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Discontinued Cross Models


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Good evening, folks. I haven't purchased many pens over the past couple of years, focusing instead on enjoying the Peerless 125s and Townsends I already own. However, I recently started looking for a couple of Townsends in the basic black lacquer / gold pattern to give to my wife for a recent professional accomplishment. To my surprise and aggravation, I discovered that these are in short supply and hard to find. I also noticed that refills are harder to find than usual. I ended up finding a couple of the black/gold Townsends I wanted at a Cross dealer (the last two they had), who informed me that this pattern has been discontinued by Cross. I was quite surprised since this seems to be a pretty iconic pattern for Cross. The dealer also mentioned that the gold Classic Century has been discontinued. And, of course, I noticed that Townsends were in extremely short supply on Cross.com.


Have these models (and the Townsend in black/gold in particular) been discontinued by Cross, and are there others which have also been discontinued? And, in view of the short supply (which, I gather, is the result of supply chain issues coming from China) and these items which are discontinued, along with the backlog in repairs mentioned in other posts, is there cause to be worried about Cross' future?

Please see my current classifieds!


Looking for a Cross Century 2000 RB and/or FP in Chrome: http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/classifieds/item/43765-wtb-cross-century-2000-rollerball-andor-fp-in-chrome/

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  • Mark from Yorkshire


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I was thinking along them lines too but I think they are owned by a bigger parent company. I know Sheaffer are also part of the same family 

Mark from the Latin Marcus follower of mars, the god of war.


Yorkshire Born, Yorkshire Bred. 

my current favourite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


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I was right tehy are owned by a company called Transom capital and still own Sheaffer pens as well so we would loose two brands if they go under

Mark from the Latin Marcus follower of mars, the god of war.


Yorkshire Born, Yorkshire Bred. 

my current favourite author is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


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