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Pilot Iroshizuku Inks


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Any word on water resistance? Pilot Blue (bottled) is pretty darn resistant though not bullet-proof. I wonder if those properties carry over to the fancy shades...


maybe someone could do a simple rinse test?

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That bottle design is stunning, making a purchase very compelling on that alone. The ink colors look very appealing, too. Thanks for filling us in on these Ironshizuku inks, Laura. :)


How does the Tsuki-yo compare with other "midnight" or dark blue inks you've tried? Also, does the Ajisai have a purplish hue to it?


Also, is there an English worded entry point into the website? From this page, all you can see is the Japanese yen pricing of the ink--no sign of shipping costs. It would be great if Ujuku would sell this ink through eBay. :)

[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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Yes! While a good portion of the vividness colour washes away, the majority of my Tsuki-Yo sample remained easily readable. Ditto for Ajisai, but this was paler. I'll put a scan up when the paper is dry.


Ujuku were selling it on eBay, they've probably sold out again. Just ask, they are very accommodating. Shipping from Japan to the US would be via EMS, you'd probably pay $10.

Laura / Phthalo

Fountain Pens: My Collection

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Ordering from the Ujuku shop is easy - instructions on the main page. Paste your order details into the form, and then the site will process it via email, and then someone will get back to you with shipping etc.

Laura / Phthalo

Fountain Pens: My Collection

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Yes! While a good portion of the vividness colour washes away, the majority of my Tsuki-Yo sample remained easily readable. Ditto for Ajisai, but this was paler. I'll put a scan up when the paper is dry.


Ujuku were selling it on eBay, they've probably sold out again. Just ask, they are very accommodating. Shipping from Japan to the US would be via EMS, you'd probably pay $10.


My shipping to the US was $15 making the bottle of ink a $30 bottle.

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I ordered some when I first read about this thread... about a month ago...


It was mentioned in the order details that it may go up to april before this comes through...


Anxious to get them!



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Hmm...These inks are quite interesting. Are they all different shades of blue, blue-black, and turquoise? Seems to me that way. What have you found out? Anyone care to review? The bottles look wonderful!




John (Shamouti)

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The Iroshizuku / Colordrops inks are based on colours from nature. :)



- asa-gao = Morning Glory

- ajisai = Hydrangea

- tsuyu-kusa = Spiderwort


Sea, Sky:

- kon-peki = Azure

- tsuki-yo = Moonlight

Laura / Phthalo

Fountain Pens: My Collection

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ethernautrix, if you want to go in on a larger order together to save on shipping, let me know. I'm not ordering it for at least a month, though.


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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ethernautrix, if you want to go in on a larger order together to save on shipping, let me know. I'm not ordering it for at least a month, though.

D'oh! I just ordered two bottles... or I think I did. I haven't received an e-mail confirmation yet. I'll let you know! Thanks, Deirdre!


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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Which ones did you order? :)

Two of the tsuki-yo (if I'm remembering the syllables correctly), one for me and one for... someone else. (Hee!) Really, I just want the bottle. I like Pilot ink, yes! But the bottle is gorejus!


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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ethernautrix, if you want to go in on a larger order together to save on shipping, let me know. I'm not ordering it for at least a month, though.


Please let me know when you are ordering. I am in southern California and have been looking at these colors also. I could be willing to go in for shipping.



Joi - The Way of the Japanese Pen


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The Iroshizuku / Colordrops inks are based on colours from nature. :)



- asa-gao = Morning Glory

- ajisai = Hydrangea

- tsuyu-kusa = Spiderwort


Sea, Sky:

- kon-peki = Azure

- tsuki-yo = Moonlight

Oh, so you mean some of the inks are of flora? If the inks are scented with the aroma from the flora, that would seem, well, wonderful! I don't know how you would smell an azure sky or moonlight...One can only imagine that.


When I see these ink bottles, I don't know why, but they remind me of fine perfume...What do you think?



John (Shamouti)

Edited by Shamouti
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