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EFNIR: Herbin Éclat de Saphir


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Extra Fine Nib Ink Review: Herbin Éclat de Saphir

This is review #275 in my series. Here's the YouTube video:

Post-recording notes: The scanner and microscope hate this color. The camera doesn't like it much better. It's like a semi-pastel royal blue. It definitely leans toward purple, but isn't blurple.  It's a rather soothing / relaxing color, but still too close to ballpoint / rollerball blue for me to like.  The microscope slide was boring as could be.  Cleaning was easy with plain water but did require a little extra flushing, so I'm guessing the dye is rather concentrated. The color in the video seems too bright to me.

Zoomed in photo (The color isn't awful, but it's not great either.)

Screenshot (This might be the closest, but it's too dark, not vibrant enough.)

Scan of Completed Review (Color isn't as vibrant and not quite enough purple.)

Absorbent Paper Close-up (top is puzzle paper like thick newsprint, bottom is old 20lb copy paper) (No better than the zoom.)

Line width (The "I" in "Ink:". Magnification is 100x. The grid is 100x100µm. The scale is 330µm, with eleven divisions of 30µm each. The line width for this ink is roughly 319µm. With 275 inks measured, the average line width is 296µm.) (This might be the best color, but also not enough purple.)

Previous Review: Aurora Black.

Images also available on Instagram: @zilxodarap.

Want to influence the inky sequence? Take the "next ink" poll.

View a list of my inks, complete with review results in a google sheet.

Need to catch up on The Adventures of Quin and Makhabesh? Find the whole story here.

Hope you enjoy. Comments appreciated!

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Excellent review @LizEF :thumbup:

I like how you described the colour, semi-pastel royal blue :) I can see why you say it's soothing the video smoothes the soundscape ;)

Quin's Mom must be really trusting :), to leave a Snek and Sphinx (Thnek and Thpinx :D ) alone in a kitchen with presumably a freezer filled with grape popsicles :lticaptd:

It would be fun to see the greeting scene, with Quin's Ma. I wonder if it's normal for wizards have non-human friends. And how sleepovers would look like ;)

Thanks for making our Tuesday whimsical 🙏

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48 minutes ago, yazeh said:

Excellent review @LizEF :thumbup:

:) Thanks, @yazeh!


48 minutes ago, yazeh said:

I like how you described the colour, semi-pastel royal blue :) I can see why you say it's soothing the video smoothes the soundscape ;)

:lol: It's strange how some colors can do that - frequency, brainwaves, something - but this definitely seemed more relaxing the longer I wrote with it (e.g. longer journal entries).  Don't know if it would do that for everyone, but it did for me.


49 minutes ago, yazeh said:

Quin's Mom must be really trusting :), to leave a Snek and Sphinx (Thnek and Thpinx :D ) alone in a kitchen with presumably a freezer filled with grape popsicles :lticaptd:

:lticaptd:Or she's just a generous and welcoming mom, taking in the "orphans"... :)


52 minutes ago, yazeh said:

It would be fun to see the greeting scene, with Quin's Ma. I wonder if it's normal for wizards have non-human friends. And how sleepovers would look like ;)

:) Perhaps I'll try to make some time to write it, as an extra.  I imagine Mom will simply accept them without question or concern, though.  But we haven't encountered other sneks - I imagine they prefer to stick to themselves, being small and not really suited to the things and places of people.  Sphinxes, on the other hand, likely come among people whenever they feel like it, without much worry, but probably most probably don't like to, what with the tendency of some people to treat them like pets and they (the sphinxes) being so superior to people. :P :lol:


I do wonder whether Makhabesh curls up next to Quin for warmth, like a cat would.  Essri prefers sleeping curled up with anyone, again, for warmth.


56 minutes ago, yazeh said:

Thanks for making our Tuesday whimsical 🙏

:) You're most welcome!

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I'm having a hard time with this color. I feel like I really like it, but I can't actually be sure. I do like how it is still a bright royal blue without necessarily looking like it's made of the same stuff as all the other royal blues out there. 

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Nice review as always -- above all, for the very reason that it (your review) sorta prompts whipping out any answer from any inkophile. Like, I mean, "hey, are you gonna like this or not?"

It was one of my first inks of all, at least my first Herbin ink. I still like it, but only a bit.

Reason: it is a tick too chalky, and two ticks too watery.

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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45 minutes ago, arcfide said:

I'm having a hard time with this color. I feel like I really like it, but I can't actually be sure. I do like how it is still a bright royal blue without necessarily looking like it's made of the same stuff as all the other royal blues out there. 

:lol: Welcome to the club!  The "semi-pastel" element is making it just different enough to throw you off.  Its calming quality is hypnotizing you.  Look away!  No, look how relaxing I am... Quick, close your eyes.  Relax, all is well....

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18 minutes ago, lapis said:

Nice review as always -- above all, for the very reason that it (your review) sorta prompts whipping out any answer from any inkophile. Like, I mean, "hey, are you gonna like this or not?"

It was one of my first inks of all, at least my first Herbin ink. I still like it, but only a bit.

Reason: it is a tick too chalky, and two ticks too watery.

:) Thanks, @lapis!  Yes, it's a little muted - chalky, as you say, but not in the same way as some permanent inks (I think - it's been five weeks, but I don't recall thinking it was anything like "permanent chalky").

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Groaning?   Maybe from Dad.  An insane woodpecker attacking a tree just outside Quin's family dwelling?


 Love the story turn, and that the 'kids' get sent to the kitchen for snacks.


I may be the only person to like 'ballpoint' blue inks.  Not only do I have and enjoy this one, but its pals, Lamy and Quin(k).  


If I wrote about rejection, it would take all day.  


Thanks, @LizEF, for all these wonderful ink reviews, your serial, and bringing a bright spot to my Tuesday. 


My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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30 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Groaning?   Maybe from Dad.



30 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

An insane woodpecker attacking a tree just outside Quin's family dwelling?



31 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Love the story turn, and that the 'kids' get sent to the kitchen for snacks.

:D Well, ya know, inviting them to hear and see the details of sick Dad just didn't seem probable...


32 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

I may be the only person to like 'ballpoint' blue inks.  Not only do I have and enjoy this one, but its pals, Lamy and Quin(k).  

Nah, they must be quite popular - there are so many made!


32 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

If I wrote about rejection, it would take all day.  

:) :( 


33 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Thanks, @LizEF, for all these wonderful ink reviews, your serial, and bringing a bright spot to my Tuesday. 

:) You're very welcome!

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5 hours ago, LizEF said:


:lticaptd:Or she's just a generous and welcoming mom, taking in the "orphans"... :)

If memory serves me right, Sphinx is no orphan! 

5 hours ago, LizEF said:


:) Perhaps I'll try to make some time to write it, as an extra.  I imagine Mom will simply accept them without question or concern, though.  But we haven't encountered other sneks - I imagine they prefer to stick to themselves, being small and not really suited to the things and places of people.  Sphinxes, on the other hand, likely come among people whenever they feel like it, without much worry, but probably most probably don't like to, what with the tendency of some people to treat them like pets and they (the sphinxes) being so superior to people. :P :lol:



You can always show a lot and explore icky family dynamics at the door. Hi Mom, it's your wayward son, Quin. ;)




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7 minutes ago, yazeh said:

If memory serves me right, Sphinx is no orphan! 

Neither one is an orphan, hence the quotes around the word.  Essri is basically a run-away.  Makhabesh was told to go make his way in the world already!


9 minutes ago, yazeh said:


You can always show a lot and explore icky family dynamics at the door. Hi Mom, it's your wayward son, Quin. ;)

Well, remember, I have 4* more videos already recorded, so by the time you guys give feedback, it's often too late to incorporate it into the story - or at least the immediate story.  Anything more with Quin's family will have to be "extras" written outside the review framework.


*There would be 5, but there was a problem with the ink I would have recorded today, so I got a new sample (from the same person) and am starting over today, thus I'll only be 4 weeks ahead from now on. :)

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23 minutes ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

Makhabesh's mommy is quite fearsome, as I recall.

Indeed.  Don't mess with Mamma sphinx!

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Thanks as usual for the review.

Eclat de Saphir isn't my favorite blue -- but it's DEFINITELY my go-to ink for capillary fill Parker 61s because it doesn't clog up.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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27 minutes ago, inkstainedruth said:

Thanks as usual for the review.

:) You're welcome!


28 minutes ago, inkstainedruth said:

Eclat de Saphir isn't my favorite blue -- but it's DEFINITELY my go-to ink for capillary fill Parker 61s because it doesn't clog up.

:thumbup: I'm sure it's good for that. 

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11 hours ago, Sailor Kenshin said:

I may be the only person to like 'ballpoint' blue inks.  Not only do I have and enjoy this one, but its pals, Lamy and Quin(k).

     Blue ink club member here! This was my introduction to Herbin and I love it. I always have a Quink blue of some sort in rotation, and swoon over Pelikan and Serenity blues. I always enjoy your reviews, Liz! 

   Here’s hoping all goes well for our magical friends.

Top 5 (in no particular order) of 22 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker Parkette Jr (‘38), Diamine Kensington Blue

Pilot Custom 74 MS, Lamy Vibrant Pink

Eversharp Symphony F, Herbin Bleu Nuit

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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Thank you, @LizEF, for the ink review, for providing a first glimpse - but still letting us guess about how the story will turn - and for your >2 min patience with ink dry/set measurement! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


I think, I have used this ink long before the year 2000, as I have done with three other standard Herbin inks. Rouge Grenat (which I bought around 2005, first time) was the only one I bought two bottles. All the others were feathering and bleeding like no tomorrow, unusable on below average paper and not really well behaving on good paper. I'm always a bit surprised when others report about good experiences. Could I had have bad luck multiple times?


I'm sorry for hurting Eclat de Saphir - I have to reject it. 🤷‍♀️

One life!

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Thank you for the review of an ink I can't decide if I adore or hate!

Lubrication is nice, line width isn't 😂 After "maturing" a but in a pen it can give an almost BSB hope when wet, followed by the chalky disappointment (not Sailot Storia level but still). Pelikan Edelstein Sapphire does the same, but cost more, pick your poison.


16 hours ago, arcfide said:

I'm having a hard time with this color. I feel like I really like it, but I can't actually be sure. I do like how it is still a bright royal blue without necessarily looking like it's made of the same stuff as all the other royal blues out there. 

That sums up my feelings too. As a bonus over other more standard royal blues, it doesn't seem to be using methyl blue as main dye and so is almost immune to ink eradicators, or fading as soon as the paper isn't properly buffered. 

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8 hours ago, Penguincollector said:

Blue ink club member here! This was my introduction to Herbin and I love it. I always have a Quink blue of some sort in rotation, and swoon over Pelikan and Serenity blues.

:)  I'm glad there are folks who like these (not that I ever doubted there were)!


8 hours ago, Penguincollector said:

I always enjoy your reviews, Liz! 

:D Thank you!


8 hours ago, Penguincollector said:

Here’s hoping all goes well for our magical friends.

As my brother would say - they're the title characters - things can't go that bad, or there wouldn't be a show anymore. ;)

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6 hours ago, InesF said:

Thank you, @LizEF, for the ink review, for providing a first glimpse - but still letting us guess about how the story will turn - and for your >2 min patience with ink dry/set measurement! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

:lol: You're most welcome!


6 hours ago, InesF said:

I think, I have used this ink long before the year 2000, as I have done with three other standard Herbin inks. Rouge Grenat (which I bought around 2005, first time) was the only one I bought two bottles. All the others were feathering and bleeding like no tomorrow, unusable on below average paper and not really well behaving on good paper. I'm always a bit surprised when others report about good experiences. Could I had have bad luck multiple times?

Interesting.  Perhaps they've changed the formula (for this one).  Or maybe it's my Japanese EF with what I think is about average flow (not wet, not terribly dry either).


6 hours ago, InesF said:

I'm sorry for hurting Eclat de Saphir - I have to reject it. 🤷‍♀️

:lol: I'm sure it's used to it by now.  Thankfully, it has some fans to cushion the blows. ;)

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