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I'm just getting back into fountain pens ... after quite a few years away from them. So I'm a newbie here on the forum. I'm enjoying a couple of Lamy's and a Pelikan M215 and thinking of ordering a Taccia Staccato (Honey Bee color) to put some brown ink in for wrting in my journal. I'm wonderding how you pronounce the word Taccia .... (is it like taxi-a or what?).


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Considering they advertise the "Italian resin design," I'd go with the Italian pronunciation, namely "TA-chi-a" (the "ch" as in "chat").

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I ordered one by phone, and they pronounced it like the name Tasha. I don't have any other info regarding whether this was correct, or not.



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FPH pronounces it Tasha as well, so I'd go with that.


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Now I am confused. I ordered one by phone as well and I heard "Takkia." I just might contact Taccia customer service and see what they say.


By the way, Reid, I look forward to your impresions of the Staccato. I have three Taccia pens and I consider them great values for the money. The Italian resin is lovely and the pens look much more expensive than they are. All of them write wonderfully.

Edited by FrankB
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As far as I know, the name would be spelled Tacchia (or Tachia) in Italian to be pronounced Takkia. I notice when I hear Italian (too seldomly) spoken, the "ia" sound is often not spoken like ee-ah, but more like yah or just with the "i" not said but just used to make the "ch" sound before the "a" instead of a "ka" sound. Okay, I've gone on too long and sound like a know-it-all wannabe Italian speaker (and I most definitely am not). But what a sweet language, and I enjoy trying to remember what little I learned about it years ago.


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Now I am confused. I ordered one by phone as well and I heard "Takkia." I just might contact Taccia customer service and see what they say.


By the way, Reid, I look forward to your impresions of the Staccato. I have three Taccia pens and I consider them great values for the money. The Italian resin is lovely and the pens look much more expensive than they are. All of them write wonderfully.


Thanks for the info .... since you have three Taccia pens, I have a question about nib size ... Some of my pens have fine nibs (Lamy's and a Kultur) ... but I have been leaning more toward mediums lately (a Pelikan M215 - Binder nib) and a Waterman Phileas m ... and really enjoying them. Do the Taccia nibs lean more toward the 'finer' side of their designation i.e. a m writes more like a fine, or is a medium comparable to a waterman or Pelikan fine?



"Not all who wander are lost."

JRR Tolkien

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I have a blue Taccia Portuguese pen, medium nib, and it writes a smooth wet MEDIUM line.....just like I like it.


I recently acquired a Portugues Cracked Ice pen and it also has a smooth, wet MEDIUM line/nib. I am very impressed with the nibs on both these pens. I would never known they were steel, if I had not looked. They are smoother than some of my gold nibs!

I find them an excellent buy. Try isellpens.

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Now I am confused. I ordered one by phone as well and I heard "Takkia." I just might contact Taccia customer service and see what they say.


By the way, Reid, I look forward to your impresions of the Staccato. I have three Taccia pens and I consider them great values for the money. The Italian resin is lovely and the pens look much more expensive than they are. All of them write wonderfully.


Thanks for the info .... since you have three Taccia pens, I have a question about nib size ... Some of my pens have fine nibs (Lamy's and a Kultur) ... but I have been leaning more toward mediums lately (a Pelikan M215 - Binder nib) and a Waterman Phileas m ... and really enjoying them. Do the Taccia nibs lean more toward the 'finer' side of their designation i.e. a m writes more like a fine, or is a medium comparable to a waterman or Pelikan fine?


The Staccato nib is large - which is kind of cool - and my medium seems to run pretty true. Maybe a bit toward broad, but I use mine to take notes for hours and love the flow of the medium. Really smooth, too.


I really think the Staccato is an incredible value and until I save enough pennies for a Mont Blanc and the Dupont Orpheo I've coveted forever, well, the Taccia Staccato and my Dupont Ellipsis are taking good care of my writing needs...

Wall Street Econ 101: Privatize Profits; Socialize Losses. Capitalism will survive as long as socialism is there to save it.

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"The moment he opened the refrigerator, he saw it. Caponata! Fragrant, colorful, abundant, it filled an entire soup dish, enough for at least four people.... The notes of the triumphal march of Aida came spontaneously, naturally, to his lips." -- Andrea Camilleri, Excursion to Tindari, p. 212

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Reid wrote:


" ... Do the Taccia nibs lean more toward the 'finer' side of their designation i.e. a m writes more like a fine, or is a medium comparable to a waterman or Pelikan fine?"


As the others have commented, I have also found the Taccia nibs to write true lines. My M nibs write true M lines; my B nib writes a real B line.


Generally, Taccia nibs are interchangeable, like Pels or Esterbrooks. They have only F, M and B sizes, but you can try them all. Taccia customer service had them at $18 each including postage. I do't know if the price has gone up yet or not.


I say Taccia nibs are "generally" interchangeable because there was a problem with earlier Staccatos (and only Staccatos) leaking around the nib area. Taccia's quick fix was to permanently glue the nibs in place. My Staccato is one of those. I have a M nib, and I do not mind the nib being fixed at all. Later examples of this model have the problem resolved and the nibs are interchangeable. I guess one must wait until the pen is in hand to see which issue of the model it is.

Edited by FrankB
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If it's in italian, it should be pronounced "ta-ch-ch-a" - ch as in english cheese :) ...

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I will not say the Day is done,
Nor bid the Stars farewell.



photography: andrejkutarna.net

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If it's in italian, it should be pronounced "ta-ch-ch-a" - ch as in english cheese :) ...


Absolutely right! It may sound like Tasha to an English ear, but it is definitely a double "ch" with the "ch" prounouced as in "cheese." Italians double the consonants when two are written, and "c" before a "front vowel" (i, e) is prononced like "ch" in English. (Before a "back vowel" --a, o, u -- it is pronounced "k".




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Nice pens!! Picked up one about a month ago. This one was called Vanilla Latte.



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Fantastic steel nibs that are smooth and write true to size. If you like your medium M215 tuned by Richard, you will love your Taccia!!! They are large pens, and best used unposted (in my opinion).

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According to Shu-Jen, president of Taccia, it is pronounced 'Tasha'.

Having a few Staccatos I can add they are excellent pens. Very light for the size. The steel nibs are some of the best I've owned.

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Well so far we seem to have

2 Tasha

1 Takkia

1 Ta-ch-ch-a

1 Tah-sha


No wonder i didn't know how to pronounce it! Maybe we should take a poll! <smile>


At least there seems to be general agreement that it's a great pen and writes well ....


"Not all who wander are lost."

JRR Tolkien

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  • 2 months later...

Hurrah for Halifax and users of fountain pens therein. I can't tell you a thing about Taccia or the pronunciation of the word, but welcome!

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Fantastic steel nibs that are smooth and write true to size. If you like your medium M215 tuned by Richard, you will love your Taccia!!! They are large pens, and best used unposted (in my opinion).

I recently purchased the Andante in Honeybee colour. I love this pen. It is a great piston-filler. The nib is very smooth, and it writes great. I like large pens, and I write with the cap posted on this one. I post the caps on all of my pens, even my Pelikan M1000.


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