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List of Inks by Popularity


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40 minutes ago, dftr said:

So looking at JetPens, the top 10 bottled inks (excluding sample bottles) ranked by popularity

1) Platinum Carbon Black

2) Pilot Take-Sumi

3) JHerbin Emeraude du Chivor

4) Kon-Peki

5) Noodler's Eel Black 

6) J Herbin Shogun

7) De Atramentis Document Black

😎 Sailor Manyo Ha Ha

9) Pilot Murasaki

10) Sailor Manyo Nekoyanagi


This to me would be more realistic list for FP enthusiasts.  I suspect the Shogun ink is popular current and not necessarily a long one.  And they're missing brands like Montblanc, Organic Studios, or KWZ.  

Again still surprised that bloody Ha Ha is there :)  It is my semi-translucent white whale...


BTW, Goulet Pens top 10

1) Ferris Wheel Press Roaring Patina Black (Limited Edition)

2) Organic Studio Nitrogen

3) Pelikan Edelstein Moonstone (Sale)

4) Noodler's Baystate Blue

5) Kon-Peki

6) Diamine Writer's Blood

7) Pelikan Star Ruby (Sale)

😎 OS Henry David

9) J Herbin Emerald of Chivor

10) Noodler's Liberty Elysium


13) Sailor Mother #$#@ Ha-Ha


Goulet pens has some big sales that are pushing Edelstein inks.  I'm guessing Kon-Peki and Emerald of Chivor must both be awesome inks!  I have Kon-Peki and may consider Emerald for those rare times I want to mess w/ Glitter...

Well, Emerald de Chivor doesn't surprise me. For a while it was pretty much THE shimmer (& sheen) ink. 


And now Manyo Haha might be in a somewhat similar position for multishading inks.

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I never tried Emerald de Chivor (didn't like the base ink color).  I blow hot and cold on the other J Herbin shimmer inks.  The original version (with the big gold flakes) of Rouge Hematite I liked way better than I expected (I don't tend to like blood red inks, but that's more of a brick red).  Bleu Ocean?  Overhyped, IMO.  Carube de Chypre?  Meh.  I have a sample of Vert Atlantide but haven't tried it; ditto for the bottle of Améthyste de l'Oural (although I think I'll like the base color of both of those).  But Stormy Grey?  WOW WOW WOW WOW -- bought that one as a full bottle (didn't bother with a sample) after seeing  a written exemplar at someone's table at a pen show when it first came out.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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3 hours ago, inkstainedruth said:

But Stormy Grey?  WOW WOW WOW WOW -- bought that one as a full bottle


Stormy Grey is the (only) one of the glittery Herbin inks I have, too.


The others I haven't even tried - tho I must say I kinda regret not buying Emerald of Chivor when I saw it offered 2nd hand -but unopened- for a good price. (I "can't" just buy it regularly, because I would like to have it in the original packaging which I find much nicer looking than the latter gray-boxed wide-necked rerelease).

Rouge Hematite I would like to have as well, if there was a way to identify the big-flaked version. But afaik there's no way to know which is which unless you actually try it.


The other Herbin shimmer inks I don't feel particularly drawn to.

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What the list cannot take into account at all is the financial aspect.


European inks, for example, are considerably more expensive in the USA than here in Germany, and the reverse is true for Japanese inks.

If I only have to pay between 15-20€ (incl. tax) for a bottle of Montblanc ink here, but over 30€ for a bottle of Iroshizuku; in the USA, India or Japan it is the other way round, this will have a considerable influence on popularity.

Of course, this does not change the absolute figures (which ink is sold the most worldwide), but it should be taken into account in one's personal evaluation.

The Toyota Corolla may be the best-selling car in the world, but it is certainly not the "most popular".

You will be forgiven that you cannot, but never more that you do not want to.

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19 minutes ago, Jan Mathijs Rijck said:

What the list cannot take into account at all is the financial aspect.

  1. But what is the list intended, by the entity (or persons) that compiled it, to mean or represent?
  2. And what does the individual reader (or information consumer) want it to mean, such that that meaning is imposed on other readers, in order to have a “common understanding” when discussing it and ideas arising from it, if he/she is not prepared to simply accept that the list compiler's intention is all that matters in the reading of its content?
25 minutes ago, Jan Mathijs Rijck said:

Of course, this does not change the absolute figures (which ink is sold the most worldwide), but it should be taken into account in one's personal evaluation.


Yes, but the list does not presume or pretend to either reflect or support any particular individual's personal evaluation, of either the (absolute or objective) merit or appeal of each ink, or its buy-worthiness that takes cost and ease of acquisition into account. Or, for that matter, personal satisfaction with the ink, having spent the money and effort to acquire it and then experienced the use of it first-hand.

I endeavour to be frank and truthful in what I write, show or otherwise present, when I relate my first-hand experiences that are not independently verifiable; and link to third-party content where I can, when I make a claim or refute a statement of fact in a thread. If there is something you can verify for yourself, I entreat you to do so, and judge for yourself what is right, correct, and valid. I may be wrong, and my position or say-so is no more authoritative and carries no more weight than anyone else's here.

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Isn't it simply a list based on the number of users who have listed these inks in their "collection"?


We can then wonder at who these users are, and why these inks?




Personally, I have ten of the inks listed, and majority of those I acquired because of talk/hype and 'oh, I've got to try that myself'. Out of that ten, there are a good number that I have liked and enjoyed, but maybe only two that I would consider replacing when they run out.


Certainly now, living in the UK, I rarely purchase anything other than Diamine inks due to price, but I'm going to stretch out to another bottle of kon-peki.   💙 😁



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34 minutes ago, mallymal1 said:

Isn't it simply a list based on the number of users who have listed these inks in their "collection"?


We can then wonder at who these users are, and why these inks?



Yep, exactly this: A list that is generated by a subset of a subset of fountain pen enthusiasts who just use the platform to track their inky possessions. I also have or have tried most of the inks in that list and I know many people who also have some or most of these from exchanging lists of inks to pick samples from.


Sailor Manyo Haha was the only one that I was surprised of, as this is a fairly new ink still, but as mentioned, it might (have) be(en) the "new Emerald of Chivoir", meaning it was so hyped that many people got.


I also have a bottle of Haha (and I think I also have it in my account list on fountain pen companion) and mainly use it in my generous vintage writers where it is totally legible and usable. 

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The only ink I have on the list is Waterman Serenity Blue, which I honestly thought would be higher up.

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6 hours ago, mallymal1 said:

Personally, I have ten of the inks listed, and majority of those I acquired because of talk/hype and 'oh, I've got to try that myself'. Out of that ten, there are a good number that I have liked and enjoyed, but maybe only two that I would consider replacing when they run out.

Similar here. I have ten and would buy three of them again.


Honestly I am buying more samples and less bottles now simply because there's too many inks to check out. And even my samples are getting out of hand now.

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Of the inks in the OP, I have the following:



Diamine Ancient Copper 

Iroshizuku Kon Peki 

Noodler's Apache Sunset 

Waterman Serenity Blue (on bottle #2)



Iroshizuku Tsuki Yo (I think I still have it)


Finished, didn't replace when emptied bottle 

Diamine Sherwood Green  (80 ml)


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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I think I have bottles of all of the inks in the OP (apart from the Noodler's ones) and of them, there are only about five I would definitely repurchase. Haha is one of those ;) 

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Of those 25 inks in the OP I have zero bottles - just three samples (Alt-Goldgrün, Black Swan In Australian Roses, and Haha).



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I have seven of the inks listed and would only replace two when they get low: Diamine Ancient Copper and Diamine Earl Grey. My other five are unlikely to run out.


From the JetPens list I have Platinum Carbon (and a couple of backup bottles ). And of the Goulet list just Moonstone and Writer's Blood, and will only replace the latter. I love greys, just not that one, it's hardly used.

Will work for pens... :unsure:

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I have exactly zero of the inks listed. Is there something wrong with me? 😅


(Of the OP, that is. I do happen to have a grand total of two of the inks on the Goulet list dftr shared. Ha!)

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From the JetPens and Goulet lists I have nothing either - except for the Haha sample 🤷🏼‍♀️

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*also scrolls*


from the JetPens list I have all except the Noodler's and the Shogun (which I think is a fad)

and from the Goulet list I have only five - not the FWP (see Shogun), not the Noodler's and only one each of the OS and Pelikan. 


I never seem to match up with Goulet's lists though.


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Thanks for posting this OCcal, A very helpful tool.


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From the jetpens list I only have Nekoyanagi.


from Goulet I only have Liberty's Elysium.


May buy both again.


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  • 2 months later...

From the JetPens list I have Pilot Take-Sumi (although I have given the Murasaki as a gift). From the Goulet Pens list I have Diamine Writer's Blood. But I have any number of other Iroshizukus. I'm also surprised that there are no Robert Oster inks in these lists. Am completely hooked on Robert Oster Black Violet and would purchase again and again (over the Take-Sumi, which I'm not finding very exciting).


I have recently taken an interest in Sailor Manyo. Stumbled across this thread whilst doing my research and have just ordered Sailor Manyo Ukikusa and Yomogi. Sailor Haha seems to be both popular and controversial... might have to buy a bottle just to see what all the fuss is about. 


But many thanks for the reviews. Good for the soul... not so good for the pocketbook :)

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I only have two of the inks on the list - go figure. I intend always to have a supply of Ancient Copper on hand and replaced a small bottle with a larger one when it ran low. Interesting list, however...

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