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Another eyedropper pen, woodgrain attempt


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Just made this pen, similar simple pen, I wish I could say it is perfect, but isn’t since some troubles making it, but learning and hoping to work out some issues that seem to be recurring. I am happy with the waterman 5 copy handmade feed though, I didn’t think it would work as good a a factory feed, but it has really worked well, no leaks or blobs. (Turned a thin rod for the feed from the same material)
I did try to duplicate the feed as close as I could by hand, could not think of a good way to machine the feed channel, and made 2 deeper thin grooves instead of 3, but amazingly it writes very evenly with no problems whatsoever. The nib is a Waterman 4 ideal from the later 20’s, medium with great flex. Learning from mistakes, it isn’t hard to break hard rubber, and the section is shorter than planned, and I shortened the cap to look symmetric. I broke the threaded part of the section boring out for the feed, which is why the pen is shorter than the plan in my head. The picture compares with a 15 PSF.



Regards, Glen

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Wow, very nice! Great that the feed is working well for you right out of the gate.

One test is worth a thousand expert opinions.

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Thanks! I’m having fun. The nib placement with the feed is particularly important for eyedroppers, I can see why Waterman always said “ do not remove the gold nib from holder”

Regards, Glen

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That’s stunning! I love that the feed is also woodgrain.

Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

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Once again, very impressive. Waterman likely had the same problem with breakage. They just had more replacement material.

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