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A celluloid Pen - Work in Progress


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I do hope there will be more of these... available for purchase...


Very nice work,




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Drooling open mouth over here. Impressive good job.


Well, for now, this pen will remain a "private" pen, I´ll first check with the grand brand MB if any component of this pen might be subject to a letter from the Montblanc lawyer´s :-(


German brand rights are that strict, that I would never be able to pay even the first threatening letter, I get from them.


I´d be better off, living in the US.

I know, that brand manipulations like e.g. a new BINDE on a Pelikan M800 are no problem in the US -

but already a great risk in Europe.


Best regards


Tom Westerich


See whats newly listed on PENBOARD.DE


email: twesterich@penboard.de

Abruzzo/Italy and Hamburg/Germany

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That looks wonderful! I look forward to seeing the completed pen very much. Will you be in Cologne this year?


Btw, I am still very happy with the MB #22 and #24 you sold me a couple of years ago :)


Dear J. Thole,


thanks! next post will show the almost final product.

YES, I will be in Cologne. Can´t miss this show.

but will YOU be in Florence the week before :-)





Nein, Italien ist ein bisschen zu weit :) aber ich werde jedenfalls versuchen in Köln dabei zu sein.


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Good morning to all,

Moin Tom,


Thank you for the link to this great discussion forum. Did I show you the first Maxpen the last time in Hamburg? I think you saw only the second one with the red top ?

See you in Firenze


have a nice weekend






HANDMADE PENS : www.astoriapen.hamburg ; REPAIRSERVICE : www.maxpens.de ; by MONTBLANC recommended repair service for antique pens

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Hi Tom,


The clip now looks more proportionate with the trim ring on the cap and I agree that the silver/black arco does have its charms. It is difficult to see on the pictures how the black ebonite ends bring out or echo the black in the celluloid. I would LOVE to see that pen in a Hemigway color pattern - black cap and coral barrel.


The nib looks too large for the girth and length of the section (not to mention of the entire pen). I realize there's a trend going the larger the nib, the better, and that having a longer nib will push that short section higher above the paper and probably make it more comfortable in writing. Still the nib looks disproportionate. Maybe that pushing it a bit deeper inside the section would solve the problem - or maybe using an altered 146 nib would also do.


Can't wait to see the other color patterns from the celluloid you have in stock. I can't imagine MB would send you a lawyer's letter if 1) you keep the pen for yourself or 2) sell it without taking any credit for its creation.



PS for max. The Christie clipped pen looks good. Maybe a larger cap band or a double or triple cap band would make it look better, because the one narrow band is somewhat dwarfed by the clip.

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PS for max. The Christie clipped pen looks good. Maybe a larger cap band or a double or triple cap band would make it look better, because the one narrow band is somewhat dwarfed by the clip.

Hello RedRob,


Yes i agree, one capband is not enough, the second and third pen take different bands. This is not a Christie Clip, it is a replication of the # 4 snake clip of the 20th. Not in german silver as the original, this clip is made in sterling sliver.

I will post some pictures of the changes I made.


kind regards



HANDMADE PENS : www.astoriapen.hamburg ; REPAIRSERVICE : www.maxpens.de ; by MONTBLANC recommended repair service for antique pens

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Dear Rob,


You are a perfect help for improoving a pen. Thank you!

Yes, nib looks small in proportion to the section, (but not if compared to the pen itself. )


You got me trapped, I in fact had the same feeling, section became too slim - but I refused to take action -

I will now, and will redo the section with a larger diameter.


One of the La Guardia pens, which is of the same dimensions than this oen, I fit with a 146 size nib - and it just came out rather poor.


BTW I will not do a Hemingway pattern - black cap and coral barrel, but I will shortly do a coral red/black ebonite pen, from cap top to blind cap.






Hi Tom,


The clip now looks more proportionate with the trim ring on the cap and I agree that the silver/black arco does have its charms. It is difficult to see on the pictures how the black ebonite ends bring out or echo the black in the celluloid. I would LOVE to see that pen in a Hemigway color pattern - black cap and coral barrel.


The nib looks too large for the girth and length of the section (not to mention of the entire pen). I realize there's a trend going the larger the nib, the better, and that having a longer nib will push that short section higher above the paper and probably make it more comfortable in writing. Still the nib looks disproportionate. Maybe that pushing it a bit deeper inside the section would solve the problem - or maybe using an altered 146 nib would also do.


Can't wait to see the other color patterns from the celluloid you have in stock. I can't imagine MB would send you a lawyer's letter if 1) you keep the pen for yourself or 2) sell it without taking any credit for its creation.



PS for max. The Christie clipped pen looks good. Maybe a larger cap band or a double or triple cap band would make it look better, because the one narrow band is somewhat dwarfed by the clip.


Tom Westerich


See whats newly listed on PENBOARD.DE


email: twesterich@penboard.de

Abruzzo/Italy and Hamburg/Germany

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