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Da Big One.


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On Thursday, I have to correct about 300 exams within a day, so I thought I would ink Da Big One. It makes a heck of a halloween pen too.




Picked up on ebay from India this ebonite pen measures 39 cm (15.4 inches = 1 foot and 3.4 inches) long and 0.55 inches (14mm) diameter. It consists of 2 (!) eyedropper (!) pens which presumably can have two inks (e.g., blue and red etc.). It holds a gazillion ounces of ink. Currently one of them sports a green Waterman nib and is inked with Pelikan Red :)



Edited by antoniosz
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Guest Denis Richard

Wow ! That's a lot of red ink ready to spill on poor (but suspecting) student's copies :blink:


Why don't you throw the copies on the floor randomly, and gather to reduce to one dimension. You should roughly have a Gaussian density of copies (well... some kind of distribution with a pick and tails, which for any Astrophysicist in his right mind in good enough a Gaussian :D.) Voila ! Center copies get the average grade you expect from experience and the rest follow.


Fairness in grading is way over rated, specially if you can save a little irridium from a Waterman nib and perfectly good ink :D

Edited by Denis Richard
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Wow ! That's a lot of red ink ready to spill on poor (but suspecting) student's copies :blink:


Why don't you throw the copies on the floor randomly, and gather to reduce to one dimension. You should roughly have a Gaussian density of copies (well... some kind of distribution with a pick and tails, which for any Astrophysicist in his right mind in good enough a Gaussian :D.) Voila ! Center copies get the average grade you expect from experience and the rest follow.


Fairness in grading is way over rated, specially if you can save a little irridium from a Waterman nib and perfectly good ink :D

Hey! My daughter goes to his school! Don't mess with his grading system.


That is one amazing pen.

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WOW!!! That is Da Big One! I'm glad you showed the pen broken down into its components. I was wondering how on earth you would write with it. You do realize having shown it to us and it being so unusual, you now are obligated to do a full detailed review. You simply owe it to the FP community - especially this one! :lol: ;)

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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On Thursday, I have to correct about 300 exams within a day, so I thought I would ink Da Big One.

That's one Big Schtick Antonios :o I have a feeling it served double duty in medieval schools as both a grading pen and a discpline stick :lol:


Grading sucks. I like how you use the verb "correct" for exams. We use the same word in French. I have a feeling though one of your smart alec students will one day say "sure, correct them first, and then grade them!" ;) In which case you can then pull out Da Big One and tell him "come again?" :lol:

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Hi Antonios,

WOW!!!  That is Da Big One!  I'm glad you showed the pen broken down into its components.  I was wondering how on earth you would write with it.  You do realize having shown it to us and it being so unusual, you now are obligated to do a full detailed review.  You simply owe it to the FP community - especially this one! :lol:  ;)

I wholeheartedly agree with soutpaw's sentiments, and the review, of course! :D


Warm regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Another great, off the wall pen AZ,


But what I want to know - where do you get all these Waterman color nibs? Did you find a pot of nibs at the end of a rainbow? Secret sumagai treasure chest somewhere?


(do you have a spare pink lying around. . .)



So if you have a lot of ink,

You should get a Yink, I think.


- Dr Suess


Always looking for pens by Baird-North, Charles Ingersoll, and nibs marked "CHI"

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We just finished couple of hours ago.

The pen performed flowelessly. I also used a brown icicle with a 2968 nib with PR orange crust, because the Waterman red was too red :) but the icicle held only for about 100 exams and although it was extra smooth it had problems writing over pencil. The ebonite monster had more than enough ink after grading the other 200. Each eyedroper holds about 5 cc of ink :) - and it could hold more but the ebonite rod was not drilled as deep as it could have been ...


The nibs in these pens are poor - they are untipped with "spoon-type" tips.

The feeds are both ebonite and the one that had the green waterman performed flowelessly. I am not sure what else to write for a review - other than the fact that the pen(s) are rather light despite their size.




Is that a Waterman #7 on the far left of the photo? ;)


It is a 54 with a cap from either a #5 or a #7. Sort of frankenpen but it writes beautifully :)


But what I want to know - where do you get all these Waterman color nibs? Did you find a pot of nibs at the end of a rainbow? Secret sumagai treasure chest somewhere?

(do you have a spare pink lying around. . .)



Well my path towards vintage pens had to take me through the awesome color Waterman nibs. I have tried and truly enjoyed Red, Pink, Purple and Green.

And regarding your question - I had a spare Pink nib till 2 weeks ago, and I offered it to Beaumont from PT (another flexoholic like me) sorry John :)

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