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Bril ink give away - any takers?

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I have a large quantity of Bril ink - 500ml bottles in Black, Blue, Green and Red. Ink is about 10 years old but has been stored well. I am using the Blue and Green at the moment and they write very nice, absolutely no issues. Both are lovely colors.


I would happily send some (or a lot) ink to anyone who is interested in trying them. I have been given other ink by a very generous member here and I would like to do the same. I can only ship within CONUS though but will do that at my cost.


If there is interest I will try to figure containers for shipping.



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How nice! Were I in the US I would jump at this... even though, to be honest, I would not be trying them - I have managed to get a hold of all four colors, in regularsized bottles, some years ago - mr Subramaniyam of Asapens was kind enough to send me a bottle each of red, green, black and blue Bril ink. I love them all and have used them sparingly.

a fountain pen is physics in action... Proud member of the SuperPinks


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  I would love to try Bril, I have heard it sheens nicely on good paper. May I please have some? I am also happy to reciprocate and send ink samples your way. 

Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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16 hours ago, Penguincollector said:

  I would love to try Bril, I have heard it sheens nicely on good paper. May I please have some? I am also happy to reciprocate and send ink samples your way. 

Yes, I have read about the Blue sheening but I have not experienced it. I mostly only use HP Premium 32 paper and that does show any. 😒  Sending PM your way.

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On 4/4/2024 at 1:50 AM, K Singh said:

Sweet gesture ❤️ Am tagging @Prof Drew here, who is someone interested in Indian pens and inks, and might find these inks useful.


I will be glad to send samples over. I love reading your pen reviews.

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16 hours ago, mhguda said:

How nice! Were I in the US I would jump at this... even though, to be honest, I would not be trying them - I have managed to get a hold of all four colors, in regularsized bottles, some years ago - mr Subramaniyam of Asapens was kind enough to send me a bottle each of red, green, black and blue Bril ink. I love them all and have used them sparingly.

Nice. I have not used the black. The other 3 colors are nice but I would rate my preference in order as Green, Blue and then Red.

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1 hour ago, slr31 said:


I will be glad to send samples over. I love reading your pen reviews.

Thank you 🙂


Looks like the professor is busy. Let's see when he sees the notification and responds here. 

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@slr31 thank you for the kind offer, and @K Singh thank you very much for thinking of me. Sorry I was offline. Our school held an open house, and I was quite busy with things. Time goes so quickly at this time of year... plus taxes are due in a week and I once again am running up against the clock.


In any case, while I am curious about Indian inks and know Brill is famous, I should decline as postage to Hawai'i is always an issue and I've barely tried some of the inks I received last month (Krshna, etc). I actually decided to consolidate my ink boxes and bought a sort of plastic cabinet to store them, which is getting full. Any more inks and I won't have room to write :)


Thanks so much though. Hope you are all well otherwise. OK. I should log off and get back to the joys of sorting receipts and other taxing adventures.


One of the pen clubs I belong to often does ink shares, which are fun. People bring ink they want to trade/ share. We then use pipettes to transfer a bit to sample small vials. Perhaps many clubs do that, but it is quite fun... although my partner teases me when my hands come back ink-stained.


Thanks again and best wishes.

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1 hour ago, Prof Drew said:

@slr31 thank you for the kind offer, and @K Singh thank you very much for thinking of me. Sorry I was offline. Our school held an open house, and I was quite busy with things. Time goes so quickly at this time of year... plus taxes are due in a week and I once again am running up against the clock.


In any case, while I am curious about Indian inks and know Brill is famous, I should decline as postage to Hawai'i is always an issue and I've barely tried some of the inks I received last month (Krshna, etc). I actually decided to consolidate my ink boxes and bought a sort of plastic cabinet to store them, which is getting full. Any more inks and I won't have room to write :)


Thanks so much though. Hope you are all well otherwise. OK. I should log off and get back to the joys of sorting receipts and other taxing adventures.


One of the pen clubs I belong to often does ink shares, which are fun. People bring ink they want to trade/ share. We then use pipettes to transfer a bit to sample small vials. Perhaps many clubs do that, but it is quite fun... although my partner teases me when my hands come back ink-stained.


Thanks again and best wishes.

Carry on 👍 I can relate about the ink part. I myself buy inks as and when I need them, otherwise there are too many ink bottles lying around.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/9/2024 at 7:12 AM, Prof Drew said:

@slr31 thank you for the kind offer, and @K Singh thank you very much for thinking of me. Sorry I was offline. Our school held an open house, and I was quite busy with things. Time goes so quickly at this time of year... plus taxes are due in a week and I once again am running up against the clock.


In any case, while I am curious about Indian inks and know Brill is famous, I should decline as postage to Hawai'i is always an issue and I've barely tried some of the inks I received last month (Krshna, etc). I actually decided to consolidate my ink boxes and bought a sort of plastic cabinet to store them, which is getting full. Any more inks and I won't have room to write :)


Thanks so much though. Hope you are all well otherwise. OK. I should log off and get back to the joys of sorting receipts and other taxing adventures.


One of the pen clubs I belong to often does ink shares, which are fun. People bring ink they want to trade/ share. We then use pipettes to transfer a bit to sample small vials. Perhaps many clubs do that, but it is quite fun... although my partner teases me when my hands come back ink-stained.


Thanks again and best wishes.

I understand as I have some ink I have not tried yet. But when you are ready, I will be happy to send you some Bril. I have 6 colors including Violet and Laurel Rose. I have never been to a pen club meeting and will try to go to one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I stumbled on this post by accident and I was somewhat puzzled.  Someone is giving away ink and there isn't a long line of responses.  What has happened to this Forum?  I shouldn't fuss, I don't visit as much as I really should so that is the reason I missed this also.  I have an absolutely ridiculous amount of black ink but I don't have any Bril black.  For some reason, it has always fallen into the realm of unobtanium for me and I don't know exactly why.  I find black inks rather interesting because there is so much there beyond their simple utilitarian function.  If it makes you feel any better, I have several large bottles myself of assorted colors that my great grandchildren will never be able to finish.  They get to stand out in the crowd.

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/3/2024 at 9:12 PM, slr31 said:

I have a large quantity of Bril ink - 500ml bottles in Black, Blue, Green and Red. Ink is about 10 years old but has been stored well. I am using the Blue and Green at the moment and they write very nice, absolutely no issues. Both are lovely colors.


I would happily send some (or a lot) ink to anyone who is interested in trying them. I have been given other ink by a very generous member here and I would like to do the same. I can only ship within CONUS though but will do that at my cost.


If there is interest I will try to figure containers for shipping.



Have any left?

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  • 4 weeks later...

If this is still available, I'd love to get samples please - currently don't use my pens enough for more than sample amounts haha

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there! If you still have some available Im definitely interested. Ive been wanting to try some indian inks for a while now. 

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  • 4 months later...

Hello, I do have some Bril ink on the 30ml bottles and OMG, great performance and color. I was not expecting that value for the money. Recommended!


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