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Sailor TUZU Fountain Pen

Bill P

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Bill, thank you for your review bringing this interesting pen model to my attention.  The option of rotating the nib is intriguing and the nib performance at that price point is impressive.  

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I bought one in F and love it. It's a great quick to grab pen for quick notes. I normally don't like nibs this fine but it writes so well I enjoy it especially on cheeper paper.

Laguna Niguel, California.

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In principle I'm not really buying any more pens, as I'm now at the stage where I'm trying to focus on one or two brands (and sell off what fits outside of that scope). In practice, when I saw the Tuzu available at a discount, I decided to try it out.


Anyhow, I have a grey version with a Medium nib and it writes beautifully. I like the overall size of the pen. The grip is comfortable and the step-down is not an issue at all, given that the section is plenty long enough. I'm very pleased with it. If you have small hands, the grip section may be a little too girthy for you, but for me with my medium-large male hands, it's very comfortable.


To my mind, the ability to change the nib angle is cute, but a bit of a gimmick - changing the nib angle is easy to do, but the pre-set options are quite restrictive. For it to be really useful for me, it would need to be much more finely tunable; that is, be able to be adjusted by a few degrees at a time.

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My gray with B nib writes well but the F was so scratchy it had to be returned.  But the gray's now filled with Sailor Suki Gokoro, and that's in use daily.


(I have a few Sailor pens with F nibs.  They are NOT scratchy at all).

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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I have the Black in a B nib that is now a CI.

It is inked with Sailor BlueBlack for the last few months.

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At the price point it is a great value...writes better than MANY MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE Fountain Pens.


The Platinum Preppy (current version)  is another EXCELLENT Value Fountain Pen.



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