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Makie in Japan & Earthquake


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It seems that a number of studios are affected.

Example: 彦十蒔絵  Hikoju Makie





No information yet about the influence on Namiki or Nakaya or Pelikan or whoever outsourced makie modification to Wajima studios.




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In the news :


"After the earthquake, some of the many Wajima lacquerware manufacturers in Wajima City updated their official websites and reported that they had ceased operations."


Use translate.google.com for the original article:



There are also reports that many studio owners were over 60, 70, 80 and their studios are all burnt down. Most of them said, they will not restart.

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Platinum uses Yamanaka-nuri mentioned in the article. I beleive I recall Sailor as well.

If production is being moved to Yamanaka those artisans will be immensely busy and prices for any type of lacquerware will increase.


Lacquer work is doe in many areas of Japan. Wajima was the most famous. We need to wait and see if quality of new works will be equal to that in the past.




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@mke I made a tiny bit of donation through that link.
Now came to think of it, I wonder if it is against the 特定商取引法 to send donations in that way. 
I am not exactly complaining but I wonder if they can set up an account of some sort for a more long-term aid to Mr Hino , and also other Maki-e, lacquer artists. 

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  • 4 months later...

A small update of some sort.


I have emailed with Yas from Tokio Quill. Paraphrasing on the correspondence, I learned that Pilot has resumed production to a certain extent. The Namiki 2024 LE "Bumble Bee" is sold out in Japan already. Apparently 70 pieces were allocated, although reservations were well over 100. This pen will arrive in Europe later this summer. The new Yukari "Cherry Blossoms at Night" will see a monthly production of some 20 pieces, so it will take a lot of time for normal global availability. It means shortage of urushi products are now the norm with increasing waiting times as the consequence. Apparently, Pilot cannot even estimate rough lead times for formal orders placed last month. All in all there is progress, but unfortunately it is rather slow.


On a separate note I learned on the Dutch Pen Show that Nakaya in the meantime has sold all of their remaining stock. There is no news yet on restarting production.

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