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Nakaya Nib Advice


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Hello All,


A Nakaya I ordered a while back is about to be ready! Two of my favorite nibs are the King of Pen(M) and the Custom Urushi #30(FM).

Does anyone have advice on a Nakaya nib that would be close to these? I know that on average Nakaya nibs are drier/stiffer, but would the soft/elastic modifications give a little bit of bounce? I don't care for line variation, my handwriting doesn't really allow for it, but I do like a bit of a bouncy feel. I would also like it to be decently wet. Would an elastic broad be something reasonable?

I'm ordering directly from Japan.


I read many various threads on this forum regarding nib advice, and I couldn't find something that matched my questions, so I thought I'd make a new post. Sorry for the spam!



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I found that they are very responsive: if you were tosay you wanted a wet, bouncy nib the same width as a KoP <M>, I'm sure they would be able to make a recommendation or discuss options.

Vintage. Cursive italic. Iron gall.

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Dear ILiketoWrite,


When you order from Nakaya’s website, you could leave a note asking for a pen with a very strong ink flow. After you order, you will receive an e-mail from Nakaya’s personnel and you can also stress that point (maybe having in mind that their “standard” is indeed somewhat drier). I did and twice received pens that are wet (though no gushers).


I think you might like the elastic mod, because it does exactly what you described: springy, but with no line variation. I have an elastic soft medium nib from them that, after a few initial travails, has come to be the favorite nib in my collection.


I think it’s important to bear in mind, though, that Nakaya’s nibs are very different from both KOPs and Pilot’s #30 nibs. To begin with the obvious, they are much smaller. Then the nib feeling is also different: it might be described as in the middle of the way between Sailor and Pilot, but to my hand it also feels slightly more rustic and temperamental than both. Initially the nib size was a drawback for me, but I have come to realize that I actually enjoy the strange combination of precision and bounciness on that specific Elastic Soft M. I use it everyday, while my KOPs are lying in undeserved neglect.


Hope you can get a pen you like.

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Thanks Wadude for your advice. Yes, what you said makes sense, and what I suspected. The shapes and sizes of the nibs are drastically different, so perhaps I should take the nibs as they are and not try to make one do something it can't :) 

Silverlifter, I've reached out to Nakaya to see if they can suggest something, but if not I will likely go with the elastic SM.


Thanks to you both!

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