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Anybody had used this product made by Montblanc...


Cartridge filled with special cleaning solution which

makes cleaning a fountain pen an easy process "

Comments, welcome,

thanks in advance,



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  • 7 years later...
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Hey Rene,


Just came across your post.

I have several cartridge Montblanc FPs and could never find much information on the cleaning cartridge, and where I will in Jacksonville FL the closest place, that I know of, that carry Montblanc is 30 mins away and its a store that specializes in leather and its almost embarrassing the lack of knowledge their employees have. I once asked one of the employees where they kept their bottled ink, surprisingly, behind the counter in a desk drawer where all the customers can see it, why didn't I check there in the first place :rolleyes:

So I asked him for a bottle of Montblanc Mystery Black. Kid you not, he handed me the matchbook size envelope of 6 cartridges and asked if that was all, I then told him I needed "B-O-T-T-L-E-D INK," so he begins rummaging through his desk drawer again and pulls out 6 cartridges of Montblanc Oyster Grey Ink. :wallbash: I told him for the 3rd time that I needed bottled ink, the kind that comes in a 60ml bottle. He then hands me the bottle of Montblanc Black that is the old style prior to 2010 in the 50ml bottle, but at least it was in a bottle. I walked around the counter and quickly retrieved the current version on Montblanc Mystery Black ink in the 60ml bottle.

So this is why didnt bother to ask him if they carried or heard about the cleaning cartridge.


What I have found to work best is to use a cup of distilled water and bulb syringe to push the water through and to repeat until the pen runs clean. I may post a short video on YouTube to explain how this works. If I do, I will copy the link below. From what I understand, this does the same thing a cleaning cartridge would, except with the bulb syringe you can apply pressure and watch the water run clean whereas the cartridge uses gravity.


Hope this was helpful. I see you first asked this question in 2005, have you tried the cleaning cartridge since?




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In many cases, if you are at a Montblanc boutique, they should be able to provide the cleaning device for free. Now, I don't think they come with cleaning solution any longer. It's a tiny bulb type syringe of sorts. One shouldn't allow water to go inside the Boheme or Noir et Noir retractable pens. It could corrode the mechanism. This cartridge allows one to clean the pen without getting water into the mechanism.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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I have some of these cleaning cartridges and use them regularly for cleaning my 147 and my Boheme.


Once used they can be refilled with water and reused.

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They are more difficult to find nowadays. I'm not sure if they might have even been discontinued. I suggest you ask at your local boutique, or your Mb head office

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i got a two of them from the NYC boutique when I purchased the 1912 pen

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If you cannot find the cleaning cartridges, a 3ml transfer pipette will do fine. Also, if you retract the nib fully, replace the cartridge with a converter and slowly, carefully turn the nib back out fully watching to see that the converter moves too, you can flush with a standard converter.


Care is need to make sure you are not getting water in the mechanism though.




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  • 1 month later...



to clean the MB Boheme for ink change, I made my own cleaning catridges.


It is quite simple and needs only some minutes of work....but effective.


What you need is:

- Pelikan Giant Ink Catridges

- Injection Needle 18G 1 1/2 (see picture)

- a syringe


Injection needle and syringe available in pharmacy.


1. Cut the end of the catridge, remove the glass ball stopper and flush it with water.

2. Cut the adaptor of the injection needle at the collar with a sharp box cutter (risk of injury!!)

3. Press the cutted adaptor end into the pelikan catridge (see picture)

It is not easy, but it will fit with force :-)

4. Now you have an large catridge with a adaptor for a syringe.


It works quite well for me, but nevertheless, you are responsible what you are doing :-)



When yoiu clean the Boheme, do not press the syringe to hard.

Otherwise, the catridge will be pressed go out of the pen connection.

You should only press slightly, that drops comes out of the nip. When clear water appear,

it is finished.










>ou can fill a empty cleaned catridge by an syringe with your favorite ink.


I collect glass balls of empty catridges and close with it own filled catridges.

For safety during trnsport I put it into a small plastic bottle :-)

Two catridges should be sufficient for spare........






Edited by thott
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"Holy thread resurrection, Batman!!"


I know!


But, worth it to see thott's elegant solution.

Nice work, Thomas.



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to clean the MB Boheme for ink change, I made my own cleaning catridges.




Very cool. I do the same, only I use an empty Waterman cartridge.


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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it is quite strange, that it is very often mentioned, only Montblanc catridges fits into the Boheme

due to the outside diameter at the top of the catriges.

The connection with the glas ball is similiar with Pelikan.


Indeed the diameter of the original Montblanc catridge is some 0.2 mm (diameter) smaler in the top

part. But I can not feel differences when changing with Pelikan catridges.


Btw, the adventages of clean it with a syringe is, that you always have a clean equipment instead

of using such a piece:



(I do not know the English word for it, therefore the picture :-) )


You never know what rubber residues, small dirt particles, etc. is inside and can block the ink feeder.


Some more experiences?




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The Pelikan cartridges do indeed fit the Boheme and a number of other MB pens due to the shape. It's a good thing to make note of, so that you don't need to use only MB cartridges in the pen. I also use similar device to the one Thomas has. Mine is also based on a Pelikan long cartridge.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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Oops - a clarification. I use an empty Waterman cartridge with a syringe only to clean my Mb 100-Year Historical. I do use Pelikan and Montblanc cartridges of INK to write with the pen.



Thomas, the item you pictured is called a bulb syringe.


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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There are two different kinds of Montblanc cleaning cartridges and I have some of each. One is the pre-filled and says it is to be used only once. The other appears identical but is an empty version that says it should be saved for reuse on the package. Since my Bohemes are new, I have only used the reusable one so far since none of my pens have had the chance to get really dirty. I use water with a couple of drops of Ivory dishwashing soap followed by clear water and this has worked fine so far.

I had read on the Montblanc forum that the Boheme should NEVER have water run through the nib retraction mechanism so I made a concerted effort to find the leaning cartridge, not realizing at the time that there are actually TWO different versions. So thanks for the heads up!

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That is also my experience. Both Pelikan and MB catridges fit the same way.

First I was afraid that due to the greater diameter at to top of the Pelikan catridge that the

catridge will slip of during moving out of the nib.

But all is ok....nothing happened :-)



I did not know that there are two kinds of catridges.

That is what I also read often, to take care that during the cleaning issue no water enters into the pen.

It could cause corrosion in the retracting mechanism.



Thank you for the translation. So simple.....

I expect a more complicated vocable :-)








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