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A strange P51 ballpoint pen.


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England made Parker 51 R. Silver caps fountain pen annd ballpoint pen set...

Yes. Yes. It is a cap actuated ballpoint pen with a P51 mechanical pencil like cone.

Has anyone seen a P51 ballpoint pen in this configuration???




Khan M. Ilyas

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That is strange indeed. The stump front with wider opening reminds me to a Liquid Lead pencil but the LL cones are shorter. Does the cone properly fit the barrel (there is a narrow gap between cone and barrel).

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1 hour ago, joss said:

That is strange indeed. The stump front with wider opening reminds me to a Liquid Lead pencil but the LL cones are shorter. Does the cone properly fit the barrel (there is a narrow gap between cone and barrel).

Hi Joss. The cone was not properly screwed to the barrel. I have now re-screwed it properly and took the attached pictures. 





Khan M. Ilyas

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Externally, the pencil & ball pen caps are the same size & the barrels are the same diameter as well. Could be a Parker 51 pencil that has been turned it into a ball pen by swapping the internals & cutting the end off the pencil cone to make the opening wide enough for the BP refill.  Perhaps the original ball pen barrel got damaged & they had a more common pencil barrel around. How long is the cone?

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I was just checking the Jotter book for another FPN thread and my eye fell on a Parker 51 Jotter prototype that is based on the Parker 51 pencil. The front cone looks exactly like the one on your pen. The picture is on page 73 of the book. 

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15 hours ago, joss said:

I was just checking the Jotter book for another FPN thread and my eye fell on a Parker 51 Jotter prototype that is based on the Parker 51 pencil. The front cone looks exactly like the one on your pen. The picture is on page 73 of the book. 

Thank you Joss. I will check the book. 

Khan M. Ilyas

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