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What pen(s) are you using today?

A Smug Dill

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Today’s pen of the day is a Jinhao  10 in gradient blue I got for Christmas with F nib filled with De Atramentis 225 Years of the US Constitution or Ultramarin (their spelling). I filled the cartridge with a syringe. It was a tad overfilled, so out came a big drop. Fortunately most of it fell on an envelope. 

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Today’s pen is a Kaweco Art Sport in Pebble Blue with BB nib filled with Waterman South Sea Blue ink.  The cap was on tight. I ran warm water on it, and it opened. I made sure to wipe off the bottle threads and inside the cap. I opened this pen last on Christmas. It is the last gift I’ll receive from my Mom. 

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Today it's been the light grey Pilot Decimo, F nib, still with the as yet to be ID'd teal/blue black Diamine ink I picked up a while back at an estate sale.  Of course, tryin to refill the pen in the car (so I could finish doing morning pages -- the other pens I'd brought with me on the trip were out of reach in a pen roll in my basket in the back of the car behind the driver's seat -- while my husband was driving us home from the middle of Manhattan made things, um, interesting...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


ETA: Probably should have refilled the pen before we left his sister & brother-in-law's place, but I didn't want to make a mess if I didn't have to, plus, we were trying to pack up and get on the road and got a later start than planned as is....  

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Omas Paragon <M>

Vintage Omas Sepia Ink (writes brown, glows green)

Cosmo Snow paper

(I didn't use this pen for a while and it completely dried out so I filled it with water)



 LINK <-- my Ink and Paper tests

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36 minutes ago, Al-fresco said:

Kaweco Brass Sport - long unused and unloved - given a new lease of life with a 1.1 stub nib off Ebay.



I have one of those that I thought I would use a lot more than I do.

I had an issue with ink flow which I have managed to sort out by cutting the channel on the feed a bit deeper and wider, (a problem I find with a lot of my Kaweco pens) but still, I do not use it as much as I was expecting to.

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Today’s pen of the day is a Levenger True Writer in Northern Lights with M nib filled with Levenger Sugar Plum ink. 

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Today’s pens have been a Waterman’s 52 1/2 V red ripple and a Radius 1934 Settimo Cielo Blu.

Top 5 (in no particular order) of16 currently inked pens:

MontBlanc 144R F, Diamine Bah Humbug

Parker 45 Deluxe M, Lamy Turmaline 

Unknown Chinese Maker A-108 Acrylic Pen M, Diamine Dusted Truffle 

Waterman Caréne Black Sea, Teranishi Lady Emerald

Pilot 742 FA, Namiki Purple cartridge 

always looking for penguin fountain pens and stationery 

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Today I'm using up the ink in a blue Kaweco x Moleskine F filled with Kaweco Midnight Blue. It will cleaned and let something else come out to play. 💙

Will work for pens... :unsure:

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17 hours ago, Stompie said:

I have one of those that I thought I would use a lot more than I do.

I had an issue with ink flow which I have managed to sort out by cutting the channel on the feed a bit deeper and wider, (a problem I find with a lot of my Kaweco pens) but still, I do not use it as much as I was expecting to.

interesting - I’ve also found Kaweco nibs and feeds to be a bit hit and miss.  As a pocket pen I think the (Bock nibbed) Ensso Pocket Piuma is a better, more comfortable writer.  The Kaweco’s main advantage being that it doesn’t roll away when you put it down.  Having said that the brass version has a nice ‘steampunk’ vibe and I still like it.  

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By Christmas present pen from my Daughter! Pelikan 200 Petrol pen with Diamine Blue Lightning ink. 



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Currently inked are:

TWSBI Diamond 530, F nib and Montblanc Noir.

Conklin Word Guage in marbled ivory and black with a juicy 14k M nib and Montblanc Noir

Tibaldi Modello 60 in ivory and blue striped celluloid with 18k EF nib and Noodlers Navy.

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Today I'm using 3 Jinhao pens, experimenting with a new ink.

Teranishi Taisho, Laday Emerald ink. 

Thank You @JonSzanto👍😀


Jinaho 9019 <M>

Jinhao X159 <F>

Jinhao X159<EF>





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Sheaffer Crest tanked up with Pelikan Edelstein Onyx.  I do love the Triumph nib.

"Well, believe me, I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway."

--Crow T. Robot, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie


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So far today it's been the recently acquired black Parker 61, with whatever ink was in the capillary filler when I got it.  I'm to the point where I can write a few lines before having to reconstitute the ink again, by flushing it from behind and through the nib, then have to do it again when it gets too pale because the ink has stopped flowing again).

At some point later in the day, it will probably be the Pilot Falcon, still with Sailor Souboku, because I need to balance the checkbook (meant to bring the checkbook and bank statement with me on the trip to NYC but forgot to grab them before getting on the road), and also write some bills (technically they don't have to be mailed before January 2, but it won't hurt to get them to the post office a bit early -- especially given that the "stop mail" form I filled out before leaving town Christmas Day got TOTALLY ignored by USPS....  And so far have gotten NO response to my complaint about (several bills and a reimbursement check from our insurance company were in the mailbox -- plus a package on the hooks underneath it -- when we got home Saturday night even though we had stopped the mail from 12/26 until January 2) and then got a couple more things in the mail YESTERDAY.  I filed a complaint on the USPS website and SPECIFICALLY cited "Steve the Supervisor" (no clue what his real name is) as probably being part of the problem....  That and we don't seem to have an actual Postmaster around here: every time I try to CONTACT the Pittsburgh Postmaster I either have the phone ringing off the hook, or I just get "Steve the Supervisor" instead....  This being the same guy who told me that the USPS is "a private entity" but that it's PERFECTLY OKAY for them to NOT have license plates on mail trucks!  (I'm betting that the PA Attorney-General's Consumer people might just say differently....)

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Dunhill AD2000 in gold plate square pattern with 18k M and Private Reserve Tropical Blue

Tibaldi Modello 60 with 18k EF and Noodlers Navy.

Stipula Novecento Rex with 18k F and Noodlers Navy

And no USPS rant.

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Used an Onoto Scholar and CS Belliver. 

The Scholar is running dry and starting to skip. It's time for a cleaning and re-inking.

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6 hours ago, flodoc said:

Dunhill AD2000 in gold plate square pattern with 18k M and Private Reserve Tropical Blue

Tibaldi Modello 60 with 18k EF and Noodlers Navy.

Stipula Novecento Rex with 18k F and Noodlers Navy

And no USPS rant.

Love the Italians,  but have had piston issues with both.  Any problem with your Tibaldi?

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