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Paper and Pen fun...


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Well, its a little slow in here, so I'd thought I'd see if I could spark a fun discussion.  I am curious to see if any others partake in this activity...


Now, I'm no expert on ink/paper or on FP's.  I buy what I like and am open to trying new things.  I think paper is as fascinating as the pens themselves.


Does anyone like to just get out all your FP's (or several if you have a lot..I have 8), ink them all up with different colors, and then get out all of your paper and and just have fun seeing what ink looks good on what paper, or what nibs feel like on different paper?


I recently spent some time trying all of my FP's on different papers to see which FP worked the best on what paper, and also what colors looked better (to me anyway) on what paper.


It was fun, relaxing, and interesting.  My job doesn't have a lot of writing, and I don't write many letters, but I really enjoy my FP's and it was a fun activity.


If anyone cares, I have 3 Montblanc pens, 3 Lamy Safaris, 1 Lamy Al-Star, and a Lamy 2000.  Paper from Rhodia, Clairefontaine, HP, Tomoe River, Midori, and Yamamoto.


Thanks for reading and look forward to hearing from others.


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No, I have too many pens to do that.  When I get beyond more than about a dozen inked up, it gets just to unwieldy.  At which point I make myself not ink ANYTHING else up until I've gotten at least two pens flushed out first.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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When I get a new paper, I tend to try all my inked up pens on it until I have an idea of it's behavior. Sometimes I get a new ink and go ooo I need to try it on x notebook.

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Getting out some or all inked pens and scribbling some lines or writing a page or two with each one for me is the equivalent to having a pause with a cup of tea/coffee or standing at the window for a while, enjoying the view and bathing in the sun for a quiet & beautiful moment.


Writing or even just playing = scribbling & doodling with my pens is the ultimate stress relief, as then I am able to shut off the inner & outer noise, calm down, and feel refreshed again.


Sometimes this even results in a little story or poem, and if not, that's okay, too.

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8 hours ago, JulieParadise said:

Writing or even just playing = scribbling & doodling with my pens is the ultimate stress relief, as then I am able to shut off the inner & outer noise, calm down, and feel refreshed again.


@JulieParadise What a perfect description.  Thanks for that.


Thanks for sharing everyone.  Glad to hear that others experience the same joy.


Does anyone have a favorite paper/pen combo that you just love?  Any papers not on my list I should try?


Cosmo Air and Tomoe River 68 I enjoy quite a bit.

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I currently like mnemosyne. I like a smooth paper. I have grown to like tomoe river because hippo notos are awesome. Not a fan of Cosmo Air for my use--the feedback feels "dry".


Highly recommend getting a perpanep. They come with a sample pad of all three papers.

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My favourite papers are the cream/ivory Life Noble papers that come in lined, graph, and blank in different pad, cahier, and notebook sizes, but I also love the Midori MD cahiers and notebooks as well as Clairefontaine's beautiful ivory coloured lined paper in their Neo Déco series' cahiers. 


As for pens and inks to combine: Almost all of them are great, as long as the pen is juicy and the ink isn't too dry! 😀

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7 minutes ago, JulieParadise said:

My favourite papers are the cream/ivory Life Noble papers that come in lined, graph, and blank in different pad, cahier, and notebook sizes, but I also love the Midori MD cahiers and notebooks as well as Clairefontaine's beautiful ivory coloured lined paper in their Neo Déco series' cahiers. 


As for pens and inks to combine: Almost all of them are great, as long as the pen is juicy and the ink isn't too dry! 😀

I have this dryish gold stub that makes this delicious squeaking sound on that clairfontaine.

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31 minutes ago, dragondazd said:

I currently like mnemosyne. I like a smooth paper. I have grown to like tomoe river because hippo notos are awesome. Not a fan of Cosmo Air for my use--the feedback feels "dry".


I actually use a Mnemosyne spiral notebook for a specific task, and yes, it is very nice.  However I tend to use blank A5 notepads for my letter writing.  Not really a fan of notebooks.


See, to me, the Cosmo Air is very smooth and I just love how the ink color looks on it, but this is why I asked...everyone seems to have their preference which is interesting to me.


6 minutes ago, JulieParadise said:

As for pens and inks to combine: Almost all of them are great, as long as the pen is juicy and the ink isn't too dry! 😀


Agreed.  Love a wet writing pen.  My Lamy 2000 and my MB 146 just lay down ink....its great.


I plan to try some Life paper soon.  I will look at the other Midori papers.  I do like the MD and MD cotton.  And I prefer white paper overall.

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Like Ruth, I rarely have more than about 12 inked. All different inks of course. Today it is twelve, a couple of days ago it was eleven. I emptied one, and filled two. I have ten filled more commonly.


I keep several different papers/notebooks active at any given time. Right now I have a couple of Field Notes, Apica in three different sizes, a Clairefontaine Neo Deco, a sugar paper essentials (sugar cane paper), Leuchtturm, a Tomoe River A5 notebook (dot) and A4 loose sheets. Also a Rhodia in A4 and a red n black in A4. Plus a Field Notes size notebook I made with TR 52 gsm for recording pen and ink combinations. Some I haven't used as recently. In the last week I have used the last one I described, Neo Deco, the Field Notes, and at least two of the three Apica. Oh and the sugar cane paper and TR 52 gsm too,


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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3 hours ago, Keyless Works said:

I test out new papers with a variety of nibs and inks. I review notebooks and paper for fun on YouTube.


Thanks!  I'll check out your channel.

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