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Which are your favorite ink colours?


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My most used ink is Noodler's Baltimore Canyon, an archival, waterproof bright blue ink. Next would be Parker Penman Emerald and then a variety of other assorted colors.


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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  • Akkerman #09 Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indigo
  • Robert Oster Bronze
  • Sailor Souboku
  • something brown belongs here, but I haven't made a final decision - Monteverde Moonstone and Pilot Iroshizuku Yama-guri are two potentials.  Maybe Rohrer & Klingner Sepia...
  • everything else that isn't blue-blue, blurple, or black :D
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     Sheaffer Peacock Blue is my all time favorite ink. My other favorites are varied, and run the gamut from old, established ink makers and pen manufacturers to new boutique brands.  

  I’m in a shimmer ink mood at the moment, and some favorites are: Dominant Industry Lapis Lazuli, Wearingeul Wayfarer and their Glitter Potion additives that add shimmer to any ink, Pelikan’s Edelstein series Golden Beryl and Lapis, and a Chinese ink maker- Yu Yi Ink, that has a tropical fish inspired series; of these I like Jadeite Peacock and Blue Immortals.
  I like many of the new chroma shading Japanese inks. I am really enjoying the Yurameko series from Sailor, Itezora is a beautiful grey/green/blue depending on the paper used. Sailor Manyo Koke is a wonderful teal. 

  The traditional inks pack their own punches. Waterman Serenity Blue sheens so nicely and is lovely in a flexible nib. Pelikan/Cross royal blue is an underrated, beautiful color. The 4001 Brilliant (not Dark) Green is a glorious, happy shader. The dark green, while not a shader, is gorgeous on ivory paper. Herbin Lie de Thé is one of my favorite shaders, as is Vert Empire. Parker Quink Blue with Solv-x is my favorite maintenance ink- a fill of that in any pen that’s not quite right cleans it right out. Herbin Perle Noir and Aurora Black are my two favorite black inks. My favorite iron gall ink since my school days is Cross/Pelikan 4001 Blue-Black, although Scabiosa and Diamine Registrar’s are giving it a run for its money lately.

  For sheen, my favorites lately are Ostrich inks from China. I can’t even really tell you what the base colors of Lake Baikal and Glen the Sea are, they sheen so much. The new Lamy Dark Lilac is also a sheen Monster, as is Birmingham Inks’ Tesla Coil. Diamine Majestic Blue is also beautiful. 

  I have too many, or not enough favorites. There are so many more that aren’t listed. It really depends on mood, type of ink, pens I want to use, what color I need, etc. My ink collection has grown by leaps and bounds once I realized that there was more to ink than the Pen manufacturers’ lines.


Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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I am fickle when it comes to favorite inks.  Today it is Rohrer and Klingner Salix.  I do like all sorts of blue-black inks and use them everyday.

Currently most used pen: Parker 51 Special F -- filled with R&K Verdigris

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Blue inks and purple inks for me.  I didn't use to like blue-blacks, but ended up getting a bunch which I also like.  

Fussy about greens and browns -- greens can't lean too blue/teal, and also can't be too light/bright; browns can't lean too red or orange, but also not too yellowish.  Have a few black inks but they mostly don't wow me.  Yellows are mostly too hard to read on the page.  I like some pinks, but reds mostly have to be smack in the middle of the spectrum -- not leaning brownish, but also not leaning too dark/burgundy for the most part.  Grey, if they're not too light to be legible (preference for ones that lean more blue).

Orange?  That's pretty much right out, with the exception of some IG oranges that tend to oxidize to brown.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I also always keep a pen loaded with IG Blue-Black.  I have both Akkerman's 10 Iron Gall and use it but actually prefer the Hero 232 IG Blue-Black as it flows a little better for me.  The Hero ink is also bargain priced.


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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I liked the color of the Akkerman's IG ink (the IJzer-Galnoten) but couldn't go through a 60 ml bottle quickly enough and it went bad on me.  :crybaby:

Ruth Morrrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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There are some favourite ink colours, like teal/petrol, violet, saturated blue, turquoise, etc.

And then there are inks that represent these favourite colours best - or at least better than others do:

Lamy Crystal Amazonite

deAtramentis Aubergine

Scribo Blu Cosmico

J.Herbin Bleu Austral

Kaweco Sunrise Orange

Rohrer & Klingner Verdigris

One life!

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On white paper - greys and faded Blue Blacks.


Some greys that i like in different shades (i don't have 50), lighter to darker

  • Iroshizuku fuyu syogun
  • Iroshizuku kiri same
  • Diamine Earl Grey
  • Taccia Ainezu
  • Robert Oster Thunderstorm
  • Bril Black
  • Pilot Black



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On 8/25/2024 at 8:09 AM, Aceaps11 said:

Which are your favorite ink colours ?


greeny blues and sapphires





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There are several colours that brighten my day, others I'm crazy about: Tsuyu Kusa, Verdigris, Blue Velvet, Bleu de Minuit, Hisoku, Vert Empire, a very dark Fuyu Gaki.



"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


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@senzen, I love your color chart.  How do you make it?  Are colors specified by the hex codes?

Currently most used pen: Parker 51 Special F -- filled with R&K Verdigris

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Based on fills over the past 18 months.


Green:  Daintree Green, Scribe Malachite, Levenger Gemstone Green, Iroshizuku Shin-ryoku.


Blue:  Baystate Blue, Penman Sapphire (or one of its doppelgangers), Iroshizuku Asa-gao, Scribe Indigo, Noodler's Bad Belted Kingfisher.


Brown:  Pelikan Edelstein Smoky Quartz, Iroshizuku Tsukushi.


Red:  Liberal definition of red, here.  Levenger Fireball, Binder Burgundy, Sailor Manyo kuzu.


Turquoise:  Birmingham Damselfly, Sailor Yama dori, Noodler's Navajo Turquoise, Dragontoots Turquoise, Skrip Peacock Blue, Superchrome Turqoise.


Black:  Aurora Black,  J. Herbin Perle Noire


Purple:  Waterman's Violette Tendresse, Birmingham Frick Stained Glass (and my imitation of it), Noodler's Purple



Dave Campbell
Retired Science Teacher and Active Pen Addict
Every day is a chance to reduce my level of ignorance.


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My most used inks is Noodler's Lexington Gray as I use it for sketching. 

Kakimore Kurun is another one. 

Büroservice Bergmann IG inks. 


But as I review many inks, I can't say, I've got a favorite colour ;)


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Wouldn't necessarily say it's my favorite, but I've grown fond of Iroshizuku Syo-Ro since my spouse bought it to accompany my Custom 743 Verdigris.  I've never been into teal inks before but it's really grown on me and it's a nice color match for the pen.

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I prefer shading inks.

I'm hopefully some papers coming in on Monday will give me sheen.


Herbin Lie de Thee`.

R&K Verdura (€10) a lively green-green shading ink. It beat MB Irish Green (€23) by a nose and the sadly discontinued 4001 Brilliant Green by a neck.

(folks on the com clamored for a dull, non-shading dark lifeless green ink....I was able to give it to a noobie I started into fountain pens. Otherwise it would have gone down the bathroom sink.)


New to me and impressed.

Diamine Arctic Blue a glitter ink.

Diamine Ultra Green, a real good shading ink.

Last month I did some grays.

I even went out and bought a bottle MB Oyster/now called Cool Gray, because the review looked so good, and I'd said I'd not buy inks that cost more then €20...it was 23.

MB Oyster/Cool Gray shaded well.

As did Edelstein Moonstone,

Diamine Silver Fox.

Lamy Agate shades very well for a lighter gray ink...

It is the absolute driest ink I've ever used. I had to put just one drop of glycerine in it. (I had made a mistake and had over a week bought two bottles of Agate, and even as carefully as I was trying to be, two drops fell in. I had an old MB bottle and put the uncontaminated bottle of Agate in there too...so it worked out. Be very careful with the glycerine.

............ older inks used when the mood strikes..........

I like Edelstein Topaz and Smoky Quartz.

I like DA Zementgrau, which reminds me of a flightline after a rain, as dawn lightens the sky.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Murky. Which is anything in between green and brown. And a little greyed. That includes a lot of inks. No fear of running out. I have many closer to brown, some to the green and the ones that are truly in the middle murky.


I am also now charmed by blues and purples that are similarly leaning grey and antique-looking.

Will work for pens... :unsure:

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