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Size Comparison for a Pelikan M400


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Can someone give a size comparison on the Pelikan M400?

Someone once gave me M200 and that is too small for my liking is the M400 bigger?


Thanks in advance

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The M200 and M400 are the same size. http://www.richardspens.com/sales/newp_pel.htm#sizes


Perhaps consider an M605 in blue from Pam Braun? They are a special offer at $120. http://onebeagle.net/oscarbraun/


Edited by patrick1314

Publifhed According to the True Originall Copies

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I was surprised, the M400 is rather a small pen.

Here you can find it compared to a Sonnet, a 1911 21k and a 2000 out of my collection.




The Pelikan is the smallest of the bunch.



The M200 and M400 are the same size.


What's the difference between 200 and 400 then? Gold nib?


Confused... :huh:

<font face="Verdana"><b><font color="#2f4f4f">d</font></b><font color="#4b0082">iplo</font></font><br /><br /><a href='http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?showuser=6228' class='bbc_url' title=''><font face="Trebuchet MS"><br /><font size="4"><b><font color="#8b0000"><font color="#696969">Go</font> <font color="#006400">To</font> <font color="#a0522d">My</font> <font color="#4b0082">FPN</font> Profile!</font></b></font></font><br /></a>

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Hmm. Gold two-tone nib for one - "Hand-crafted, finely engraved 14 carat / 585 gold nib with rhodium decoration". Overall build quality is putatively better - "High quality material, meticulously crafted Presicion to 100ths of a millimetre". Different colours with striated options, and trim colour choice. Gold plating and that.


The cost difference is fair enough really - when one sees the price difference between steel and gold nibbed pens, the prices are not out of the ordinary for the Souverans.

Edited by patrick1314

Publifhed According to the True Originall Copies

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David Nishimura has done a chart listing comparative sizes of a number of pens, and Cajun Pen has done one of the Pelikan range. Both available on the web.

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David Nishimura has done a chart listing comparative sizes of a number of pens, and Cajun Pen has done one of the Pelikan range. Both available on the web.

The 400 is similar to the Sailor 1911m if that helps.

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  • 3 years later...

I'm late to the party here, but check this comparison out between the M400 and other Pelikan pens (e.g., M200).


With thanks to Swisherpens.


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A 200/400 or Esterbrook DJ are Standard sized pens.


I collect '30-40-60's Pens..@ 50....most are standard.

A P-51 is a medium large pen. A 605 also. (the 146 use to be a medium large pen until they stretched it into being a large pen.)


A 800 is a Large pen...like a Cross Townsend is a Large pen, or the 146. or the Twisbi.



A 1000 or a 149 are Over sized pens.


Some time in the '80's pen manufactures started making heavy metal pens and Large pens....I guess for folks that sat at desks and didn't walk around with a pen sagging the shirt pocket.

Fountain pens were to be Seen...so they had to be big and imposing.

Perhaps they needed to fit two cartridges in them.


As a kid of the '50-60's that grew up with standard sized and the P-51 medium large fountain pens was a 'big' pen. I find the concept 'signature' pen to be some what odd.


But that is what those big clunky pens are... :rolleyes: Something for big shots to write one's signature with....and not much else....ok a slight exaggeration. I do have a couple Large pens...a Lamy Persona and a Cross Townsend.


One of the problems with this Standard is way too small opinion, is the refusal to post them like they were designed to be used. Yes, un-posted a Standard pen is smaller than a un-posted Large pen. Posted it is larger than an un-posted Large pen.

I do have to think when I have one of those 'small' Large un-posted pens in my hand for a couple of seconds as I adjust.


Yes many Large pens are too large or too heavy to post, if one is young enough one grew up not posting. I let them lay in the web of my thumb, and I use the forefinger up way of grasping a pen, so I have less problems with that than many.


Growing up posting, I can if I wish post my Large pens, though often I find I don't. That is sad, both the Persona and the Townsend's caps click on so nice when posting.

Just took both out and posted them.

I'm glad I'm so innately athletically gifted :roflmho: in being able to post or not post and write large and small at will.


Of course I don't have any Giant pens like a 1000 or a 149...so maybe in the Big League I might not be able to post. I could see a solid silver 149 being a tad heavy to post with. :roflmho:

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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