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Pelikan M1000 Review


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Of course I did not mean 1000 was going to be flexy... That was clear for me before purchasing it, I just said springy... The problem I found, this was my 10th Pelikan, all with F nib, was that F in a 1000 meant almost an M, and as you may see, EF almost equals F. Im happy with my EF and I do not ask it to do things it is not meant to do... :) and as I already said... for flex it is better to search in another direction or the nib may be tuned by a professional nib grinder to personal taste. It can't be forgotten that the material itself is also more rigid than the old and venerable 14 K's which were also designed to have built in flex in many cases...


The Danitrio Fellowship

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  • 2 weeks later...


Well, the M300 does hold more ink that the M1000 and the same amount as the M800 (0.7-1 ML). The M400 and M200 pens hold the most: 1.3-1.5 ML (Depends on how your pen was assembled)



Let me get this right, the M300 holds as much as the M1000? If I am wrong in understanding this statement, please correct me. I know the M1000 and M800 hold close to the same But the M300 has the smallest capacity out of all the M series pens, even less than the M150.



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  • 2 months later...
The ink capacity isn't that small, Papyrus. :)  It's as much capacity as any other modern Souveran and about average as piston fillers go.

Not quite... The M1000's absolute ink capacity is lower than that of the M800. Its relative ink capacity with respect to the pen's total volume seems to be the smallest of the whole Souveran series. As I said, not a big problem, but definitely a questionable design decision that puts off some people from buying it. (And I consider c/c fillers in this size and price range as pieces of junk that deserve no further consideration.)

You consider all cc fillers in high end pens as junk? Are you mentally sane? I wonder. :angry: Duofold Centennial, Waterman Edson, CS Churchill, Sailor King of Pen - all junk. Yeah, right...... :rolleyes:

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Well, the M300 does hold more ink that the M1000 and the same amount as the M800 (0.7-1 ML). The M400 and M200 pens hold the most: 1.3-1.5 ML (Depends on how your pen was assembled)



Let me get this right, the M300 holds as much as the M1000? If I am wrong in understanding this statement, please correct me. I know the M1000 and M800 hold close to the same But the M300 has the smallest capacity out of all the M series pens, even less than the M150.





It should be about right since I measured only the capacities of the current pens.


I fill the pens from this tube that gives me an exact overview of how much ink the pen holds. I fill them as I normally do and drip a few drops back in and see how much water is left in the container.


The older pens are better since they hold more ink.


The M300 has a piston that is actually more compact and makes better use of the available barrel space than any of the other Souveraens in my opinion. The M800 and M1000 pistons take up much of the barrel. It is in my opinion a good idea to reduce the ink capacity since the pen will sometimes blot and drip ink (or in the case of the Pelikan, fill up the collector fins) if the pen is nearly empty and you have hot hands.


So my running table:


M150: 1.0-1.2 ML

M200 and 400: 1.4-1.5 ML

M300: 0.8 ML

M600: 1.5-1.6 ML

M800: 0.8 ML

M1000:0.8 ML


I hope this is right, but I will change it if I find an error.


In general, I try not to get any pen that suffers from thermal issues, so 1.5 ML is tops for me. The Level has a divided ink chamber, 4.0 ML is not a problem, the Danitrios have a regulated ED system, so I would not worry about them either.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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You consider all cc fillers in high end pens as junk? Are you mentally sane? I wonder. :angry: Duofold Centennial, Waterman Edson, CS Churchill, Sailor King of Pen - all junk. Yeah, right...... :rolleyes:

*Sigh* Here we go again.


I also disagree with his comment about c/c fillers being junk, but that's his opinion. There's no need for discourtesy just because you have an opposing viewpoint. Let me ask you something, marklavar. Can you ever post an opposing response without being rude? I wonder.

http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p202/Apollo3000/es-canary-islands-flag1s.gif Bendita mi tierra guanche.
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Well, the M300 does hold more ink that the M1000 and the same amount as the M800 (0.7-1 ML). The M400 and M200 pens hold the most: 1.3-1.5 ML (Depends on how your pen was assembled)



I'm not so sure about your numbers. Looking at the total available volume in each of those pens for ink capacity, geometry shows that the larger pens will have larger capacity as I can not believe that the m200 of a smaller cylinder size would have a greater capacity than the larger in girth and length m800 or m1000. I can believe that the m800 & m1000 are similar.


Depending on how you fill the pen and measure the volume stored you can get different numbers. The best way to figure this out would be to disassemble each of the pens and fill the empy body with the meniscus at the top edge then either use a syringe or graduated cylinder to get the exact amount.





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I'm basically saying the same thing as Tytyvyllus, if I understood his post correctly.


It seems like the best way to get a measurement of total ink capacity would be to take the nib out, turn the pen upside down, fill the pen up with an eyedropper (might as well use water, it's just a measurement), then dump everything out into some kind of measuring cup once you've filled it the whole way.


Now I'll grab my imaginary M1000, M800, and the rest of the line and do that... :D

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It seems like the best way to get a measurement of total ink capacity would be to take the nib out, turn the pen upside down, fill the pen up with an eyedropper (might as well use water, it's just a measurement), then dump everything out into some kind of measuring cup once you've filled it the whole way. 

Weigh the thing. Weight full - weigth empty = capacity... Would require a good balance (scale for those who think balance is Sheaffer).



"Adventure is just bad planning." -- Roald Amundsen

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Well, the M300 does hold more ink that the M1000 and the same amount as the M800 (0.7-1 ML). The M400 and M200 pens hold the most: 1.3-1.5 ML (Depends on how your pen was assembled)



I'm not so sure about your numbers. Looking at the total available volume in each of those pens for ink capacity, geometry shows that the larger pens will have larger capacity as I can not believe that the m200 of a smaller cylinder size would have a greater capacity than the larger in girth and length m800 or m1000. I can believe that the m800 & m1000 are similar.


Depending on how you fill the pen and measure the volume stored you can get different numbers. The best way to figure this out would be to disassemble each of the pens and fill the empy body with the meniscus at the top edge then either use a syringe or graduated cylinder to get the exact amount.







I just fill the pens from my graduated cylinder. The M800 and M1000 pistons do not travel much up and down the barrel, so I believe that would explain it.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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  • 6 months later...
Weigh the thing. Weight full - weigth empty = capacity... Would require a good balance (scale for those who think balance is Sheaffer).     Ron


To assess water uptake, I weighed my black M1000 before and after filling with water.

A single fill was 1.55 gm water.

A double fill (moving the piston up and down twice) was 1.75 gm water.

When all the air was expelled from the pen, the total uptake was 1.77 gm water, which was only 0.02 gm more than a double fill.

Edited by Blorgy
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I consider this pen on mywishlist.

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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  • 2 weeks later...

The M1000 is one of the very first pens I bought after the fountain pen bug bit me in 2002. My mistake at that time--as a southpaw--was to get a medium nib. It was like trying to write with the Nile River. I wasn't aware at the time that Chartpak will do nib exchanges, and so I bought a replacement nib, Fine: still too much ink on the page for this left-hander. I recently sent the Medium nib to Chartpak; within a week I got the replacement EF nib that I requested. Heaven!!! This pen will now be among my daily users. The EF nib lays down a line more like a F to M in, say, an Omas. It's very expressive and smooth. Pels, IMO, are among the best pens out there.


And thanks, Aaron, for the great review!

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But can anyone really wear one of these in their shirt pocket? To me, it was as if I were carrying around a huge Sanford black magic marker in my pocket. Quite unwieldy!

"I have very simple tastes, I am always satisfied with the very best." - Oscar Wilde

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Anyone, and I mean anyone, who is not satisfied with their Pelikan, you can end your suffering by sending them to me.

I will pay the postage or arrange to have them picked up.

Any size, any model.

This is not an attempt to be funny; I will take them all and find good homes for them

Please visit my wife's website.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello Everyone,

I hear alot of static on the M800 and M1000 that the Medium Nib does not drop ink well. Is this correct? Is it better to go with the EF/F nibs?

I am looking to purchase a M800 in the coming monthes.




"Churn the Butter"

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I purchased an M800 medium from Pam Braun recently. On the first go, the nib simply did not flow. Ms. Braun of course replaced it with great swiftness and the new nib flows quite comfortably---not like a Lamy 2000,mind you, but still smooth. The best thing about the pen is its sense of weight and solidity, the opposite of the Lamy 2000. The Lamy is my daily use pen and this big pen is strictly for home desk use.

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Adair, What nib do you use for the M800?

EF, F, medium.........etc.

I am looking to maybe get the Fine point. I have heard alot of good things about the Lamy 2000.


"Churn the Butter"

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the review. Nice pen.


I was unaware of the PenGallery so have just ordered a (clear) M205 from them. They are not available in the UK.


Sadly the nasty man who puts duty on my parcels will make me miserable! when it arrives!

Skype: andyhayes

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