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Need an inexpensive, flexible nibbed pen for an art student

pen tom

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A friend asked me to recommend a pen for an art student. The student wants to do line drawings with ink and wants the wonderful variation in line thickness

that comes with a flexible nib.

As a collector of Waterman pens from the 1930s and earlier, I first thought of something like a Waterman 52, great pen, great flex.

But as I thought about it I thought that this might be too expensive and too fragile for a young art student.

Then I thought of the pens from FPR (Fountain pen revolution) I have 2 of these and some are quite inexpensive and have a lot

of line variation.


But then I thought that there is probably a whole world of inexpensive, flexible ink pens out there that I am not aware of.

So if anyone has some recommendations, I would greatly appreciate it

Thanks you

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You can buy a pen holder for less than EUR/USD 5 and any quantity of ultra flexible steel nibs for EUR/USD 1 or 2 a piece.  Also gives you access to any drawing ink that you want.

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