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Parker “Compact”?


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I recently bought and old box full of pens/pencils and have found a few things that I am trying to identify or maybe in this case find more info about as the box appears to identify it as a Parker Compact. That said, a brief Google search of this pen did not turn up much of anything. 

It’s got a telescoping ball point that drops it when you press the top. it’s marked made in France.  The back of the box has German (I think) on it. It’s a couple inches long, not large by any means (see pic next to quarter).


is this called a compact? When was it made? Im not selling but curious if it is of any value? Any info you may have would be awesome. I found nothing on parkerpens.net or anywhere else. Thanks in advance












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I’ve rechecked everything top to bottom & front to back, pen packaging and everything in between. I do not see a date code anywhere but it’s possible I don’t know what I’m looking for. The only space for markings is at the part of the pen to click it so that it drops. In this area it is marker “PARKER” & “Made in France” with some other stuff but doesn’t look like date to me. Hard to get a pic in focus that shows this.


Based on the other stuff in the collection that I purchased I would guess this pen is from the 80s

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3 hours ago, SwordsMightBeMightier said:

In this area it is marker “PARKER” & “Made in France” with some other stuff but doesn’t look like date to me. 

The 'other stuff' can be important. On one of the pictures of the German webshop, there is on the cap/click button the code "Parker Made in France UE" The code "UE" shows that the pen was made in the first quarter of 1981

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Im not sure where the markings "begin" and where they "end" as it all wraps around in what seems to be a full circle/loop around but I looked at it under a loupe and beginning where it says "PARKER" it reads:




[M]* i first thought was an M but it almost looks like a box with an upward arrow in the middle and two tiny P's on either side of the arrow. Im not totally sure what this is


[X]* is the parker logo circle with an arrow through it

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