromium/nickel steel nib, first called 100St, later renamed 100CN

10/29/1942 The piston head with a cork is replaced by an elastic sythetic material

ca. 1949 The grip section with edge is replaced by a smooth grip section

07/04/1949 The 100N is again produced with a gold nib

04/22/1952 The 100N is no longer available with a CN nib

01/16/1953 The 100N nib unit is now replaceable with the aid of a special key

11/27/1953 New piston with a colorless seal

01/20/1954 The 100N is officially discontinued


According to the same source (p. 150, 153, 154) here are the production dates of the 400/400N/400NN:



black/green and red brown/tortoise 25/5/1950 - 1956

black/black 28/7/1950 - 1956

black/gray 5/1950 - 1956

green/green & light tortoise 1954-1956



black/green, brown/tortoise, & black/gray 12/1955-1956

green/green (only one known specimen) unknown



black/green, brown/tortoise, & black/black 23/4/1956-28/7/1965

black/gray 1957-27/12/1961

light tortoise 1957-7/1960

green/green unknown


I hope this helps clarify the issue.





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