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Parker 61 -Modification


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This might be old news, or it might not and I hope it helps someone - this is just my experience after a snowy lazy sunday.  


I acquired a Parker 61 Capillary feed that had a fine nib, it would always run dry and the capillary section would not hold ink - also I am not a fan of fine nibs and or this one in particular as it was scratchy no matter how you adjusted it.


I was able to fine a medium nib - that had a late feed that was setup for a converter - and was desirous to use it. I also did not want to buy any more parts, or modify the barrel as it is in very nice shape for it's age.


So the crux of the problem was - what converter to use?  Or maybe no converter at all !


It turns out that the Sheaffer ink cartridges have a nice flexible opening and the cartridge is the same dims as the collar on the 61 - they hold a bunch of ink and do not interfere with the barrel or require a mod.  


But how to support the delicate feed, I need a piercing tube - with a flange to prevent the feed from being pulled out when you need to re-fill and remove the cartridge.


This required a walk around the neighborhood in the snow - and voila - it came to me !  


Modify a pop rivet !  


Ream the rivet out so the feed slides through - file and test fit the rivet width at the tube section and the flange to fit the barrel tip - de-burr and polish a bit - check fit - file/deburr/polish some more etc.


Take the Sheaffer cartridge and open the front end enough so it can slip over the tube and feed - fill with ink via syringe and - It works and it all fit together nicely - !  No leaks !


So for a test run, I gotta say it worked out great - I still have the capillary section and feed, to try to keep cleaning out and I have a pen that I can use.

Some pics - and the rivet cost me nothing - and the project just cost time at the bench - and frankly tinkering at the bench is time well spent !

















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Very clever!  Thank you so much for sharing.


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