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Sturdiness of Pelikans?


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Has anyone had any issues with their Pelikans breaking, or getting damaged any different ways?


This morning as I woke up, my M200 rolled off of a desk. When it reached the ground there was a little clack noise, and I noticed it wasn't in one piece. I thought at first "funny, the cap shouldn't screw off when it just falls a bit..." I look down again and notice a growing puddle of ink. Upon closer inspection I see a little breakage in the pen. At the bottom of the ink reservoir, just above the threads, the pen snapped clean off.


I haven't been abusing it during its life (<1 year), just carried it on most of a daily basis.


If anyone wants to see pics of the carnage I might take some later tonight.

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Has anyone had any issues with their Pelikans breaking, or getting damaged any different ways?


This morning as I woke up, my M200 rolled off of a desk. When it reached the ground there was a little clack noise, and I noticed it wasn't in one piece. I thought at first "funny, the cap shouldn't screw off when it just falls a bit..." I look down again and notice a growing puddle of ink. Upon closer inspection I see a little breakage in the pen. At the bottom of the ink reservoir, just above the threads, the pen snapped clean off.


I haven't been abusing it during its life (<1 year), just carried it on most of a daily basis.


If anyone wants to see pics of the carnage I might take some later tonight.


Wow, that's bad, and actually kind of scary. I have a M250 and I upon close inspection I noticed that there is a big crease where two parts of the pen meet. I also carry my pen on a daily basis, I will let you know if the same thing happens to me. Good luck getting it fixed, and also getting the ink stain out.

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It is a weakness with Pelikans, although by no means a major one. By this I mean we have had a few pens returned* due to fracture between the barrel and the section. The problem seems worse on M800s than other models.


* this is how things work in the UK. Other nations' consumer laws may differ



The Writing Desk

Fountain Pen Specialists since 2000



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Do you have any idea how often this happens on M800s. I just purchased one and this topic is starting to get me worried. Does anyone here has worried about putting a pelikan pen in the pocket of an expensive jacket?


It is a weakness with Pelikans, although by no means a major one. By this I mean we have had a few pens returned* due to fracture between the barrel and the section. The problem seems worse on M800s than other models.


* this is how things work in the UK. Other nations' consumer laws may differ




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I've been using M800s for more than ten years, not all day, every day, but pretty regularly and have never had any problems with them. But then, I try not to drop them or kick them through the goalposts of life.


That said, one of my regular travel pens is a Grayson Tighe modified M800 and it has done just fine.


Still and all, when I want a really sturdy pen, I turn to vintage Parkers, like the Vacumatic.


I would suggest that if you take reasonable care you will be fine. If you need a really rugged pen, it might be time to grab something else that, frankly, is less costly.




Do you have any idea how often this happens on M800s. I just purchased one and this topic is starting to get me worried. Does anyone here has worried about putting a pelikan pen in the pocket of an expensive jacket?


It is a weakness with Pelikans, although by no means a major one. By this I mean we have had a few pens returned* due to fracture between the barrel and the section. The problem seems worse on M800s than other models.


* this is how things work in the UK. Other nations' consumer laws may differ




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Do you have any idea how often this happens on M800s. .... Does anyone here has worried about putting a pelikan pen in the pocket of an expensive jacket?


As I wrote above, it is not a major problem and a very small number of pens have been returned as a result. AFAICR all were dropped in some manner. However, most other models would have survived which I why I raised the issue.


You need not be concerned about your own Pelikan. Like all good quality pens it will last you well if properly cared for. Rest assured that if I was concerned about the overall quality of Pelikan writing instruments we would not stock them, simple as that (apart from most nibs needing adjustment prior to diaspatch but that's for another time).



The Writing Desk

Fountain Pen Specialists since 2000



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I have a number of Pelikans dating back to the 1950s (most I guess 1980s onwards) never had any problems with any of them, but don't recall dropping them very often, although some have been dropped.


Any pen will damage if dropped on a hard surface and you are unlucky (although I guess something like a flighter will be more robust), so probably not restricted to Pelikan.



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I do not think this is something to really worry about. I mean it is all stresses and it does not matter if it is one foot or one mile it falls, if it hits the right spot, at the right angle, anything can fracture. Just think about people, every now and then you will read about or talk to someone and they trip and fall, like many do everyday, and yet they break a leg. It just happens. I have dropped my M805 (once, and it was not a good feeling), but it was fine. Thats why my M805s stay at the desk now. The M200 I carry around with me, and have dropped that once also. Honest not a klutz just things happen right? :ltcapd:


I am sorry to hear your pen broke, I would be devestated to lose one of my flock, but hopefully Pelikan will fix it for you.



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Well, I have multiple Pelikans. I hve dropped a couple here and there, on tile, (cringe) but have yet to have any damage.

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That is a painful story! Ouch! I have experienced severe scuffing and scratching on the barrels of black M-200's but never breakage. I do use my M-300 mini-Souveran as my travel pen but always transport it well-protected in a zippered Kaweco case. I would not consider my M-600's or the M-800 as pens for the rough field but rather as trustworthy desk pens. For the field, Pelikanos and Grand Prixs take the punishment quite well. I keep Wality piston-filler pens at the office; if they break, I will only be out $15 or so, and in the meantime they do a good enough job. A Namiki Decimo might be a good sturdy pen for daily use, too, as it is made of metal.

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I do not think this is something to really worry about. I mean it is all stresses and it does not matter if it is one foot or one mile it falls, if it hits the right spot, at the right angle, anything can fracture. Just think about people, every now and then you will read about or talk to someone and they trip and fall, like many do everyday, and yet they break a leg. It just happens. I have dropped my M805 (once, and it was not a good feeling), but it was fine. Thats why my M805s stay at the desk now. The M200 I carry around with me, and have dropped that once also. Honest not a klutz just things happen right? :ltcapd:


I am sorry to hear your pen broke, I would be devestated to lose one of my flock, but hopefully Pelikan will fix it for you.




Not to be depressing, but I know someone who got out of her car, didn't get her footing in time in her high heels, fell on a curb, broke her neck and died. No urban legend, it happened, to the utter shock and heartbreak of many people. The laws of physics are complex...and as you say, if something falls, it just has to hit at the right spot, at the right angle...and it applies to people and objects alike.









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Very sorry to hear your news.


I have had my M1000 for 3 years and havent broken it yet. This is, I assure you, no mean testament to its durablility (and my clumsiness).


However.... Some few years ago I called into Papyrus's shop (since closed down :crybaby: ) in Bath for a nose-around. The lady manager had just received a M800 back from a customer who had presumed the cap to be a snap-on rather than threaded. The perplexed purchaser had by her own account applied some considerable pressure that caused a clean break right at the base of the striations on the barrel. This may well be (and it seems logical looking at the construction) the weak point.


This may be a golden opportunity for Pelikan to show customer service 'beyond the call of duty' - it wouldnt hurt to ask them to fix it for free? In any event, treat yourself to a pen tray!





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I had the same thing happen to me last Christmas. :crybaby:


I dropped my M215 onto a carpeted floor, didn't think much of it since the floor was carpeted - except for that sickening *snap*.

It was in two pieces, snapped cleanly along the first ring from the section end. I was heartbroken...


At the time, I suspected that this 'snap-in-two' problem would be isolated only to the M215 ringed versions, reading this thread I now know that not to be so.


My local dealer CHEERFULLY took it and sent it in for repair. After 3 weeks and 8 dollars for shipping, my M215 is back writing in it's favorite Moleskine. I now watch it closely and hold it firmly, lest I drop it again.


My repair experience with my local dealer (Dromgoole's in Houston) was sheer delight. I now shop for pens exclusively with them.


Best Regards,


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I had the same thing happen to me last Christmas. :crybaby:


I dropped my M215 onto a carpeted floor, didn't think much of it since the floor was carpeted - except for that sickening *snap*.

It was in two pieces, snapped cleanly along the first ring from the section end. I was heartbroken...


At the time, I suspected that this 'snap-in-two' problem would be isolated only to the M215 ringed versions, reading this thread I now know that not to be so.


My local dealer CHEERFULLY took it and sent it in for repair. After 3 weeks and 8 dollars for shipping, my M215 is back writing in it's favorite Moleskine. I now watch it closely and hold it firmly, lest I drop it again.


My repair experience with my local dealer (Dromgoole's in Houston) was sheer delight. I now shop for pens exclusively with them.


Best Regards,



How did the carpet fair? That's one thing I am especially concerned about. Even if the pen gets fixed, it could destroy much more than it is worth in carpet or clothing.

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Stuff happens!


Pelikan Penman has it right. As an example I once dropped a P250 from a desk top to a wooden floor. It absolutely shattered! Then another time a student nabbed me on a stairwell and asked for my signature. I only had my P805 with me - while taking it out of my pocket I fumbled it and it fell down the stairwell about a floor and half hit the concrete and nothing. It had a slight dent is the cap.

Go figure.


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My M-800 has broken twice in the time I have owned it. The first time it got caught on my seat belt as I was getting out of the car and it fell to the garage floor and broke at the joint of the section and the barrell. Sent it to Pelikan USA and they repaired it no charge. Several years later I was taking off my coat, leaning over a conference table and it fell out of my pocket on to the table and broke in the same place. Sent it to ChartPak and they also repaired it no charge. I try to be more careful of it now.

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How did the carpet fair? That's one thing I am especially concerned about. Even if the pen gets fixed, it could destroy much more than it is worth in carpet or clothing.


It was almost a full tank when I dropped it, made a stain about 4 or 5 inches in diameter on the carpet. I sopped up what I could with paper towels, then attacked the stain with Basic H. There might be some ink in the lower parts like the cushion, but from top view, I can't see the stain at all. Oh, and the ink was standard old Waterman Black.


Incidentally, my 7 month old Malamute puppy grabbed an almost new bottle of Nooder's Eternal in black from my daughter's writing table ( I tell her not to leave things like that in reach of the pup, oh well.) So my daughter chased the dog around the house trying to get the bottle. Being smooth glass, he finally lost grip of it in front of the fireplace in the living room. :headsmack:


It smashed onto the floor, all over the floor tile, the stone tile of the fireplace, all over his chest and front paws. The splash was almost 4 feet in diameter, plus he tracked ink all over the living room and kitchen tile as well. This was about 6 am, and I was still asleep.


So I get woken to the news of the tragedy. Grabbing my trusty bottle of Basic H, I worked basically 'till noon picking up shards of glass and soaking up ink. The hardest part was lifting the ink out of the fireplace stone tile, which had seeped in deep and dried. I got it all up. nothing noticable at all. I still get traces of ink when I mop the areas, but still nothing the eye can see. Maybe Noodler's Eternal isn't as Eternal as I would think. The dog required two consecutive baths to get his stains off ( I wasn't sure when to stop since he's naturally splotched in black over white! :ltcapd: )




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What a story!! :o


I just got a Pelikan M605 yesterday, and I've been paranoid about dropping it. I can sometimes be a klutz when it comes to pens.

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