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Speculation - Music nib being made available as an Expression Nib


Are you interested in a 149 or 146 music nib?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy a Montblanc with music nib?

    • Yes. 149 Music nib
    • Yes. 146 Music nib
    • No interest

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With the flex nib and the upcoming curved nib starting off the expression series, do you speculate that the music nib will also be available as an Expression Nib at some point?
I don't see myself paying for the Bespoke nib. Hoping that it will come to the Expression series is the best I could hope for.

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  • axio


  • arcfide


  • bunnspecial


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@axio Yes, you are correct, a more accessible entrée to the Montblanc’s Bespoke Music Nib might very well be via their Expression Nib collection, which is a rather novel idea, it must be said.  And if Montblanc did offer their Music Nib as a subsequent version of their Expression Nib collection, it seems it would be an undoubtedly popular choice for at least 80% of respondents to the poll.

Alas, that majority would not include this poster, who started using Montblanc fountain pens with EF nibs (both with and without “architect nib” characteristics), and has gradually expanded use to Montblanc F, M, and B manufacture nibs, as well as Cursive Smooth Italic Right-Foot Oblique (CSI-RFO) nibs ground by Mark Bacas (from Montblanc M manufacture widths).  A couple of Montblanc BB manufacture nibs, a Montblanc x Fritz Schimpf The Expressive 80 (not flexed), and a Montblanc x Fritz Schimpf Italic Edge 100 (not rotated 70°), have proven to be the upper limits of width for my small script, although the line variation obtainable by all of them was delightful.  Bacas’ CSI-RFO nibs seem to flatter my writing the most, however, so neither a Montblanc Bespoke Music Nib nor a Montblanc Music Nib released as an Expression Nib might see much use at my writing table.


@bunnspecial Haha, it seems you might be outnumbered, though one hopes there is room for negotiation.

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One thing that I think people miss with some of the large MB nibs like the Italic Edge is that, in some sense, they already have Music nib qualities. They aren't, I think, strictly Music nibs in the traditional sense, but I notice that Montblanc places undercuts on some of these nib designs, presumably to increase the ink flow without introducing another ink slit. In some ways, this is a little like a "Music nib lite." 


I would be very tempted by such a nib, depending on the width and characteristics, but at the same time I would have to think carefully about how my "pen budget" was looking at the time. 

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9 hours ago, arcfide said:

...I notice that Montblanc places undercuts on some of these nib designs, presumably to increase the ink flow without introducing another ink slit. In some ways, this is a little like a "Music nib lite."

Do you happen to know exactly which standard large nibs have these undercuts? Like BB, OBBB?


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2 hours ago, axio said:

Do you happen to know exactly which standard large nibs have these undercuts? Like BB, OBBB?


I've seen them, I think, in the Italic Edge, the Music, the Signature, but I don't think that any of the standard nibs are big enough to warrant the design? I don't know if the Flexible Italic nib had it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

A question came to my mind.

Is there such a thing as oblique music nib?

Wouldn't it be interesting to have that bespoke Montblanc music nib in oblique? Does the bespoke service offer that?

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