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Ink Organization and Display for Maximum Enjoyment


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Looks cool. If one were designing shelves to suit ink bottles - not too tall or too deep - that's what it would be. OK, a coat of paint to suit taste or decor, if one must, but from what I can see around it in the pic it works. Well done.



Will work for pens... :unsure:

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It is always so interesting to see other member's collections, and how they organize them. I have gotten many ideas from this forum over the years. 

I love the idea shown above of getting a CD cabinet and repurposed it to keep an ink collection. 

My ink collection has grown considerably over the many years I have been using fountain pens. The first ink I really fell in love with was Montblanc British Raicing Green, and it got discontinued after I bought my first bottle. So now when I fall in love with an particular ink I have to have a second bottle. As you can imagine, over the years this has added a lot of bulk to my collection.

I have a non-obvious system of organization that makes total sense to me. All my inks are housed in the top two shelves of a metal cabinet. The top shelf keeps most of the 2nd bottles of ink that are still in their boxes, and the inks that I don't use that often. The most inaccessible parts of the second to the top shelf keeps the inks that I use the least of all, the blacks and grays on one side and the reds on the other side. 

Then I organize by brand and by color, but I also have some favorites up front where I can reach easily. So not a perfect but a very functional system.

I also keep a list of all the inks I own, including how many extra bottles I have. But I rarely have to consult this list, since most of the inks are at eye level and I can see what I have. 

I accumulated 154 inks (not counting the boxes with extra bottles), and I have limited space. So now before I buy another ink I have to make sure I have the space for it. Right now I have an empty small space waiting for my latest acquisition.

large file.jpg

Red sode.jpg

Black side.jpg

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Very nice!

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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