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A list of Sandy1's papers

Bo Bo Olson

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A brilliant,  fine person, who answered any and all. Giant's once walked the earth, Sandy1 was one.


A list of or passed  Ink Guru Sandy1's papers. Over the 15 years or so of her ink reviews she used some 10 or so different papers.

All were available on line and affordable in one don't waste such paper in a printer so a 500 sheet ream would last some three or more years, a 100 sheet box a year or more.

I went down through Caran d'Ache ....it would be nice if others went into the many other inks she reviewed. And add the other papers.


2010  ,,,I think she was active before this.

Paper: HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy...................certain HP papers were once rated good, then someone made a bit of bonus money by lessening the coating.....so some HP papers fell out of the better paper lists....I do Not know if this is one of them or not. Same with certain Fuji papers I didn't get around to getting.

Paper: Rhodia.

Paper: G Lalo, Verge de France, white.

Paper: Royal - 25% rag

Paper: Staples 20 lb. multi use.


A paper she did not like....Paper: Quo Vadis, Habana journal, ivory. (Swan song for this sub-normal paper.) That is a do not buy warning. "That paper is FP-hostile - worse than Pulp for goodness sake!")


In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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  • Replies 16
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Top Posters In This Topic

  • Bo Bo Olson


  • LizEF


  • Misfit


  • Mark from Yorkshire


I had really expected a bit of help here and not do it all my self.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Perhaps others, like me, are confused.  I don't know exactly what you want.  I don't have such a list.  We did pull a few graphics from whatever hosting site was used, but my understanding is that the rest are now gone?  So...?  Perhaps you could just give us a simple, single sentence of what you were hoping for?

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I think he’s asking for help in listing the paper Sandy1 used in her ink reviews. It seems like he looked at all the Caran d’Ache inks, and listed the paper she used. 

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OK, so help #1.  This is a link to search results for all of Sandy1's topics in the ink review forum that mention the phrase "On these papers".  Those wishing to help can work their way through the results - you don't even need to load the post.  Granted, that's only 53 reviews, but it's a fast way to process those 53 reviews.


And here's a link for just the word "paper", with 567 results.  Unfortunately, there's no easy way to list all of the topics Sandy1 posted in the Ink Review forum with one listing per topic, which would make it easier.  But it's possible that my first link is mostly the answer to that - pages 7-23 of these results appear to all be replies, not original posts - but then, I didn't scour every one - I don't have the spare time for such a thing.  If someone wants to give me access to (or a copy of) the site's database so I can do SQL queries, I'll just query out the results @Bo Bo Olson wants - that would take no time at all.  But doing it manually - way too time-consuming.

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Having brought this topic up some 10-12 times over the years since she passed. I never saw those links.

I knew with out writing a list she used 10-12 different papers over the years....All good.

I had started at A and went through C'dA inks, looking to see what papers she had used. And listed them.

I had expected other paper lovers to start at C'dA and go a few big inks further, until we had a complete list.

So I'll go through and add the papers from the links.

Here again are the papers found the hard way..


Paper: HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy...................certain HP papers were once rated good, then someone made a bit of bonus money by lessening the coating.....so some HP papers fell out of the better paper lists....I do Not know if this is one of them or not. Same with certain Fuji papers I didn't get around to getting.

Paper: Rhodia.

Paper: G Lalo, Verge de France, white.

Paper: Royal - 25% rag

Paper: Staples 20 lb. multi use.


A paper she did not like....Paper: Quo Vadis, Habana journal, ivory. (Swan song for this sub-normal paper.) That is a do not buy warning. "That paper is FP-hostile - worse than Pulp for goodness sake!")


Thanks Lizef....in minutes, I found what was taking forever going review after another.


I didn't dd all the papers I found in the first old fashioned search.

Clairefontaine 'Triomphe'.

Bloc 16 & 18

Staples 20 lb. bond.

Staples Pastel, crème

Pulp and Pulp Glossy as real low quality paper

'Verge de France' white. G Lalo 'Verge de France' ivory. G Lalo 'Verge de France' bleu

HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy. Note: This is the current replacement for the HP1124. I notice no difference.

Basildon Bond, airmail, blue..........if I recall, not a paper she used often.

Rhodia, Pad 18///Rhodia, Bloc No. 18??? Don't know the difference between  18 Rhoda and the regular 80g if any. I have the 90g, but someone said the 80g shaded better.

NoName bond 20 lb. natural tint; 8¢/sheet.NoName bond 20 lb. pewter tint; 8¢/sheet


Thanks Misfit, Character. is one I missed.




In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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J Herbin ink reviews papers

with thanks to @LizEF for the link to the search results she found. 


HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy.


G Lalo, Verge de France, white.

Royal, 25% cotton rag. 


Glossy paper.

Glossy card.

Clairefontaine Triomphe.


QuoVadis, Habana ivory.

Pulp. One-a-Day calendar page.

Glossy card stock.

Glossy magazine paper.

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2 hours ago, Bo Bo Olson said:

Thanks Lizef....in minutes, I found what was taking forever going review after another.


2 hours ago, Misfit said:

with thanks to @LizEF 

:) You're very welcome!


It's times like this I wish I had access to the database - so much faster and easier than any alternative.

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  • 1 month later...

I wonder how many of the paper types are the same still in production especially with the green drive/greenwashing bullsh*t that is going on these days ?

Mark from the Latin Marcus follower of mars, the god of war.


Yorkshire Born, Yorkshire Bred. 

my current favourite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


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Mark, I don't know. I was against re-cycled paper from the start, in it's full of printer's ink, other things that get tossed into paper containers. So in one had it has poisons and the other things that can chap a nib.

Grown paper is a renewable resource if.....but facts have nothing to do with belief.


One of the reasons hemp (and therefore great paper)  was made illegal  in 1935/6 was the pulp paper industry and Dupont with it's then much streacher nylon rope than now, were revolting against the Government's 1922 pamphlet to farmers to grow hemp for second best rope....(best was Manila rope.)


Hemp made a paper that was good for 200 years..............As it is now and ever was deigned,  government is easy to bribe.

One subcommittee, made it impossible to get great cheap writing paper, for a couple of lifetimes. 

Unlike linen, where one has to change the growing ground every year, hemp could be grown on the same soil with out wearing out the soil.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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23 hours ago, Bo Bo Olson said:

Mark, I don't know. I was against re-cycled paper from the start, in it's full of printer's ink, other things that get tossed into paper containers. So in one had it has poisons and the other things that can chap a nib.

Grown paper is a renewable resource if.....but facts have nothing to do with belief.


One of the reasons hemp (and therefore great paper)  was made illegal  in 1935/6 was the pulp paper industry and Dupont with it's then much streacher nylon rope than now, were revolting against the Government's 1922 pamphlet to farmers to grow hemp for second best rope....(best was Manila rope.)


Hemp made a paper that was good for 200 years..............As it is now and ever was deigned,  government is easy to bribe.

One subcommittee, made it impossible to get great cheap writing paper, for a couple of lifetimes. 

Unlike linen, where one has to change the growing ground every year, hemp could be grown on the same soil with out wearing out the soil.

I have nothing against recycling/ recycled paper it is the general politicisation of the issue and I’m yet to find a fountain pen friendly paper that is recycled. The nearest I found was a Silvine one I use for work, but the fibres clogged the nib of the Sailor PGB 3000 that I was using 


I also deal with the sites once the mill has been shut down, and the toxic chemicals they use in production of paper, and othe industrial products.


there is a lot of bullsh*t on both sides of the argument so as a scientist (earth scientist) I’m naturally sceptical. With out peer assessed evidence I assume I’m being lied to.

Mark from the Latin Marcus follower of mars, the god of war.


Yorkshire Born, Yorkshire Bred. 

my current favourite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


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30 minutes ago, Mark from Yorkshire said:

I’m yet to find a fountain pen friendly paper that is recycled

I used to buy ‘Croxley Heritage’ recycled paper - but the mill got shut down 🙄


I do not know if it’s still available or - if it is - whether the current paper is as good as the old stuff was.

Fans of Japanese Tomoe River paper know how that can go.



30 minutes ago, Mark from Yorkshire said:

there is a lot of bullsh*t on both sides of the argument so as a scientist (earth scientist) I’m naturally sceptical. With out peer assessed evidence I assume I’m being lied to.

Sadly, in this day and age, taking that attitude is a precaution that is necessary - indeed, vital - across many aspects of Life®️ ☹️

large.Mercia45x27IMG_2024-09-18-104147.PNG.4f96e7299640f06f63e43a2096e76b6e.PNG  Foul in clear conditions, but handsome in the fog.  spacer.png

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  • 6 months later...

  @Bo Bo Olson, I’m going through Sandy1’s Monteverde reviews and found that in addition to what you and  @Misfit have listed, Sandy1 also used Maruman P143. I will look at other ink brands and see what else is listed. 


Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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As for recycled paper, I have found many that were great. I would rarely take note of them for until a few years ago I took for granted that most papers would be FP friendly by default (they were around here). It has been the advent of ultra-low quality printer paper that has changed turns. Still, I do not seem to have too much trouble finding good recycled paper in EU (I often do when traveling around and so far have not found a place where I could not locate good and recycle-good paper.


So, I guess YMMV.

If you are to be ephemeral, leave a good scent.

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Penguincollector...seeing you found it can you add it to the Sandy1 paper list?

also used Maruman P143

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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2 hours ago, Bo Bo Olson said:

Penguincollector...seeing you found it can you add it to the Sandy1 paper list?

also used Maruman P143

    Sure, but I don’t know where it is. I thought this thread was it.

Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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:headsmack::unsure:      You are right and I really should read the post instead of thinking it was a near by themed one.... :headsmack:

My apologies.


I really got to get some of those papers.


i do have...

I have G-Lalo Verge de France160g, (and Velin  pur coton..50% cotton 125 g) Both in champagne.  Mostly I find 50% to have the same woolly line problem of and or feathering of the 100% cotton.) It's out now, so I'll use a few sheets.

 I'm sometimes into real heavy papers. My favorite is my $$$$ cubed, Gmund 170 is one of my better extra fine papers as it should be at €40 a hundred sheets.


I have Rhoda 90g, which is a bit different from my reading as the maybe better 80g.

and of course Clairefontaine Triomphe 90g.


Just ran 17 pens mostly with different inks across that Velin  pur coton..50% cotton 125 g.


It does swallow some shading but not all. two pens had some...not all the same inks of course.


It is a slightly rough paper, so there are inks that edge close to a woolly line, from paper surface not from other reasons.  Some inks and nibs are  with one pen a tad of woolly line, with another none. Different ink.

DA Spaetegburger(one of his burgundy inks, but with a German name) surprised me greatly, a perfect ink for that paper. Even had a touch of shading. NoMAG F..


One of the seven grays shaded very well with ...Then there are days when one looks for the book kicking smilie, because I didn't put down on my Pelikan 381 pen's index card what new ink is in it.:wallbash:


It IS a Good paper to have. Better than I expected....even though I've used it before....I don't think I tested it this hard.



Howsoever I'm OCD/AR on feathering.


BEF....bare eyed feathering/woolly line....seen while sitting.... 


NEF....near eye feathering or woolly line....seen while looking at it near my eye. Looks just about OK while sitting. There are many like that. When one takes a close look, it shows feathering/woolly line. No clean smooth line. :(


With a Big Honking Magnifying glass.1 1/2 inch by 3 x 4 inches or 2.7 by 7 1/2 x 10cm. (No you can't use your 10X loupe...everything has a woolly line under that.)


Mag F...what I'd consider a descent ink....if I like the tone, I will buy it again. Feathering/woolly line can be seen under magnification only. :thumbup:


NoMAG F.......great ink ...buy more...buy stockin the company. No feathering/woolly line at all, even when looking through the big, thick magnifying glass. :notworthy1:







In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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