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EFNIR: KWZ Foggy Green


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Extra Fine Nib Ink Review: KWZ Foggy Green

This is review #327 in my series. Here's the YouTube video:

Post-recording notes: This ink was gifted to me by a generous FPGeek.  The shading is technically there, but you really have to look for it because the ink is so dark.  Sheen also requires you to go look for it, though once you get the angle right, there's a lot of it - not sure how to explain that.  The microscope slide was boring.

The images are are so dark that really only the line width image shows any color. While my eyes can see a tiny bit of color if I put my nose on the paper and shine a bright light, really, this ink isn't for a nib this fine - it needs to be spread out thinner...

I accidentally marked the 1:20 line at 1:30, so I used the 1:30 mark at 1:20 (hence the double arrow on the review page - they're reversed).

Cleaning was easy with plain water, but the ink is quite concentrated and may take a few extra flushes.

Even after a couple of hours, I can still smell the ink's scent on the review page.  It's faded a lot, but still there.

Zoomed in photo


Scan of Completed Review

Absorbent Paper Close-up (top is puzzle paper like thick newsprint, bottom is old 20lb copy paper)

Line width (The "I" in "Ink:". Magnification is 100x. The grid is 100x100µm. The scale is 330µm, with eleven divisions of 30µm each. The line width for this ink is roughly 315µm. With 327 inks measured, the average line width is 297µm.) (I think this gives the best (only) idea of the ink color.)

Previous Review: Diamine Night Sky.

Images also available on Instagram: @zilxodarap.

Want to influence the inky sequence? Take the "next ink" poll.

View a list of my inks, complete with review results in a google sheet.

Need to catch up on The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh? Find the whole story here.

Hope you enjoy. Comments appreciated!

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O my…that is a tall order for our heroes!  But…


K, lemme see….


Ink Stink.  Eternal Dry Time.  A color near-identical to one I have mixed for myself, combining Pelikan Black and Green, which behaves itself in all pens.


Any questions?  😂 😝 😹


Ah, Liz!  You make Tuesdays magical and fun... I always look forward to the review and story. Thanks!


Have I mentioned that fragrance (along with glitter hunks) is my enemy?


Ambition?  Rid my world of stank and glitter chonks.  Yeah!  

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Thank you for another excellent review @LizEF :thumbup:

I can't recomcile blue leaning green when I see the colour. All I see Is a grey leaning green. It reminds me Noodler's Zhivago. I recently tested another KWZ ink with eternal dry times. That's a thumbs down for me. 


Thanks for bringing your magic this grey and gloomy Tuesday and inspiring me to conjur a little scene inspired by your quote and scene. 🙏🙏🙏

Sorcerers, wizards and assassinations?  

" Aren't withards and thortherers the same" Essri asked

He asked the question everybody else wanted to but didn't dare to ask. 

"Well, the withards, I'm mean weezards,' in a huff he got up and left. 

"Wizards and Sorcerers" Essri said  winking at Makhabesh & Quin.

It is then they realized that the little Snek was craftier than all of them.

"He aspires to be ambitious", Essri said, gobbling up the last remaining cheeseburger.

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41 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

O my…that is a tall order for our heroes!  But…



41 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

K, lemme see….


Ink Stink.  Eternal Dry Time.  A color near-identical to one I have mixed for myself, combining Pelikan Black and Green, which behaves itself in all pens.


Any questions?  😂 😝 😹



41 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Ah, Liz!  You make Tuesdays magical and fun... I always look forward to the review and story.

:) Thanks!


41 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:


:D You're most welcome!


42 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Have I mentioned that fragrance (along with glitter hunks) is my enemy?

:lol: I don't find the KWZ scent annoying, but my scent-processing chip is damaged, so it may be much stronger or more annoying that I realize - each will have to decide for themselves.


43 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Ambition?  Rid my world of stank and glitter chonks.  Yeah!  


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41 minutes ago, yazeh said:

Thank you for another excellent review @LizEF :thumbup:

:) You're most welcome!


41 minutes ago, yazeh said:

I can't recomcile blue leaning green when I see the colour. All I see Is a grey leaning green. It reminds me Noodler's Zhivago. I recently tested another KWZ ink with eternal dry times. That's a thumbs down for me. 

:) Well, it's not blue-leaning to the point of teal, but if green is yellow + blue, then this color leans more toward blue than it does toward yellow.  But then, it's so dark that it leans more toward black from this nib....


43 minutes ago, yazeh said:

Thanks for bringing your magic this grey and gloomy Tuesday and inspiring me to conjur a little scene inspired by your quote and scene. 🙏🙏🙏

:D Gladly!


43 minutes ago, yazeh said:

Sorcerers, wizards and assassinations?  

" Aren't withards and thortherers the same" Essri asked

He asked the question everybody else wanted to but didn't dare to ask. 

"Well, the withards, I'm mean weezards,' in a huff he got up and left. 

"Wizards and Sorcerers" Essri said  winking at Makhabesh & Quin.

It is then they realized that the little Snek was craftier than all of them.

"He aspires to be ambitious", Essri said, gobbling up the last remaining cheeseburger.

:lol::wub:  Thank you for adding to the fun!

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@LizEF On my screen the photos make the ink look black.   

Plus, is the dry time REALLY that long? Yikes!  That would be a hard pass for me....  But thanks as usual for the review (the ones of inks I don't want are often more useful than the ones I DO want...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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   Wow, that’s dark! I’m guessing it really needs a larger nib to show any color. I’m a master smearer of writing (the sleeve cuffs on my favorite sweater are stretched out) so I’m guessing it’s probably best for me to stay away, but I’m awfully curious about how it would look in an italic broad.  Our friends are out of the frying pan, but into a large, complicated, and long burning fire. Thanks, Liz! Oh, I kinda wanna see a swatch next to the Void Kitteh.

Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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28 minutes ago, inkstainedruth said:

@LizEF On my screen the photos make the ink look black.   

Yep, that's about right.  Crank the brightness to the limit and you might see color, maybe. :)


29 minutes ago, inkstainedruth said:

Plus, is the dry time REALLY that long? Yikes!  That would be a hard pass for me....

:D This is one of those inks that mostly dries in a reasonable time, but the dots where you lifted your pen take forever.


29 minutes ago, inkstainedruth said:

But thanks as usual for the review (the ones of inks I don't want are often more useful than the ones I DO want...).

:) You're most welcome!

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10 minutes ago, Penguincollector said:

Wow, that’s dark! I’m guessing it really needs a larger nib to show any color.

Yep.  This one is a good candidate for a dry stub.


11 minutes ago, Penguincollector said:

I’m a master smearer of writing (the sleeve cuffs on my favorite sweater are stretched out) so I’m guessing it’s probably best for me to stay away, but I’m awfully curious about how it would look in an italic broad.

Oh dear.  Yes, you probably want to keep your cuff away from this one.  I have too many pens inked already to put it in a pen right now, but Mountain of Ink has all but the stub covered.


14 minutes ago, Penguincollector said:

Our friends are out of the frying pan, but into a large, complicated, and long burning fire.



14 minutes ago, Penguincollector said:

Thanks, Liz!

You're most welcome!


14 minutes ago, Penguincollector said:

Oh, I kinda wanna see a swatch next to the Void Kitteh.

Hmm.  The Void will be darker.  I'll see what I can arrange.  (Right now he's lying in my lap purring contentedly.:wub:)

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Klaw says green is beneath him.  (Here he's been sleeping under my discarded sweatshirt.)


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