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Hello everyone,

first time poster here!
Recently I fell in love with the Parker 45 and its huge range of models and nibs. I am particularly fond of the oblique nibs and I acquired a few of them.

I hope some of the Parker 45 experts can help me :)

The nib sizes seem to vary a bit. I have two 14k "O" nibs. These are supposed to be extra broad oblique nibs. The first one I got is made in England and in a Parker 45 Insignia (no tassie, mid 1970s) It is akin to a oblique italic. I would also not call it a double broad yet it is quite broad.

The second one is an American-made, in a Flighter CT (black tassie, 1964-1969). This one is very broad and has a lot more tipping. It is way broader than the first nib and the imprint on the collar is closer to a "0" insted of the "O" on the first one.
I attached pictures. The English one is on the right, the American on the left.

Additionally, I also have a 14k "Z" nib (made in England) that is supposed to be a broad oblique. It is smaller than the American O nib, so that checks out. My freshly acquired "R" nib (14k, made in USA), supposedly an medium oblique, appears broader than the Z.

Do the American Parker 45 nibs run wider? 
Or did the way Parker ground their nibs change during the decades-long run of the 45?

Or is it simply variation that has to expected of these nibs?

I know that nibs can be changed easily and so it is possible to have mismatched nibs and collars. However, I find it unlikely to have so much mismatching going on.

Do any of you have similar experiences or know anything about it?
Thanks in advance :)


Parker 45--3.jpg

Parker 45--5.jpg

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