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Suggest a wet brown ink for me


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Looking for a wet free-flowing brown ink towards the golden side, but it cannot be pale, for an extra-fine Pearlette in Aztec Flake. 


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Monteverde Joy Sepia would look lovely, or Diamine Desert Burst, but I think my first choice would be Akkerman SBRE Brown, which would IMO be an almost perfect colour match and behaves beautifully, and, of course, comes in the fab Akkerman bottle!

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I’ll put in another vote for SBRE Brown, and to that, if you want wettish, I would add an Iroshizuku: Yama-guri (quite dark), Tsukushi (medium brown), or Ina-ho (golden brown, leaning to green, also maybe not dark enough, but might look good coming out of that pen).

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Another vote here for Yama-guri (Tsukushi being a little red leaning for my taste, whereas Yama-guri is more sepia-tone).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Boy that Akkerman stuff is $$$$. Pretty though.

To be honest, I think I will try Diamine Ancient Copper next. Perfect match for color, one of my favorite inks, though I don't think it is all that wet. More middle of the road in wetness.


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+1 for Monteverde Joy Sepia. 

Also Diamine Ochre. Not too orange, red, grey—or expensive. It may be slightly better behaved in an EF than would be Joy. 

Edited to add:

Taccia Golden Wheat is also a good option. I have all of these + Yama Guri + some others. If you’d like samples, @sombrueil, PM me; maybe we can do a swap. 

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What a beautiful pen! When anyone says wet brown, Yama-guri immediately comes to mind but it's definitely *not* a golden brown. Noodler's Golden Browns looks like it'd be a good match with the pen going by review photos but I haven't used it myself.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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17 hours ago, goodpens said:

Also Diamine Ochre. Not too orange, red, grey—or expensive. It may be slightly better behaved in an EF than would be Joy. 

Edited to add:

Taccia Golden Wheat is also a good option. I have all of these + Yama Guri + some others. If you’d like samples, @sombrueil, PM me; maybe we can do a swap. 

I have Taccia Golden Wheat in it right now. Beautiful ink, lovely match, but in a dry extra fine nib it is a bit light. I haven't used such a fine nib in so many years I am a little at sea as to how to write with it. Maybe I have to learn to write smaller!


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