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Paulo's Pen Posts


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I have been researching a bit on historical pens, and stumbled upon (Paulo's Pen Posts) https://penstylo.blogspot.com/ 


A very well made blog is an understatement to the hard work done there, however, the latest update to the site was in July 2019.

This might be a long shot, but I was hoping to connect with the owner and ask a few questions (I wasn't able to find any contact info).

So if by any chance you know the owner of this website or able to reach him, I would be grateful if you can help!


My biggest question so far is how Paulo (I assume that is his name) came up with the price range and the rarity score of some of the items listed. Or if anyone else could help as well, that would be much appreciated.


If not, I still feel this is a great website to browse.



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@Mechanical Thank you, I was aware of that but seems that the name is quite generic it didn't provide much on the web.


@PithyProlix Thank you, that is a new lead for me, I will continue my search to reach that person.

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I agree, Paulo's Pen Blog is a wealth of information!

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