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That is unfortunate, but in the end it will be like a new one and you will enjoy writing with it again. 

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Ouch. 🫤


Agreed with RedPie, the best thing to look forward to now is the pen coming back like new.

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12 hours ago, Centurion said:

You initially wanted a BB, but changed your mind and decided to go all the way for the O3B?

@Centurion No, I think this was the result of a misunderstanding.


I do not post pens for fear of the cap’s threads damaging the barrel, so I try to take extra care to put the cap in a safe place while writing with the pen.  This incident is my first cap accident.

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11 hours ago, Opooh said:

Sorry to hear that, a hard and expensive lesson. Mind you, same happened to me years ago. And yes not with a one dollar pen. Second lessen, a 149 traveller is not made to travel.

@Opooh Yes, thank you.  These are lessons that will not be easily forgotten.

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11 hours ago, a student said:


@NoType This is indeed the most heart rending of posts that I have read on this forum!


@a student It was definitely the most painful post that I have written to date.  Thank you for sharing some of my distress.


11 hours ago, a student said:

As @Centurion notes, the saving grace is that all that is needed is a new cap, and all should be hunky dory. Yes, this being a MB repair, it would be unreasonable these days to expect the cost to be anything "reasonable".

@Centurion @a student Yes, I am grateful that the barrel with its complex “New Filling System” is undamaged; I shudder to contemplate the repair estimate otherwise.


11 hours ago, a student said:

Looking forward to a happier post from you when all that is required, the new cap and the nib exchange that is, is finally done and the pen is back to new

@a student I also look forward to the day I can report back with a happy resolution.

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11 hours ago, a student said:


I have to agree with that. I found the six cartridge wallet and the dual cartridge "mechanism" somewhat cumbersome, and took to using a Boheme with a cartridge / converter for travelling for a while. Now I just carry a throwaway ballpen or at times a Caran d'Ache (or Lamy) multi-pen for travel– some airports require that you display that the pen writes!

@Opooh @a student I must confess that I have not yet had occasion to enjoy the 147 Traveller while, er, travelling.  Now, of course, I am loath to carry a valued pen away from my desk at all, as my clumsiness appears to be at peak performance.  Using a disposable pen seems a wise strategy, especially if one must demonstrate its performance at the spur of the moment.

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5 hours ago, Arcadian said:

Ooh dear, that's horrible! I can just imagine that crushing sounds... yish! I am sorry that that happened to you. Hopefully Montblanc will send it back to you quickly, with a beautiful new cap! 


 - P. 

@Arcadian Yes, that sound was quite distinctive and disturbing.  Thank you very much for your well wishes.  I will be sure to report back with, one hopes, good news.

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2 hours ago, RedPie said:

That is unfortunate, but in the end it will be like a new one and you will enjoy writing with it again. 

@RedPie Thank you for your reassurance.  From your lips to the fountain pen deities’ ears!  

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2 hours ago, Scribs said:

Ouch. 🫤


Agreed with RedPie, the best thing to look forward to now is the pen coming back like new.

@Scribs Yes, a painful event in many respects.


Yes, this is good advise which I need to take to heart as I have the unfortunate habit of dwelling on things.  The new year has just begun, and I must stay positive and hopeful.

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On 1/24/2025 at 2:11 AM, NoType said:






Ouch...! Feels unreal.. sorry it happened @NoType 
the most probable good thing you'll be able to get a completely new cap as it just came out.

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2 hours ago, digitorum- Leonardo_W said:


Ouch...! Feels unreal.. sorry it happened @NoType 
the most probable good thing you'll be able to get a completely new cap as it just came out.

@digitorum- Leonardo_W I could hardly believe it when it happened.  Thank you for commiserating with me and for your encouragement.  Yes, I believe you are correct about the cap, but I wonder if they will replace the numbered clip ring with a different clip ring bearing “N / 1924” instead of the original limitation number.  (The clip ring and clip, though sustaining significant damage, survived intact and both the clip ring’s limitation number and individual number remained legible.)


Worryingly, the phrase “as long as it is not a Limited Edition” appears in the discussion of a cap replacement



from https://www.montblanc.com/en-us/customer-service/product-repair-faq


So although the boutique has already accepted the pen for service and provided documentation, I am still a little apprehensive about how Montblanc will treat the repair request for a full cap replacement, since the pen is a limited edition.


I await an assessment and cost estimate with baited breath.


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43 minutes ago, NoType said:

@digitorum- Leonardo_W I could hardly believe it when it happened.  Thank you for commiserating with me and for your encouragement.  Yes, I believe you are correct about the cap, but I wonder if they will replace the numbered clip ring with a different clip ring bearing “N / 1924” instead of the original limitation number.  (The clip ring and clip, though sustaining significant damage, remained intact and both the clip’s limitation number and individual number remained legible.)


Worryingly, the phrase “as long as it is not a Limited Edition” appears in the discussion of a cap replacement



from https://www.montblanc.com/en-us/customer-service/product-repair-faq


So although the boutique has already accepted the pen for service and provided documentation, I am still a little apprehensive about how Montblanc will treat the repair request for a full cap replacement, since the pen is a limited edition.


I await an assessment and cost estimate with baited breath.


Perhaps you can contact the boutique to contact HQ about the numbered clip ring to encourage them to make its a numbered clip ring! Even if the clip ring was very damaged MB should destroy your old damaged clip and make a new one. But in your case it sounds simple, injection mold a new cap and install your undamaged clip ring. From your post we know the official policy, but simply requesting it I would hope MB will honor it, especially on an important Limited Edition. All limited edition are special, but some are more special than others?

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53 minutes ago, Centurion said:

Perhaps you can contact the boutique to contact HQ about the numbered clip ring to encourage them to make its a numbered clip ring! Even if the clip ring was very damaged MB should destroy your old damaged clip and make a new one. But in your case it sounds simple, injection mold a new cap and install your undamaged clip ring. From your post we know the official policy, but simply requesting it I would hope MB will honor it, especially on an important Limited Edition. All limited edition are special, but some are more special than others?

@Centurion Thank you for this suggestion.  It is definitely worth a try.  I will contact the boutique next week and inquire about the situation, impressing upon them my preference for a numbered clip ring.  I am curious as to how flexible Montblanc might be regarding limited editions, and I will report back their response.

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11 hours ago, NoType said:

 I will contact the boutique next week and inquire about the situation, impressing upon them my preference for a numbered clip ring.  I am curious as to how flexible Montblanc might be regarding limited editions, and I will report back their response.

Looking forward to it and hope MB will help you!

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On 1/9/2025 at 10:41 AM, Seney724 said:

What is totally unclear, however, is whether or not Montblanc is going to continue to produce them.  Whether the information the Boutique Manager provided you relative to this question is accurate or not remains to be seen.  Please let  us know what you glean from him (or her) after you have made contact.

@Seney724 Unfortunately, none of the three boutique managers with whom I have been speaking over the phone has received word from HQ regarding whether Montblanc will continue to produce The Origin Collection in 2025.  I placed my second call to each of them over the past four days and no one has any new and meaningful information to impart.  


Each boutique manager voiced the same theory, however; namely, that the majority — if not the entirety — of Montblanc’s production has shifted to models slated for release in 2025 and beyond.  The implication being that, as you correctly hypothesised, models of The Origin Collection might only be available until current stock is depleted.  


I will continue to reach out to the boutique managers to see if any of them has received definite word from Montblanc.  My apologies for the long delay in getting answers.


Perhaps another member already has been given concrete information.  If that is the case, one hopes they will contribute to this discussion.

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15 minutes ago, NoType said:

@Seney724 Unfortunately, none of the three boutique managers with whom I have been speaking over the phone has received word from HQ regarding whether Montblanc will continue to produce The Origin Collection in 2025.  I placed my second call to each of them over the past four days and no one has any new and meaningful information to impart.  


Each boutique manager voiced the same theory, however; namely, that the majority — if not the entirety — of Montblanc’s production has shifted to models slated for release in 2025 and beyond.  The implication being that, as you correctly hypothesised, models of The Origin Collection might only be available until current stock is depleted.  


I will continue to reach out to the boutique managers to see if any of them has received definite word from Montblanc.  My apologies for the long delay in getting answers.


Perhaps another member already has been given concrete information.  If that is the case, one hopes they will contribute to this discussion.

Many thanks for both your efforts as well as for this insightful update @NoType.  Both are greatly appreciated.

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Even for limited edition pens Montblanc has offered repair/replacement in the past from my experience.

I have (and have seen) a few LE pens with replacement parts; e.g. they will keep the limited edition number but will add an "N" or "x" to the number to make clear that a part was replaced.


In case the LE is too old they might not be able to recreate the damaged part but I don't see that this will become a problem here.

Costs for repair - in case they opt to charge - may reflect the value/price of the pen. In this case my estimate would be around 400-600 €.

Sorry to hear that this has happened but I'm sure the pen will get a new cap sooner or later from Montblanc!

Cheers, good luck and keep us updated.


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58 minutes ago, NoType said:

@Seney724 Unfortunately, none of the three boutique managers with whom I have been speaking over the phone has received word from HQ regarding whether Montblanc will continue to produce The Origin Collection in 2025.  I placed my second call to each of them over the past four days and no one has any new and meaningful information to impart.  


Each boutique manager voiced the same theory, however; namely, that the majority — if not the entirety — of Montblanc’s production has shifted to models slated for release in 2025 and beyond.  

@NoType First, I ought to apologise for intruding where I am not necessarily the best informed person; but, I were you (and I should emphasize here that I am not you and therefore this may not be the most appropriate advice), I would have proceeded as follows at this point: 

  • Get hold of the number/email of the person responsible at MB HQ for customer relations or repairs.
  • Explain politely, but very very firmly, to her/him that you have had this misfortune and will send her/him images, and the only place you can seek help from is MB. You feel you have a right to do so; all the more so as a long standing customer
  • Also explain that you are not asking for the impossible, but only that a 149 cap be produced in that particular red shade of "precious resin", from stock or otherwise; the old metal fittings with the number etc would do fine
  • As a long time customer you deserve better than to be told that the matter is being examined, and thrice over at that. Its been over a week or whatever, and all that you have been given is a standard letter for MB, and you deserve better
  • You fully appreciate the fact that MB could be very much occupied with work on 2025 (and beyond) releases, but you see customer satisfaction as an equally if not a more fundamental function of MB

And keep checking with her/him regularly about what MB is going to do. Within the limits of polite conversation of course, I would not show MB any more deference than its actions justify


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2 minutes ago, Michael R. said:

Even for limited edition pens Montblanc has offered repair/replacement in the past from my experience.

I have (and have seen) a few LE pens with replacement parts; e.g. they will keep the limited edition number but will add an "N" or "x" to the number to make clear that a part was replaced.


In case the LE is too old they might not be able to recreate the damaged part but I don't see that this will become a problem here.

Costs for repair - in case they opt to charge - may reflect the value/price of the pen. In this case my estimate would be around 400-600 €.

Sorry to hear that this has happened but I'm sure the pen will get a new cap sooner or later from Montblanc!

Cheers, good luck and keep us updated.


@Michael R. Thank you very much for this information.  Especially for clarifying that an “N” will be added to the existing limitation number (“0000N” / 1924) rather than simply “N” / 1924, which of course makes more sense than what I was imagining.  And now that you mention it, I do recall seeing a limited edition with an N appended to its limitation number in an earlier thread somewhere in this subforum.


I really appreciate your examples of service costs and your encouragement.  I will be sure to provide updates as information is delivered to me.  I suspect the assessment will occur in HQ, so it might be a few days more before i hear back from the boutique.


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