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Dumb question: how does the 8 ball work?


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I saw an Esterbrook 8 ball at a local charity shop and was tempted to buy it ('cause, obviously, I need another desk pen when I don't use the Parker and Sheaffer sets I already own 😕 ).


But ... how does it work?


There was no lever, so it's not a fountain pen.  And it doesn't seem to have a reservoir, just a socket.


I've google for a whole 4.5 minutes, and I can't find the answer to this mystery :(


Kenneth Moyle

Hamilton, Ontario

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The Esterbrook eight ball desk bases are made to be used with an Esterbrook lever filler pen.


Esterbrook also had a Dipless model pen made to be used with a matching base. In this case it was the base that held the ink, the pen was a dip pen. It was called a Dipless because it had a feed which held more ink than a regular dip pen and therefore needed less dipping (it still needed dipping, just less of it).


It's possible the set you saw was a mismatch of a Dipless pen with an eightball base. Or maybe the pen was not even an Esterbrook. About half the eightballs I see in the wild which have a pen do not have an Esterbrook pen.

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9 hours ago, bsenn said:

The Esterbrook eight ball desk bases are made to be used with an Esterbrook lever filler pen.


Esterbrook also had a Dipless model pen made to be used with a matching base. In this case it was the base that held the ink, the pen was a dip pen. It was called a Dipless because it had a feed which held more ink than a regular dip pen and therefore needed less dipping (it still needed dipping, just less of it).


It's possible the set you saw was a mismatch of a Dipless pen with an eightball base. Or maybe the pen was not even an Esterbrook. About half the eightballs I see in the wild which have a pen do not have an Esterbrook pen.


That might be the answer!  I hadn't thought of that.


I'll revisit the shop and take some photos, perhaps.




Kenneth Moyle

Hamilton, Ontario

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Photos would help. Also, as far as I know all Esterbrook desk pens, lever filler or Dipless, had Esterbrook marked on the pen barrel.

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