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Help with identifying this Sailor Pro Gear Slim


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4 hours ago, A Smug Dill said:


I find no discomfort in your causing such devolvement in discussion threads, as you put it. I can do this all day long. However, if you want to talk about why, then you were the why on this occasion. You were trying to assuage your apparent discomfort with how I answered someone else question with relevant information to how the question was worded, and decided to jump in. It's no problem for me if you want to turn this into a randori session.


lol! you lack for nothing when it comes to brazen projection.



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I did eventually find out, but had unfortunately forgotten to update thread.


It's the Sailor Prochic Viva:




It seems that this particular form factor is frequently considered a Pro Gear variant (see, for example, the two above links, and this image). Back in 2008 when it was released, however, Sailor treated the 'Prochic' as a separate series from 'Profit' and 'Pro Gear', at least on their Japanese website. The model in the OP is called the Vivo. There's also a Largo model, made of the same material (rhodium-plated brass) but with larger engravings.


Several models still in production use the Prochic form factor, including the recent Cylint model, but it looks like Sailor has long since stopped referring to it by that name.

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Your Sailor Prochic Viva is a lovely pen, @womble21. It reminds me of a Duofold.

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On 11/12/2024 at 4:56 AM, womble21 said:

It seems that this particular form factor is frequently considered a Pro Gear variant (see, for example, the two above links, and this image).


Regarding Oita Made's Japan Blue, I believe the model name on the original seller's sales page is the official model name.



As for the Prochic series, please refer to Google's Search Engine Result Pages in Japanese language.

The search term is"セーラー プロシック".

If you do not add Japanese as a search language, search terms may be garbled.


P.S. in response to this thread.

Google SERPs may contain images and links to scam sites. So please, do not use them as a shopping reference.


On 11/12/2024 at 4:56 AM, womble21 said:

By the way I can't see the images on the Wayback Machine Sailor Prochic archive page. Are you able to see the images?

There was a DDoS attack on the wayback machine last month. I am afraid that the images may have been lost in connection with that.




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23 hours ago, Penguincollector said:

Your Sailor Prochic Viva is a lovely pen, @womble21. It reminds me of a Duofold.

Sadly, the pen in the photos isn't mine. I wanted one for myself, which is why I started this thread asking about its name.


10 hours ago, Number99 said:


As for the Prochic series, please refer to Google's Search Engine Result Pages in Japanese language.

The search term is"セーラー プロシック".

If you do not add Japanese as a search language, search terms may be garbled.


By the way I can't see the images on the Wayback Machine Sailor Prochic archive page. Are you able to see the images?

Thanks for providing the Japanese name (where were you 2 years ago? :)).


No, I can't see the images on that archived webpage either. I included the link mainly to show that officially, the Prochic is its own series. Unofficially, it seems some people, including even professional retailers, classify it as a Pro Gear variant, a mistake that ultimately enabled me to identify the pen.

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15 hours ago, womble21 said:

where were you 2 years ago? :)).

Two years ago, in this sub-forum, I was only posting about translations and interpretations from a cultural angle, or about fountain pens from a slightly older era. And Google Translate at that time was not as good in terms of performance for viewing longer texts.



15 hours ago, womble21 said:

No, I can't see the images on that archived webpage either.

The archive page of links to this 404 error page, which I came across in the process of researching Prochic this time, also does not show any images… Seems a little strangely to me, not being familiar with this system…






You can see the equivalent of the Sailor Chalana Pearl image lost from the archives and the Prochic Pearl image in this blog post by EF Mania.



15 hours ago, womble21 said:

to show that officially, the Prochic is its own series. Unofficially, it seems some people, including even professional retailers, classify it as a Pro Gear variant, a mistake that ultimately enabled me to identify the pen.

Agreed with that description. Those clear explanations are very easy to understand.


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